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Wellbeing Services in Devon

Gender Diverse Support

We can support students exploring their gender identity, or in the process of transition, with advice and guidance through the University and referral to internal and external specialists. Not all students ask for the same level of support, so we work with individals to explore your personal circumstances and needs.  

Our practitioners have completed training with the Intercom Trust and the Trans and Non Binary Café, and have had consultation with a lived experience trainer, which helps the team provide all-round student support with awareness of challenges that might be unique to our LGBTQI+ community. We aim to constantly evolve our understanding of these challenges. The team are always available to speak to gender diverse students about non-gender-related issues.

Wellbeing Services support includes:

  • A confidential and non-judgemental space to talk through your feelings and your experiences. This can include coming out to yourself, coming out to others, and exploring your gender identity;
  • Staff who are committed to practicing in ways that are inclusive, accessible, and affirming to students from all backgrounds;
  • Additional support and signposting to relevant services and sources of support;
  • Advice on matters like changing your name quickly and easily in University systems.

If you would like to find out more about Wellbeing Services support of any kind, or make an appointment, call us on 01392 724381 or email us at

Trans and Non Binary Cafe

The Trans and Non Binary Cafe is an accessible, respectful and confidential space that is open to all, regardless of gender or age.

Students' Guild Gender Expression Fund

The Guild offers a non-means tested Gender Expression Fund where trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students can purchase gender affirming products and be reimbursed for travel to medical or therapy/counselling appointments.


The Student Health Centre on Streatham campus can discuss your medical needs and support options, such as the possibility of referral to a Gender Identity Clinic. You can find information about NHS treatment for gender dysphoria on their website or from GIRES, a national transgender charity.

Updating your personal details

We want to make it as safe and easy as possible for you to bring your whole self to University, and be comfortable being who you are. See the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpages for further details on how to change your name in University systems and our gender inclusive facilities.