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Wellbeing Services

Support for professionals

If you’re a DSA Assessor or healthcare professional looking to get in touch with the team or refer a student to our services, please contact us via:

Further information for DSA assessors for students based on our Cornwall campuses can be found on the Information for Needs Assessors page.

Our book an appointment pages summarises the routes students can use to book themselves an appointment. You can find information for students on our Devon campuses and our Cornwall campuses. You may also find our advice for staff page useful.

Medical Evidence for students

If you have been asked to provide medical evidence for a student

Work with us

If you are a wellbeing professional looking to work with our team, please see our latest job vacancies on the University jobs website – you can find available roles within our service if you type “wellbeing” into the second free text search field.

If you are looking for a role in our Student Services team in Penryn which includes Wellbeing and Accessibility, please go to the Cornwall Campuses jobs page.

Wellbeing charities or public health organisations

If you would like to get in touch to share information about your organisation with our staff or students through our weekly email newsletters, please use the email addresses below:

For other things such as to host a stand on campus, provide leaflets for our students or to propose hosting an event such as a peer support group on our campus, please contact: