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Urgent Support
Exam Adjustment Deadlines

Please note that deadlines will apply to discuss exam adjustments through Wellbeing Services. 

For more information on exams, please see the Exams and Assessments webpages.

Exam adjustments and Individual Learning Plans

Exam adjustments and Individual Learning Plans

Reasonable adjustments for examinations (such as extra time, laptop usage, specific rooming provision) can be put in place with the support of Wellbeing Services, and appropriate supporting evidence.

It's important to note that previous exam adjustments you may have had before registering at the University will not automatically transfer to your study at Exeter.

Additionally, there are exam adjustment deadlines throughout the year prior to each exam period, after which we cannot guarantee that new adjustments will be in place. Please ensure you get in touch with us as soon as possible prior to relevant deadlines in order to discuss your support.

Cornwall students can request exam adjustments by contacting the Accessibility team based on our Penryn campus.

Get in touch with our team

If you require exam adjustments due to a mental health condition, a specific learning difference, disability, or physical health condition, you can contact us via the ILP request form.

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) informs your Faculty of recommended reasonable adjustments that may be put in place once you have contacted us to discuss support requirements.


Reasonable adjustments are put in place using an ILP in order to remove barriers that may prevent a student from participating at university, and to minimise the impact that your health condition or disability may have on your ability to study.

This can include regular support meetings with your Faculty, specific equipment requirements, or exam arrangements.

For postgraduate students an ILP covers their research and their viva. 

If you require an ILP, we ask that complete the ILP request form. One of our advisors will then be in contact, and if appropriate, an ILP will be set up and stored on the Student Record System.

ILPs can be set up before you start your studies at the University or at any point during your time with us.

You can update or review your ILP at any stage by contacting Wellbeing Services ( to arrange a discussion.

Wellbeing and your Info Point/Hub Teams will send out periodical reminders to students to think about whether they want to update their ILPs, especially in the run-up to exams. 

You can view your ILP in your iExeter portal under the Student Record & Registration tab.

Please find a step-by-step guide to viewing your ILP in our ILP Manual.

Your ILP is viewable by Wellbeing Services, the Exams team, your personal tutor, module convenors, and your Faculty support staff, so that they can put those agreed adjustments in place. For PGR students, your supervisory team will also be able to view your ILP.