
To speak to someone from the Chaplaincy on the Streatham campus, please call:

01392 723649
during office hours

07501 512855
outside office hours

Prayer and faith facilities policy

Race and religion

With around 22,500 students from over 130 countries, we are proud of our ethnically diverse environment. We welcome staff, students and visitors of all ethnicities and from all faith backgrounds. We strive to provide an inclusive environment where our community is free to observe their faiths and traditions, learn about the religions and cultures of others to participate in respectful and tolerant debate and celebrate both our diversity and the educational goals that bring us together.

We run specific widening participation schemes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) students. Working with partners such as IntoUniversity, we run progression schemes for pre and post 16 pupils as part of the University of Exeter Scholars Scheme. The scheme, developed with the help of BAME students, involves skills development, familiarisation with HE, residential options and via online platforms. Find out more about these programmes on our Exeter Scholars page.

The University of Exeter has a Race Equality Group which aims to improve the representation, progression and success of minority ethnic staff and students. We provide a range of support including widening participation schemes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) prospective students, as well as support for current students.

Exeter Speaks Out

The University of Exeter is an inclusive community, where everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Harassment, bullying, intimidation and discrimination go against all we stand for and will not be tolerated. If you've experienced or witnessed any of the above we encourage you to report it and to get the support you might need. Further support is available on the Exeter Speaks Out website.

Academic support

Each of Academic College also has an Inclusivity Representative, who acts as a first point of contact for any staff or students who need signposting to sources of support

Career support

Many organisations actively seek applications from ethnic minorities who may be underrepresented in their work force. There are many schemes in existence aimed at helping students and graduates gain the experience and skills that employers are looking for. For more information, see our CareerZone Equality and Diversity webpage.

In addition to other work experience schemes available to all students (e.g. student campus partnerships etc), students in receipt of the Access to Exeter bursary are eligible for the University's A2I scheme which provides paid internships for WP students.

In welcoming students from all faith backgrounds, we take very seriously the need to provide for differing lifestyles, including provision for prayer, meditation, group worship and quiet reflection, as well as practical issues like dietary requirements and space to carry out ritual ablutions.

Muslim students should consult the Muslim Students’ Guide for more information on halal food on and off campus.

Our Jewish community can read more about facilities and provisions on the Jewish section of the Chaplaincy site, including information about kosher student accommodation.

You can find out about spaces in the Prayer and Reflection section below.

The University of Exeter's Multifaith Chaplaincy offers advice and support to staff and students. It currently has Chaplains who are:

  • Buddhist
  • Christian
    • Anglican
    • Baptist
    • Catholic
    • Free Churches (Baptist, Methodist, United Reformed Church)
    • Independent Christian Churches
    • Methodist
    • Orthodox
    • United Reformed Church
  • Hindu
  • Humanist
  • Jewish
  • Muslim
  • Quaker
  • Sikh

The role of Bahá'í Chaplain is currently vacant, but the Chaplaincy can put you in touch with those who can support you.

Chaplains can be contacted at any time. Information is available via the Chaplaincy website.

Prayer rooms for Muslim students, staff and visitors are available at all campuses. There are two chapels: the Mary Harris Memorial Chapel at Streatham Campus, and St Luke's Chapel at St Luke's Campus. Streatham Campus also has a Chaplaincy Quiet Room in the Old Library, for any students or members of staff who need a moment of quiet time.

The Chaplaincy runs a variety of events during Welcome Week for students from a variety of faiths.

You can find contact information about chaplaincy support for your faith group on the Chaplaincy site.

Every Friday between 11am and 1pm, the Chaplaincy provides free tea, coffee and cake at the Chaplaincy Hub. It's a chance to meet new people, chat to a Chaplain, and find out more about the Chaplaincy Hub. Everyone is welcome!

Streatham Campus

The quiet room - this multifaith space is located on the first floor of the Old Library. It is available for members of all faiths and none, bookings can be made online and can be used for:

  • reading
  • quiet reflection
  • contemplation
  • worship
  • prayer
  • meditation

Mary Harris Memorial Chapel of the Holy Trinity - this Anglican chapel is available to staff and students for quiet reflection, and worship is offered on weekdays and Sundays. If you wish to enquire about bookings, please email the Anglican Chaplaincy Administrator.

Muslim prayer rooms - located in the Old Library on the lower floor, there are separate rooms for men and women, respective areas for ablutions and a common room for Muslim students.

Chapel of the Holy Spirit - the Chapel can be found within the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy on Glenthorne Road. If you wish to book the space, please contact the Catholic Chaplain, Father Michael Wheaton via email.

St Luke's Campus

St Luke’s Chapel - this Anglican chapel is available to all students and staff for quiet reflection. It has a lounge and kitchen space, and can be booked through the Anglican Chaplaincy Administrator.

Muslim prayer rooms - these rooms (with facilities for ablutions) are located in the Holnicote Building.

Penryn Campus

The Multifaith Chaplaincy at the Penryn Campus is a partnership between Falmouth University, the University of Exeter, the Anglican Diocese of Truro and the Cornwall Methodist District. It provides a quiet room for reflection, contemplation, meditation and prayer for all staff and students.  To make an appointment, call 01326 370460 or email

There are a number of student societies for students to learn about different religions including the Islamic Society and Hindu Society. See our ‘Societies’ section below for more information on faith, spiritual and worldview societies on our campuses.

The University of Exeter holds and supports many Equality and Diversity related events and activities throughout the year. Our inclusivity calendar provides details of forthcoming events.

Freshers’ week

The Chaplaincy and the Students’ Guild host a range of events for students of faith during Freshers’ Week – please refer to your Welcome Packs for more information.