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Degree Partnerships

Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship

Final award: 

  • IfATE Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship
  • MSc Advanced Clinical Practice
Duration 3 years
Entry point(s) September
Application deadline

Dependent on employer, see How to apply

Campus St Luke’s Campus, Exeter



  • Designed for practitioners from a range of backgrounds including (but not limited to) radiography, nursing, pharmacy, paramedics, occupational therapy and midwifery
  • Develops the skills and expertise required to respond to challenges facing our modern day health service
  • Provides a strong academic underpinning to the role of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner and encourages apprentices to expand their scope of practice as part of the advanced practice agenda outlined by the Health Education England multi professional framework for advanced clinical practice
  • Explores real world cases in problem-based learning groups, developing peer support networks and the opportunity to share clinical experiences
  • Successful completion of the programme will result in the award of the Level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship and a University of Exeter MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice

View 2025 Entry

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Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72

Top 10 icon

Top 10 in the UK for our world-leading and internationally excellent Clinical Medicine research

Based on 4* + 3* research in REF 2021

Medal with star on icon

Our Public Health research is 11th in the UK for research power

Submitted to UoA2 Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care. REF 2021

Medical building icon

Major capital investment in new buildings and state-of-the-art facilities

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Vibrant and active research student community supported by excellent pastoral and academic staff 

Entry requirements

A minimum second-class Honours degree (or a Professional Diploma for older qualifications) in a healthcare related discipline. 

There is a requirement from the Education and Skills Funding Agency that apprentices hold a level 2 qualification in English and Mathematics.

If an applicant does not hold GCSE's (C /4 or above) in English and Maths or cannot evidence these or equivalent qualifications, they should be willing to work towards Level 2 Functional Skills qualifications prior to Gateway.  

For more information about how we support Functional Skills, click here.

It is also a requirement of the programme that all applicants are registered with the appropriate statutory regulatory body for the profession (such as the HCPC or NMC) and have two years post-registration clinical experience.

Relevant clinical experience or previous postgraduate qualifications will also be considered as part of the admissions process.

Individual employers will set selection criteria for their apprenticeships in discussion with the University.

The apprentice must have a valid and eligible residency status to gain entry onto the apprenticeship – please see the ESFA guidance for further information.

How to apply

Selection to this programme is made by employers; applicants will already hold a relevant post working with an NHS service or independent provider. Apprentices will continue working for their employer throughout the duration of this apprenticeship. Applicants will need to speak to their HR department and/or manager to gain sign off to undertake this apprenticeship.

Once an employer agrees to the apprenticeship, applicants will then be required to undertake an application for the University. If successful, they will be offered a position. A place will be confirmed by us, and we will send further information about how to enrol as an apprentice.


Full programme cost: £12,000

The employer fully covers the cost of the apprenticeship; apprentices do not pay for any of the eligible training costs. The apprentice will be an employee of the organisation, gaining a University of Exeter award alongside working and earning a salary.

Employers who pay the Apprenticeship Levy will pay for the apprenticeship fees directly through that contribution.  See further information on the Apprenticeship Levy funding.

Employers must pay their apprentices a salary at least consistent with national legislation.

Funding eligibility criteria

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Course content

With ever growing demand on our healthcare services, there is a need for highly skilled professionals to utilise research-informed practice to lead and transform healthcare. This programme has been designed to meet the needs of our healthcare sector to deliver a high standard of care that puts the patient first. Apprentices will be able to lead from the front to tackle the complex problems encountered in modern healthcare.

Throughout this course apprentices will:

  • Develop their clinical practice, enabling them to work autonomously and flexibly in order to make complex decisions about how people should be cared for and treated
  • Understand the relevant professional, legal and ethical issues that apply to their work
  • Promote multidisciplinary practice by involving clinicians and practitioners from a variety of disciplines to understand the wider clinical context of health care service needs
  • Gain a sound educational grounding that will encourage critical analysis of literature, documents and policies associated with advanced practice
  • Undertake research, audit and evaluative activities that develop personal knowledge and expertise and can be disseminated in a community of practice, improving evidence-based patient care across systems

Compulsory modules

Year 1 - 60 credits of compulsory modules 

CodeModule Credits
HPDM128DA Principles of Advanced Clinical Practice 30
HPDM133DA Advanced Clinical Assessment and Decision Making 30
HPDM165ADA Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice 0

Compulsory modules

Year 2 - 60 credits of compulsory modules

You must select either HPDM147DA or HPDM132DA which is then deemed compulsory. Previous accredited learning that relates to one of these two professional areas will necessitate the selection of the other compulsory module.

b You must select one module from a choice of: HPDM166DA, HPDM184DA or HPDM065DA, which is then deemed compulsory.

CodeModule Credits
HPDM147DA Practice Certificate in Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (see note a) 45
HPDM132DA Advanced Skill Development (see note a)45
HPDM165BDA Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice (b) 0
HPDM065DA Care of the Older Adult (see note b)15
HPDM184DA Advanced Clinical Practice in Primary Care (see note b)15
HPDM166DA Research Skills for Advanced Clinical Practitioners (see note b)15

Compulsory modules

Year 3 - 60 credits of compulsory modules

CodeModule Credits
HPDM152DA Advanced Clinical Practice Improvement Project 30
HPDM165CDA Transitioning to Advanced Clinical Practice 10
HPDM120DA End Point Assessment 20


Approximately 20 per cent of an apprentice's contractual working time will be given over to study. Our model is designed to be flexible around the needs of apprentices and workloads. No weekly day-release is required, mitigating disruption of their daily role and ensuring maximum flexibility.

The blended learning format incorporates:

  • A multi-disciplinary learning environment giving apprentices the opportunity to engage with a variety of perspectives and experience
  • In-person teaching comprising of small group, evidence based learning
  • Educators from diverse backgrounds, all bringing strong clinical and academic skills to the classroom
  • A range of online resources to support face-to-face teaching


Each module will include both formative and summative elements. Formative assessment will involve opportunities for discussion and feedback from peers and tutors. The summative assessment element for each module will provide apprentices with the opportunity to demonstrate achievement of the intended learning outcomes.

Elements of assessment will include:

  • Development of knowledge and understanding
  • Cognitive and intellectual skills
  • Key/transferable Skills

Assessments will be multi-modal (such as portfolios, presentations and OSCEs) and will enable demonstration of alignment with the four pillars of advanced clinical practice.

Our dedicated degree apprenticeship partnerships team liaise closely with employer partners throughout the programme. Each apprentice is allocated an academic mentor to ensure their successful completion of the programme.

Apprenticeship Standard

Alongside working towards their level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship, gained after completing the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours of the apprenticeship standard, apprentices also study for an MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice.

This programme aligns with the level 7 Advanced Clinical Practitioner standard.

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Employer information

This programme has been designed if you are looking to develop your team’s knowledge and skills in Advanced Clinical Practice, or upskill your workforce to be at the cutting edge of clinical, educational, research and leadership-based practice.

Apprentices will develop the ability to respond to modern-day healthcare challenges through cultivation of the knowledge, skills and behaviours that underpin the four pillars of advanced practice: clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research.

A combination of taught theoretical concepts in conjunction with the opportunity to strengthen and consolidate practical skills, ensures graduates of the programme are well-equipped to manage the complex problems encountered in healthcare.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner Brochure


This programme aims to enable clinicians to practice to their full potential, meeting the healthcare needs of the population through innovative, collaborative and autonomous working. There are a multitude of career opportunities within the advanced clinical practice sphere and these continue to grow on a yearly basis.

Developing your skills and career prospects

A combination of taught theoretical concepts (including: research capabilities, clinical skills development, service improvement and education and leadership concepts) in conjunction with the opportunity to strengthen and consolidate practical skills, ensures graduates of the programme are well-equipped to manage the complex problems encountered in healthcare.

Top 10 icon

Top 10 in the UK for our world-leading and internationally excellent Clinical Medicine research

Based on 4* + 3* research in REF 2021

Medal with star on icon

Our Public Health research is 11th in the UK for research power

Submitted to UoA2 Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care. REF 2021

Medical building icon

Major capital investment in new buildings and state-of-the-art facilities

Large group icon

Vibrant and active research student community supported by excellent pastoral and academic staff 


We are accredited by The Centre for Advancing Practice