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International Summer School

Our International Summer School Programme 2024

Check out our programme below for an idea of what you could be doing next summer! 


We always start our programme in London. This gives you the chance to get to know your new classmates, relax and have fun after a busy study period, and get to explore our capital city! 

  • Arrivals day - we meet you at the airport or in our city centre hotel and welcome you to the programme
  • Orientation Talk - Get to grips with the programme and meet the International Summer School Team, on site to help you 
  • Future Impact Academic Workshops - meet some of our expert academic colleagues who will introduce you to the big challenges that face all of us and how the University of Exeter and our students are working to help solve these. 
  • London Walking Tour - take in the main sites of London on a walking tour with a difference! Guided by our Student Ambassadors, it is a chance to explore, learn new things and most importantly laugh at some of the plain strange facts facing from the history of London
  • London Dungeons - Explore the history of London with an interactive, jumpy and hilarious experience in the Dungeons! 
  • Warner Brother Studios - Visit the real home of Harry Potter and the sets, and even learn to ride a broomstick!
  • British Museum - Take in one of the most famous and largest museums in the world, controversial to many but always worth a visit even for the controversy! 
  • Changing of the Guard - Watch a historic event unfold in front of you with our centuries old tradition of the Changing of the Guard ceremony outside Buckingham Palace
  • Globe Theatre - Experience a play like no other! Watch Shakespeare in the setting of old within the Globe Theatre, just as the crowds would have done in the 1600s. 
  • Travel to Exeter - Leave for Exeter as a group and settle into the accommodation on campus, explore the campus with our Student Ambassadors and enjoy a welcome event to help you get to know our university and the people on our programme.

In week 2 of our programme, the academic side of things begins with the course introduction and our academic sessions, delivered by our field leading lecturers and external specialists. 

Alongside the academic programme, we also have a few firm favourites on our Social Programme 

  • The Great British Pub Quiz - join a night like no other, unless you are in the UK in which case it is something of a regular occurrence for many of us! Make sure you have an international team to take on the traditionally tricky pub quiz night and learn things you never realised you needed to know (and probably don't!) 
  • Day Trip to the Jurassic Coast - explore the area of Lyme Regis, famous for fossils, geological wonders, Mary Anning and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Don't forget the bit about a wonderful beach, water front and water sports area to relax in or get your adrenaline going. 
  • Day Trip to Dartmoor National Park - Take a tour around the breath taking Dartmoor National Park, one of the largest national parks in the UK, famous for its myths and legends, scene setting for novels and films through history, and it's unique landscapes. 

Continue on with your academic programme in Week 3 and have some free time to explore the South West of the UK or possibly even further afield in the UK or Europe. Add in a mixture of social programme activities and you are definitely not going to get bored!

  • Bowling Night - a classic and firm favourite of students all the world over when socialising. Some of the funniest and warmest memories of new friendships on our International Summer School come from nights out like this in a fun, relaxed setting. 
  • Day trip to the city of Bath - Take a trip to the original 'wellbeing destination', literally named after the Roman Baths found and still open to the public (not for a bath!) today. The city of Bath is famed as one of the most beautiful places in the UK, known for its Georgian architecture, home of Jane Austen, and Roman ruins. 
  • Day trip to the Eden Project - Visit the world famous Eden project; a conservation site with a difference! The aim of the site is to explore what could be achieved if people worked together with nature to solve problems. What has come from it is an incredible experience of natural environments from all over the world in the instantly recognisable Biomes, all set in an old quarry. 

In our final week on the International Summer School, the main focus of the academic programmes is on the group assessments and take home assignments that seek to help you refine and put to use all you have learnt in the past three weeks, both in and out of the classroom. 

Outside of the classroom, we always make sure the programme ends with a bang to ensure long lasting memories and connections all over the world for everybody. 

  • Karaoke Night - a firm favourite though not always the most talented of nights! The karaoke night has become an institution on the International Summer School and goes a long way to help cement the friendships started on the programme
  • Celebration Night - on the last academic day of the programme, we have an awards ceremony like no other (unless you count the Oscars on which it is based!) Ranging from funny memories and anecdotes to truly inspirational stories and reflections, everyone is encouraged to celebrate and look back on a summer that leaves a lasting impression for everyone involved, including us as staff. Smart casual wear is recommended and we have had people go all out and rent tuxes for the red carpet and awards ceremony before! 
  • Day trip to Dartmouth - a nice, relaxing way to spend the final day of the programme together in a beautiful local riverside town, famous for its maritime history, landscape, fish and chips, and general laid back attitude. 
  • Return transfer to Heathrow Airport - time to say goodbye to everyone though for many of our students year on year, it's simply a 'see you soon' as we get stories of get togethers long after the programme has ended and fast friendships that pass the test of time and distance.