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Postgraduate Study - PhD and Research Degrees

Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)


Degree types explained

  • Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy)

Degree duration details

Start date


Location Streatham Campus
Study modes

Study mode details

Full time 3 years


  • Over 40 years' experience in providing clinical psychology training
  • Emphasis on adult lifelong learning exemplified in our problem-based learning approach
  • Strong commitment to offer a broad theoretical base in the three major evidence-based approaches (CBT, CAT and systemic)
  • Expertise in clinical neuropsychology and mood disorders
  • Commitment to equity, inclusion and promoting diversity
  • Active involvement by Experts by Experience in designing and delivering teaching, committee membership and recruitment of staff and trainees
  • Excellent range of research opportunities


Web: Enquire online

Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72


DClin PGR support team:

View 2025 Entry

How to apply

Apply online

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Clinical doctorates website

Internationally respected and fast developing social, environmental and organisational psychology research group, and a major centre for cognitive, clinical and neuroscience research

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11th in the UK for internationally excellent research in Psychology

REF 2021 based on 4* and 3* research, submitted to UoA4 Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Top 10 icon

Top 10 in the UK for Psychology

8th in the Complete University Guide 2025 and joint 9th in the Guardian University Guide 2025

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Extensive research facilities including eye tracking, EEG/ERP and TMS laboratories, audio-visual recording suite and MRI scanner


The British Psychological Society logo
Health & Care Professions Council logo

This programme is accredited by the British Psychological Society and has been approved by the Health and Care Professions Council.

BPS Accreditation

Our latest BPS Accreditation visit in June 2022 highlighted these areas of good practice for our programme:

  • The range of therapy modalities and potential opportunities for dual accreditation that the programme provides for trainees.
  • The programme team offers great support and engagement for Experts by Experience (EbE).
  • There is a positive relationship between placement supervisors and trainees.
  • The programme is highly regarded by the University stakeholders.

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How to apply

Applications are made through the clearing house website.  Overseas applicants who do not meet criteria for home fee status should also apply through the Clearing House system.

All applications must be sent to the Clearing House by the beginning of December the year prior to entry. Visit the Clearing House website for precise deadline dates each year.

Visit the Clearing House website for more information on how to apply.


Our approach to selection:

We are looking for trainees ready to embrace learning, with an existing commitment to inclusion, reflection and developing high levels of competence in research, clinical work, academic assignments and socio-cultural competence. We also want to attract trainees who are able to demonstrate that their values and behaviours align with the values of the NHS Constitution and who meet the requirements of the Clinical Psychology Trainee Job Description and Person Specification (pdf).

Our selection process:

Minimum requirements for application

All applications that meet the minimum academic and clinical requirements for the course will go through our shortlisting process. In order to apply you must have:

Graduate Basis for Registration (GBC) confirmed at time of application;

Plus one of the following

  • 1st class or 2:1 psychology degree
  • 1st class or 2:1 non-psychology degree plus completion of an accredited psychology conversion course, awarded at a Merit or Distinction
  • 2:2 undergraduate psychology degree plus a research Masters (a course that requires completion of a research dissertation), awarded at Merit or Distinction, a DPhil or a PhD
  • 2:2 without a Masters if one of the Contextual Admissions criteria (on the Clearing House Contextual survey) is met

Plus a minimum of 1 year (full time equivalent) of clinically relevant experience


All applications that meet the minimum academic and clinical requirements for the course will go through our shortlisting process outlined below:

Assessment questionnaires

All applicants who meet the minimum application criteria will be invited to undertake a battery of questionnaires which ask about various relevant capacities (such as self-reflection, receptivity to feedback, compassion and team working).  These questionnaires are not tests of intelligence or mental ability; you will be sent a link to complete these questions at home.

Fairness and equality of access is our priority at Exeter.  The questionnaires used have been rigorously tested for validity and reliability across a range of populations and we have undertaken our own internal checks to ensure that their use has not shown bias towards any particular group.  We will continue to review this every year.

Application form review

Scores on the assessment questionnaires are rank-ordered and the top 50% are sent to our second stage of shortlisting, where forms are reviewed by our shortlisting panels.  After this, applicants will be informed if they have been invited to interview. We shortlist 90 applicants to interview for 30 places.

Positive action

Due to the underrepresentation of people from the global majority in the profession of clinical psychology and the demonstrated bias towards white applicants in the shortlisting process, we have devised a Positive Action route for applicants who identify as being from a racially minoritised group; this has been used for the past two years

Following the application form review, all those who are not shortlisted for interview and who identify as from a racially minoritised group, will be considered under the Positive Action policy.  Eligible applications are reviewed and if they meet the minimum interview criteria (a minimum score across our standard shortlisting criteria), they will be offered interview.  Additionally, any applicants eligible for Positive Action who are placed on the reserve interview list during the shortlisting process, will be automatically offered interview.

Positive Action interviews are offered in addition to the 90 short-listed interviews.  Positive Action interviews are randomly allocated to interview panels throughout the interview days and are undertaken in exactly the same way as other interviews; panel members do not know who has come from the Positive Action route and application forms are not made available to interview panels.  In the two years we have used Positive Action, people coming from this route have been amongst those who received first-offers and reserve-offers to our cohort.

If you would like to make use of our positive action processes you will need to provide consent for your Equal Opportunities data to be shared with the course at the time of application.

Application data

The data you provide in your application is used in the following areas:

  • for processing your application and for the selection processes we use as a programme;
  • for audit, research and service enhancement, which may include making anonymised data public;
  • for producing and reporting monitoring statistics, which may include making anonymised data public.

Please note that when making anonymised data public, this will always be reporting data as a group and never for individuals.

DBS checks

All offers are conditional on successful completion of DBS checks (candidates are responsible for organising this) and Occupational Health checks.


Following shortlisting, applicants will be notified whether they are being invited for interview, on the reserve list for interview, or have been unsuccessful.

Interviews will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams in the spring of each year. We have a two-stage interview process - one interview will focus on research knowledge and ability, the other will focus on clinical knowledge and ability, and readiness for training. Interviews will take place on the same day with a break in between and will be undertaken by different interview panels, allowing for multiple and diverse perspectives to feed into the outcome. Interview panels will be made up of course team members, clinicians and experts by experience. Candidates may be given tasks to undertake prior to the interview in preparation for the day, such as a video/roleplay/research design.

Applicants who are invited for interview will be able to take advantage of our buddy system, enabling them to meet with a current trainee prior to interview to find out more about the lived experience of the course and trainee life at Exeter. Applicants who require adaptations to interview processes due to disability / additional needs should contact us.

Applicants should consult the Clearing House website to find out the dates for interview for the relevant year and whether interviews will be online or in person. In exceptional circumstances, alternative interview dates are available, please contact the course team to find out if your circumstances apply.

Once interview days have concluded, applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application (offer, reserve offer or unsuccessful). Unsuccessful and reserve list applicants will be given the opportunity to meet with the chair of their interview panel to get feedback on their interview.

All offers of a place on a course are dependent on satisfactory criminal record and health checks and compliance with health checks will be acted upon.

International Trainees

We hold our international interviews a month before our ‘home student’ interviews. Shortlisting for international interviews is done by programme staff and the interview panel is made up of a member of the programme senior management team and a Psychology Head of Service from one of our local NHS Trusts. Like the home students, unsuccessful international trainees are offered a chance to talk to the course staff that interviewed them for feedback.

English language requirements

International students need to show they have the required level of English language to study this course. The required test scores for this course fall under Profile F: view the required test scores and equivalencies from your country.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

The programme is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across all aspects of the course, not only from a social justice standpoint, but because we recognise the immense value that a broad range of experiences and backgrounds bring to the profession of Clinical Psychology. We are committed to diversifying the profession so that clinical psychologists also reflect the diversity within the client groups we serve.

We welcome applicants from diverse cultural and personal contexts, mature applicants with extensive life experience, and applicants with disabilities. Candidates with disabilities are welcome to contact us to discuss the programme's capacity to meet their training needs. Please contact the Programme Administrator or the University AccessAbility department for further details.

Our selection procedures are designed to be fair, and informed by current thinking on broadening access, thereby enabling the Exeter programme to select the strongest candidates. We use positive action for people from racially minoritised groups and contextual admissions processes for those who have faced socio-economic disadvantage. We do not require candidates to have a driving licence; however, because of the remoteness of some of the placements this is advised.

We run two mentoring schemes for those from racially minoritised backgrounds: Breaking Through, for those considering applying for DClinPsy training, and Amplify, for those currently on training. We also have active ‘Anti-racism’ and ‘Addressing Disability’ working groups on the course so that we can continuously review and refine our processes.

DClinPsy training at Exeter is informed and enriched by input from our Lived Experience Group. Experts by experience are involved in the design and delivery of the course including selection, the curriculum and teaching, and research consultation, and we are committed to continued involvement. We encourage those with experience of using clinical psychology and mental health services to apply.

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Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsy) – Open Day Event

Online Open Day – Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (September 2026 Entry)

Potential applicants for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Exeter (September 2026 entry) are invited to attend our online Open Day:

Date: Wednesday, 15th October 2025
Time: 13:00–15:00 BST
Location: Online

For more details and to register your interest, please follow the link to Eventbrite.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Fees and funding

Fees are paid by HEE for students who have obtained a commissioned place. Trainees are appointed at Agenda for change band 6 at the first point on this scale.

International fees for 2025/26 are: £31,200 per annum

My favourite aspect of training at Exeter is the plurality of perspectives that are encouraged across the academic, clinical, and research strands. 

As someone who tends to think about psychological distress in terms of relationship and community connection, I loved the fact I was exposed to ideas and approaches that reinforced my perspective but also added new layers and sometimes even challenged my assumptions. This has enabled me to think much more broadly and deeply about clinical work, research, and my own self-concept as a psychologist. 

Read more from Trainee


Cohort 2021

Course content

Teaching, research and placements

We place an emphasis on core competencies across clinical specialisms and theoretical orientations. The academic content is enriched and informed by the experiential learning gained on clinical placements.

The programme works in partnership with local NHS providers and has strong links with the region’s clinical psychologists who contribute to teaching and are able to offer a wide range of clinical experience in a variety of settings. We offer training to supervisors on having a trainee and on anti-racism and inclusion.


Progression through the doctorate requires successful completion of continuously assessed tasks which are coordinated across the three modules to ensure a reasonable workload. These are supplemented with a number of formatively assessed assignments.

Feedback is regularly sought from trainees on the quality of teaching, placements and all other aspects of the programme.

The views of our stakeholders are valued highly and all stakeholders, including trainees, are key members of decision-making committees that influence programme development (e.g. placement, curriculum, selection, joint training committee, etc.)

Course Handbooks

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As a marginalised person, I had my concerns about relocating to the South West of England. However, placement supervisors, clinical tutors, and management, including my appraiser, have been extremely supportive and considerate of my needs, social positioning and both personal and professional goals

I have also found the faculty overall to be genuine, and I have had enjoyable conversations with them about clinical psychology and how it relates to our lives.

Placement supervisors have also appropriately and genuinely initiated conversations about race, neurodiversity, gender, sexuality, and other social graces. I also admire the course's dedication to diversity and inclusion. The course has plans and will continue to explore ways to make the profession more diverse and inclusive.

There were so many interesting topics to learn about on the course, including and not limited to systemic practice, leadership and organisational influence, dynamic models of working, neuropsychology and cognitive analytic therapy. Overall, my time here has been truly a life-changing experience.

Read more from Trainee


Cohort 2019

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The programme is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) across all aspects of the course, not only from a social justice standpoint, but because we recognise the immense value that a broad range of experiences and backgrounds bring to the profession of Clinical Psychology. We are committed to diversifying the profession so that clinical psychologists also reflect the diversity within the client groups we serve.

We welcome applicants from diverse cultural and personal contexts, mature applicants with extensive life experience, and applicants with disabilities. Candidates with disabilities are welcome to contact us to discuss the programme's capacity to meet their training needs. Please contact the Programme Administrator or the University AccessAbility department for further details.

Our selection procedures are designed to be fair, and informed by current thinking on broadening access, thereby enabling the Exeter programme to select the strongest candidates. To address socio-economic inequality and contextual admissions, we have a slightly different selection criteria for those with contextual admissions. You do not need a driving license to study at Exeter; however, because of the remoteness of some of the placements this is advised.

We run two mentoring schemes for those from racialised minority backgrounds: Breaking Through (PDF), for those considering applying for DClinPsy training, and Amplify, for those currently on training. These mentoring schemes are to try to overcome the barriers that structural and systemic racism create. We also have active ‘Anti-racism’ and ‘Addressing Disability’ working groups on the course. We choose to have working groups rather than an EDI committee so that we can stay task focused and put our energy into making changes for the better.

Once such change is that if applicants from a racialised minority ethnic group meet a minimum shortlisting criteria (which is not detailed on this website), then we will put people through to interview. The minimum criteria is there because all candidates must fulfil this in relation to research, clinical skills and readiness. We will put this in place for all applicants who have given the Clearing House permission for us to know your racialised identity, and if this falls into a racialised minority because of this underrepresentation in Clinical Psychology.

DClinPsy training at Exeter is informed and enriched by input from our Lived Experience Group. Experts by experience are involved in the design and delivery of the course including selection, the curriculum and teaching, and research consultation, and we are committed to continued involvement. We encourage those with experience of using clinical psychology and mental health services to apply.

We encourage those with experience of using clinical psychology and mental health services to apply:


As well as senior and experienced trained clinicians who are also working in various clinical settings, teaching on the programme, students also have access to senior, research active supervisors and teachers in a range of research methodologies, qualitative and quantitative, with a wide spectrum of research interests. For more information about the course team and their clinical and research interests, see our profiles of academic and research staff

You can expect:

  • High-quality research supervision to develop and nurture your potential
  • A tailored supervision approach to help best suit your requirements
  • Accessible supervisors who are enthusiastic about working directly with postgraduate research students
  • Regular timetabled meetings with your supervisor
  • Regular meetings with your supervisory team, other members of your research group, and mentors

Internationally respected and fast developing social, environmental and organisational psychology research group, and a major centre for cognitive, clinical and neuroscience research

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11th in the UK for internationally excellent research in Psychology

REF 2021 based on 4* and 3* research, submitted to UoA4 Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience

Top 10 icon

Top 10 in the UK for Psychology

8th in the Complete University Guide 2025 and joint 9th in the Guardian University Guide 2025

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Extensive research facilities including eye tracking, EEG/ERP and TMS laboratories, audio-visual recording suite and MRI scanner