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Exeter Scholars

Scholarships & supporters

Exeter Scholars is supported by a number of generous individuals who have made donations and scholarships available to programme participants who succeed in becoming Exeter Senior Scholars and choose to study at the University of Exeter.

We are grateful to these donors for their generous contributions to the programme, and are thrilled that Exeter Senior Scholars will have the opportunity to benefit from these donations.

IMPORTANT: These awards are made on an awarding criteria basis rather than through an application process; please see the 'awarding criteria' for details of the intended recipient(s) of each award. You will be automatically contacted by Freshers' Week of your first year if you have met the awarding criteria for the Exeter Scholars Attainment Award; we will provide you with further information at this point about how the scholarship will be administered.

IMPORTANT: No Senior Scholar will be able to qualify for more than one award. Should a Senior Scholar meet the criteria for two awards, then they will be given the highest value Scholarship and the next eligible Senior Scholar will be identified for the remaining support. NB: This excludes the Exeter Scholars Attainment Award; any Senior Scholar who meets the criteria for this award will receive it.

For a reminder of how participants (including national Pathways to Law and Realising Opportunities participants) can become Senior Scholars and thereby become eligible for these scholarships, please see our benefits package page. 

Below you can find a list of all the scholarships available, listed according to the year of university entry, and some information about the individual who has made this award possible. 

Donor: Various

Amount: £1500 for the first year of study

Awarding Criteria: All Senior Scholars who achieve grades AAA or equivalent.

Year of Entry: Ongoing – this award is annual and available for every year of entry

Following Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Sir Steve Smith's retirement in August 2020, the University – with support from alumni and friends – has established this award in honour of a leader who steered Exeter to become one of the UK's fastest-growing and rapidly rising research universities.

Donors: Various

Amount: £6000 per year for the duration of the recipient's first undergraduate degree studies

Awarding Criteria: The Senior Scholar in each academic college who has overcome the most barriers to progressing to higher education, as determined by the Exeter Scholars or Realising Opportunities eligibility criteria at the point of joining the programme, will be selected as the successful recipients of the award. One recipient will be identified in each academic college. Students who have graduated as Senior Scholars through the national Pathways to Law programme will not be eligible.

Year of Entry: Ongoing – this award is available from year of entry 2021 onwards, with one award recipient in each academic college at any given time. Re-awarding will take place when previous recipients have graduated from their undergraduate programme which will be 2024 entry at the earliest.

Ric and Dianne Piper, the parents of Laura who studied Law at Exeter, established this award as a long-lasting memory of Laura for her family and friends. She was extremely proud to have studied Law at Exeter.

Donors: Mrs Dianne & Mr Ric Piper

Amount: £4000 per year for three years

Awarding Criteria: The highest achieving Senior Scholar who has completed the Pathways to Law subject activity strand, hosted by the University of Exeter, and has accepted an offer to study with the Law School

Year of Entry: Ongoing – this award is available from year of entry 2018 to year of entry 2032 (inclusive)

Resonance: SuppoRting black studEntS fOr reduciNg inequAlity iN aCadEmia

Donor: Various

Amount: £3000 per year for three years (four years for MEng programmes)

Awarding Criteria: A high-achieving Senior Scholar who is Black or Black British African, Black or Black British Caribbean, other Black background, or an individual who identifies as mixed white and Black Caribbean or mixed white and Black African, and has applied to study a degree in the College of Engineering, Maths, and Physical Sciences at either the Streatham or Penryn campus. A total of three scholarships will be available each year.

Year of Entry: Ongoing – this award is available from year of entry 2021 onwards

Donor: Funded by the University of Exeter

Amount: Three awards of £3000 per year for three years

Awarding Criteria: A high-achieving Senior Scholar studying at each University of Exeter campus (Streatham, St Luke's, and Penryn) who is from a Black, Asian, or minority ethnicity background

Year of Entry: Ongoing – this award is available from year of entry 2022 onwards

Donors: Various (find more information here)

Amount: £4000 per year for three years

Awarding Criteria: The three highest achieving Senior Scholars who are living in Cornwall (one Senior Scholar per academic year (2022, 2023, and 2024))

Year of Entry: 2022, 2023, and 2024 only (one scholarship per year)

Donor: Connie White (nee Foaards)

Amount: £10,000 per year for the duration of studies

Awarding Criteria: Students are eligible for the award based on the following criteria -

Registered on the UG BMBS programme at the University of Exeter
Have been domiciled in Devon or Cornwall for the majority of their life since age 11
Have qualified as an Exeter Senior Scholar
Willing to commit to a career in medicine for a minimum period of five years
Priority is given to those studying medicine as a second degree
Priority is given to the five highest achieving students who are eligible each year
Year of Entry: Ongoing - this award is available from year of entry 2023 onwards

Donor: Various

Amount: £4000 a year for 3 years

Awarding Criteria: A high achieving Senior Scholar who has declared a disability on their UCAS application form

Year of Entry: 2024 entry only

Donor: Various

Amount: £4000 a year for 3 years

Awarding Criteria: A high achieving Senior Scholar who has declared student carer* status on their UCAS application form

Year of Entry: 2024 entry only

*The University follows the same definition as The Carers Trust who defines a carer as anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem, or an addiction, cannot cope without their support. Applicants who select student carer on their UCAS form will also be asked by the University to complete a short form outlining their caring responsibilities as a part of the application process.

Donor: Sara and Nigel Tozzi (both LLB Law, 1979)

Amount: £4000 per year for three years

Awarding criteria: A high achieving Senior Scholars, including national Pathways to Law and Realising Opportunities participants, living in a low income neighbourhood (as defined by home postcode) or who qualified for free school meals or a school bursary at the point of joining the programme.

Year of entry: 2024 only

Recipient requirements

If you were to be awarded one of these scholarships, then you will need to be aware of this information.

By accepting one of these awards you will be asked to agree to the following requirements:

  • Write a short letter on receipt of the award to thank the donor(s) for their support
  • Submit annual progress reports (approx. 500 words) for the duration of your award, documenting the impact the award has had on your academic and personal development. These will be shared with the donor(s) and held by the Global Advancement office to help us manage the ongoing relationship with the donor(s)
  • Attend University events and participate in internal and external communications activity relating to your award, where you are reasonably able to do so
  • Attend annual meetings with the donor(s) during your period of study, supported by the Global Advancement office
  • Agree to the University of Exeter contacting you following the completion of your studies to seek updates regarding how the award may have impacted upon or influenced your career
  • Agree to the University of Exeter using your name in publicity material to promote the Exeter Scholars programme to future participants.
  • Agree to, at all times, follow the University and Government guidance relating to the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that the University of Exeter and the communities surrounding its campuses remain safe for all. Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone found to be flouting the law and/or the University's regulations and, as a result, your scholarship payments may also be suspended or cease completely