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Exeter Scholars

A focus on wellbeing

The Exeter Scholars programme holds the wellbeing of our participants as a priority. We are keen to not only support those who have specific wellbeing requirements – such as mental health difficulties, learning difficulties, and accessibility requirements – but also to support the building of resilience and encouraging all participants to consider and look after their wellbeing.

Exeter Scholars Programme Updates

We dedicate a section of every Exeter Scholars programme update to hints, tips, and information about your wellbeing – both now and, if you decide to go, at university. In this section, you can find (among other things) an introduction to the kind of wellbeing support that you can find at university, where there is a huge amount of support available for you for any kind of wellbeing requirement.

Online Support

In addition to the face-to-face activities that you will complete throughout your Exeter Scholars experience, you will also have access to an exclusive online learning platform throughout your time on the programme. We aim for this online platform to include a resource on wellbeing and resilience, which we hope will support you in your current studies as well as preparing you for the future – whether that future includes higher education or not.


If you have any concerns about any requirements that you may have at university, then you can get in touch with the Wellbeing team at the University of Exeter to ask, as a potential student, about how they would be able to provide assistance for you should you come to study with us. You can find more information on the University of Exeter Wellbeing website.