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Exeter Scholars

National Residential 2023

Participants outside of the south west of England can join one of our two National pathways, either a week-long residential experience on-campus in the July between Year 12 and Year 13, or a week-long virtual pathway course in the Winter season in Year 12. 

There are different subject strands available for each pathway, and applicants will be asked on the application form to choose their preferred subject strand. Students can only complete ONE of the pathways. 

Campus Residentials

On the five-day campus residential, you’ll get both the chance to stay in university halls and explore the area around the University of Exeter, and the opportunity to explore a particular academic subject in more detail. Subject strands take place at either the Streatham campus in Exeter or the Penryn campus in Cornwall.

The residential in Penryn, Cornwall, takes place from Monday 10th - Friday 14th July 2023.

The residential in Exeter, Devon, takes place from Monday 24th - Friday 28th July 2023.

IMPORTANT: We aim to place participants on their first choice of residential and subject strand, but due to demand and availability we are not always able to do so. In this case, we will place participants on their second choice of residential and subject strand. Please do try to choose a residential and subject strand (see lists below) for your second choice that you would be just as happy to study as part of the Exeter Scholars programme. 

To apply, you will need to fulfil the programme's eligibility criteria. Find the application form and a full list of eligibility criteria here.

Find a list of the programme benefits here.

On the five-day summer residential event, you'll get both the chance to stay in university halls and explore the area around the University of Exeter, and the opportunity to explore a particular academic subject in more detail.

If you choose to travel to the residential by train, we pay for and arrange all of this for you. Please note that this is our preference. 
If you choose to be driven to the residential, we will reimburse you mileage for this journey. Please note there is no parking so we do not recommend that you drive yourself to the residential. 

Code of conduct

Participants will have to abide by this code of conduct‌.

What to bring


  • Comfortable clothes for attending lectures, and whatever leisure wear you like.
  • Clothing and footwear suitable for taking part in sports activities.
  • Trainers / comfortable walking shoes and some sun cream – you will be expected to do some walking.
  • Waterproof clothing and an umbrella in case it rains. It may be necessary to be outside to move from location to location even in wet weather!
  • A warm jumper / fleece – it can get cold in the evenings.
  • OPTIONAL: Swimwear and towel for swimming in the University pool (Streatham Campus only) / beachwear and towel for visiting the beach (Penryn Campus only).


  • All meals are included, but you may wish to bring some money to pay for snacks, cans of drink, etc. in the evenings. 
  • There will NOT be the opportunity to go shopping in Exeter or Falmouth. 
  • You should NOT bring large sums of money with you as there will be no facilities to store money securely. 
  • There are free cash machines on both the Streatham and Penryn campuses; you will not be allowed to leave the campus to use different cash machines.

Bedding, towels and toiletries

  • All bedding and towels will be provided, so it is not necessary to bring any with you.
  • Bring essential toiletries such as toothpaste, shampoo, and soap.

Electronic equipment and valuables

  • You are advised NOT to bring anything of great monetary or personal value with you, as we cannot be held responsible for the loss or theft of these items. 
  • Mobile phones are allowed, but should not be left on during subject activity sessions. 
  • You are very welcome to bring a camera with you to record your time at the residential.

Study materials

  • You will be provided with necessary materials to complete your studies, including pens, pencils, paper, etc. 
  • You may have access to computers (including the internet) and can use these for your studies.

As part of the Virtual Residential, we expect all participants to complete 15.5 hours of academic content across the week (approx. 3 hours per day). We aim for the Virtual Residential to be flexible and allow participants to engage with the majority of academic content at a time that suits them.

Participants will take part in daily, live project work sessions, which will be scheduled to take place after the school day. Some additional academic lectures and presentations may take place during school hours. This may mean that you need to miss some timetabled school activity during the virtual residential week. It is your responsibility to communicate with your school regarding this commitment and to get any absences authorised. 

Alongside this, you will have the opportunity to participate in social activities and meet other participants on the programme, and speak to current University of Exeter students about student life!

Code of conduct

Participants will have to abide by this code of conduct.

Virtual residential subject strands 2023

The Virtual residential will take place from Monday 4th - Thursday 7th December 2023.

Join us for this exciting subject stream that encompasses a variety of disciplines across the field of the Humanities, Arts and Culture, inspiring you to unlock your potential, think critically, creatively, and reflectively, and connect the past, the present, and the future. You will engage in subject taster sessions and content to enrich your knowledge, gain experience of university learning, and help you to decide what you want to study at degree level. You will develop excellent skills in communication, analysis, creativity, discussion, collaboration, adaptability, empathy, independent thought, and research – these transferable skills are highly sought after by employers across many industries and fields, and these subjects lead to a wide range of diverse career paths, setting you up for a bright future. 

You will broaden your horizons as Humanities, Arts, and Culture subjects equip you to better understand concepts and theories and to interpret contemporary and past subjects and texts. You will examine relevant cultural, social, political, philosophical, and historical issues and ideas, as this field often expresses the voices of the times from individuals and communities, helping us to better understand human experience. You will not only gain a taste of academic learning, but you will be empowered to find your voice and develop appreciation for the Humanities and Arts that shape our world. 

This stream of study may include content from the following subjects, subject to availability: English Literature and Creative Writing; Communications; Film and Television Studies; Drama; Classics and History/Ancient History; Art History and Visual Culture;Philosophy and Religious Studies; Arab and Islamic Studies; Archaeology andAnthropology; and Modern Languages and Cultures 

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.  

There's more to the medical world than white coats and stethoscopes. On this subject strand, you will explore not only the broad strokes of studying Medicine and other health sciences at university, but gain insight into research, practice, public health and more! Begin your journey into the world of medicine and health sciences and its wealth of specialisms and opportunities beyond! 

In our interactive sessions, you will have the opportunity to explore health from scientific, ethical, and practical perspectives, supported by university research and teaching staff and current students. Participation is key: by engaging fully in these sessions, you will have an exceptional opportunity to develop and refine many of the skills crucial for success in your future career within incredibly varied, vibrant, and competitive field of medicine and health sciences. 

Subjects contributing to this strand: Medicine (Streatham and Penryn), Nursing, Medical Science, Medical Imaging , Sport Science, Nutrition, Biosciences

Participants must be studying Biology at A Level or at IB or equivalent 

Throughout history, scientists, mathematicians and engineers have studied the world around them and used their findings to answer fundamental questions about the universe and tackle the problems of the day. This is no different today as scientists work to address global issues, including one of the largest problems the world is currently facing: climate change. The Physical, Life and Environmental Sciencessubject stream will give you an insight into how scientists from a range of different subject areas are working to create solutions to the challenges we face, with a focus on climate change, and the opportunity to participate in a group project. 

Subjects contributing to this strand: Physics, Geography, Ecology and Conservation, Engineering, Maths.

In the event of this subject strand being oversubscribed, priority for places will be given to students studying a related subject.

Join us for this dynamic subject stream which will empower you to explore relevant and vital issues affecting the world today and unlock your potential in the fields of Social Sciences and Business. Challenge yourself by examining some of the major questions facing our society, our global economy, and our political, legal, business, social, and cultural landscapes, and think about how we can make a difference. You will engage in taster sessions and content across a wide range of subjects to enrich your knowledge, gain experience of university learning, and help you to decide what you want to study at degree level. You will be encouraged to think critically, reason effectively, and be reflective while analysing and discussing stimulating topics and complex issues, in addition to gaining invaluable practical skills. You will develop strong transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, analysis, empathy, collaboration, research, discussion, innovation, and strategic thinking. These skills are highly sought after by employers across many industries and fields, and these subjects lead to a wide range of diverse career paths, setting you up for a bright future.   

In today's environment of rapid national, international, technological, social and cultural transformations, the fields of Social Sciences and Business make up some of the most relevant and exciting programmes of study. Whether you have a passion for social change or entrepreneurial aspirations, choose this subject stream to be part of the global conversation, develop your perspectives, and to imagine possible futures in this ever-changing interconnected world. 

This stream of study may feature content from the following subjects, subject to availability: Law; Sociology, Criminology and Anthropology; Politics, International Relations and History; Arab and Islamic Studies; Business and Management; Accounting and Finance; Economics; Marketing; Philosophy and Religious Studies; and Modern Languages and Cultures.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Campus residential subject strands 2023


Contributing subjects:

  • English
  • Film and Television Studies
  • Liberal Arts
  • Art History and Visual Culture
  • Drama

In this exciting and diverse subject activity strand, you will take part in sessions that give you first-hand experience of what it is like to study Arts and Humanities subjects at university, with opportunities to participate in taster sessions in English, Film and Television Studies, Drama, Liberal Arts, and/or Art History and Visual Culture. This strand will nurture your appreciation of the creative arts and will both challenge and inspire you to express yourself and find your own voice.

This strand will influence you to think creatively and critically, and you will develop skills in communication, analysis, discussion, collaboration, adaptability, empathy, research, and problem-solving. You will broaden your horizons as Arts and Humanities subjects equip you to better understandconcepts and theories and to interpret texts or subjects in the past or present, from literature, to film, to television, to art, to theatre, etc. These transferable skills are highly sought after by employers across many industries and fields, and these subjects lead to a wide range of career paths.You may have the opportunity to tour innovative facilities on-campus such as the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum and the Digital Humanities Lab.Finally, you will examine contextual factors such as culture, society, politics, and history, as the Arts and Humanities often expresses the voices of the times from individuals and communities, helping us to better understand human experience.

Is Drama compulsory?

No, it is not compulsory. While some students love Drama, we understand that it can be nerve-wracking for some, so we have split this programme into two pathways and you will be able to choose a specific pathway for this Arts and Humanities strand.

If you are interested in engaging in Drama, you will receive 2-3 Drama sessions as part of the programme in addition to most of the subjects listed above. However, if you are not interested in engaging in Drama, you can choose a pathway in which Drama does not feature but other subjects do instead.

To confirm, you will choose your pathway after you have been allocated a place on this subject strand.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand. 

Please note that if you wish to study English at the University of Exeter, you will need to be studying English Literature or English Literature & Language at A Level or IB or equivalent. Also if you are interested in English Language, the University of Exeter’s English programme does not include English Language.

Contributing subjects:

  • Sport and Health Sciences (including Exercise Sport and Health Science) 
  • Nutrition 
  • Biosciences (including Biochemistry)

From investigating the functions of microscopic cells to helping world-class athletes perform for crowds of millions, science plays a key role in our understanding, maintenance, and treatment of the human body and this subject activity strand is ideal for those interested in science and its real-world applications to health. The Biological, Human, and Sport Sciences subject activity strand combines three of our key disciplines – Biosciences, Sport and Health Science, and Nutrition – to introduce you to the huge range of study options, research, and career pathways available within the field of science. You will develop key skills and insights into our courses, and have the opportunity to learn from academic staff, researchers, and current undergraduates about their jobs, lives, and ambitions at the University of Exeter. 

Science at university encompasses a varied range of subjects and many interesting perspectives and in this subject strand, you will get the opportunity to study scientific subjects in the broader sense and learn about the real-world applications of science. Explore the science of sport, exercise, and movement, and how this can be applied to improving performance and supporting rehabilitation and injury recovery. Study the benefits of nutrition and biomedical research in improving public health and the treatment of illness. Learn how the study of Biosciences can support crucial climate action and sustainability, paving the way for a brighter future. Through a mixture of taster lectures, practical lab-based sessions, and research-inspired teaching, this fascinating subject strand will give you an insight into studying Biosciences, Sport and Health Science, and Nutrition at university.

Participants must be studying Biology and one other Science subject at A Level or IB or equivalent.

Contributing subjects:

  • Anthropology
  • Archaeology
  • Classics and Ancient History
  • History 

In this fascinating strand combining all things History and Culture, you will get a chance to explore deep into the past, from the Neolithic and Medieval periods, right to 19th century history. Not only will you get to study aspects of Classic and Ancient History such as the ancient Mediterranean world, but you will also get the chance delve into the field of Archaeology and its diverse range of topics- from human evolution to forensic anthropology to the creation of today's landscapes, visiting our laboratories and artifacts from current research studies! Not stopping there, you will also explore Anthropology, gaining a unique and global perspective of society and culture, whilst learning about anthropological ideas around ritual, kinship, religious beliefs, ethnicity and how these contribute to important global debates. In History you will move to more contemporary topics such as gender, race and global imperialism, navigate diverse geographical regions, looking into Early Modern British and European history discourses around histories of power, identity and knowledge.

In addition to all that, you will also get chance to learn more about Exeter’s own history with a trip to the Exeter underground passageways!

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Contributing subjects:

  • Law
  • International Relations
  • Politics
  • Middle East Studies

Are you interested in discovering how and why people behave, interact, and have adapted over time, shaping societies and communities across the globe? Do you have a strong sense of justice and want to learn about the power to make significant change in legal and social systems?

In today's environment of rapid global, social, technological, and cultural transformations, Law, Politics, and International Relationsare some of the most dynamic programmes of study that are relevant to issues and experiences that we face today.

In this exciting subject strand, you will examine the past, present, and future and how they interconnect, engage in critical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and reflection, and explore and debate challenging topics such as party politics, protest, conflict, equality, morality, power, civil rights, and more.

While Politics focuses on national affairs, domestic policies, and political theories, concepts and ideologies, International Relations focuses on political issues and foreign affairs affecting the world today and Law is the study of the legal system and how it comes into contact withalmost every area of human life.Together they form a varied and relevant stream of study, in which you will have the opportunity to explore legal, social, cultural, and ethical issues and tackle fundamental questions about society, communities, and justice.Through this subject strand, you will develop transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical analysis, empathy, interpersonal and collaborative skills, and creative thinking. You’ll have the opportunity to engage in discussions about social transformation and legislation, to develop an insight into the key challenges facing contemporary society and the law, and to join in the debate on achieving equality, fairness, and positive change for our global future.

In times of upheaval and change, Law, Politics and International Relations, will inspire you to open your mind and ask questions, teaching you to think rigorously, debate and defend your views, and to better understanding the world, giving you the opportunity to join the global conversation. If you are captivated by the exploration of societies and communities, the legal system, and have an interest in national, international, and global concerns, this is the subject strand for you!

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Contributing subjects:

  • Medicine
  • Medical Sciences
  • Nursing

There's more to the medical world than white coats and stethoscopes. On this subject strand, you will explore not only the broad strokes of studying Medicineat university, but gain insight into its relationship to research, practice, and to public health. Begin your journey into the medical world and its wealth of specialisms and opportunities beyond!

In our interactive, hands-on sessions, you will have the opportunity to explore Medicine and Medical and Allied Healthcare Professions from scientific, ethical, and practical perspectives, supported by university research and teaching staff and current medical students. Our sessions – which will range from research topics, to the core tenets of ethics, to tips for successfully applying to medical school in the first place! – will focus not only on equipping you with knowledge, but also on introducing you to the engaging, collaborative, and formative 'problem-based learning' style that underpins all our teaching at Exeter.Participation is key: by engaging fully in these sessions, you will have an exceptional opportunity to develop and refine many of the skills crucial for success in your future career within incredibly varied, vibrant, and competitive field of medicine and the medical professions. 

Participants must be studying Biology and Chemistry at A Level or at IB or equivalent.

Contributing subjects:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Astrophysics
  • Computer Science

This subject strand brings together three exciting disciplines that have one key thing in common: they utilise an understanding of science and mathematics alongside cutting-edge technology to create solutions to real-world problems, and to answer questions about the world around us.

From studying the atmospheres of exoplanets to learn more about the weather and climate on Earth, to using artificial intelligence to solve problems in healthcare, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists are using scientific knowledge, creativity, and critical thinking to solve significant challenges in society and understand fundamental things about the world we live in.

On this subject strand, you will meet academics, researchers, and current students, and have the opportunity to participate in a range of activities across the disciplines such as problem-solving workshops, hands-on sessions in our labs, and lectures and demonstrations from academics who are conducting research at the forefront of their fields.

You will get a good picture of what it is like to study a science-based degree at university. You will see just a few of the many opportunities it can open up, and understand the importance of these fields to society.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Please note that if you wish to study Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, or Astrophysics at the University of Exeter at degree level, you will need an A-Level, IB or equivalent in Mathematics. For Physics and Astrophysics, you will also need an A-Level, IB or equivalent in Physics.

Contributing subjects:

  • Sociology
  • Psychology
  • Criminology
  • Q-Step (quantitative methods training in social science) - subject to their availability

In this subject strand, you will discover how and why people behave and interact and how they have adapted over time, influencing, and shaping societies across the globe. You will tackle fundamental questions about society, culture, and the mind, examining the rich diversity of human life.

Criminology is the study of crime from a social perspective and criminal behaviour, Psychology is the study of the mind and how it dictates and influences our behaviour, and Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour. Together they form an exciting, varied, and relevant stream of study, in which you will have the opportunity to explore a broad range of social, cultural, legal, and psychological issues.

Interactive sessions will be delivered by top researchers in their fields of study, in which you may study topics as wide and diverse as social inequality, behavioural change, the prison system, policing, human rights, personality, development, mental health, addiction, sex and gender, ethics, social data, discrimination, violence, globalisation, and the media.

You will get to see our cutting-edge psychology laboratories and find out about current research our PhD students and academics are undertaking to contribute to their fields. Sociology, Criminology and Psychologyare fascinating areas of study that can open up many doors in shaping your future career. This exciting subject strand is concerned with social transformation and in developing an insight into the major challenges facing contemporary society.

If you are captivated by the exploration of human behaviour, societies and communities, criminal behaviour, the mind itself, and are keen to develop your critical thinking skills and understanding of the world, this is the subject strand for you!

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Please note that if you wish to study Psychology at the University of Exeter at degree level, you will need an A-Level or IB or equivalent in one Science* subject.

* Please check specific degree programmes on the Undergraduate website to confirm the accepted Science subjects.

Contributing subjects:

  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing

This subject strand will challenge you to view recent changes through the lens of four academic disciplines which permeate our daily lives: Economics, Accounting, Management, and Entrepreneurship. Our society is rapidly changing, leading the business world to adapt and evolve like never before. By learning the language of business, you can take the first step to making an impact in a complex, hyper-connected and unpredictable society. You will examine a range of real-world issues, think like a business leader of the future, and discover where studying a range of business-related subjects could take you.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.


Contributing subjects

  • Zoology
  • Conservation Biology and Ecology
  • Animal Behaviour
  • Marine Biology
  • Evolutionary Biology

Biology is the study of life, from the microscopic bacteria on our skin to the enormous blue whales inhabiting the oceans. As biologists, we ask questions about living organisms and how they interact with their environment. We try to understand the weird and wonderful behaviours that we observe and why these vary among different individuals and species. We study the evolutionary processes that produced the amazing diversity of life on Earth and how we can best conserve it.

Our activities will provide an insight into life as a bioscience student. We believe in research-inspired teaching, and this will be reflected in the activities we run, which include lab work, a field trip and research project, and interacting with our current students.

Through this strand, you will broaden your knowledge of the bioscience subjects taught on the Penryn Campus: animal behaviour, conservation biology and ecology, marine biology, evolutionary biology, and zoology. You will experience these areas and gain experience of different university learning styles in the classroom, lab, and in the field. Activities will include a laboratory practical, a mini research conference led by our postgraduate students, and a fieldtrip which will give you the opportunity to explore some of Cornwall’s amazing wildlife. During all of these activities you will be joined by students and staff from the department and will be able to find out more about their research and where a degree in biosciences could take you. This is the perfect opportunity for budding scientists to learn more about what studying biosciences at university is all about!

In the event of this subject strand being oversubscribed, priority for places will be given to students studying Biology at A-Level

Please note that if you wish to study Zoology, Conservation Biology and Ecology, Animal Behaviour, Marine Biology, and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Exeter at degree level, you will need an A-Level or IB or equivalent in one Science* subject.

* Please check specific programmes on the Undergraduate website to confirm the accepted Science subjects.

Contributing subjects:

  • Geography

  • Geology

  • Marine Science

  • Environmental Science

Geography is an all-encompassing subject, covering the patterns and processes that shape both human society and the physical processes on Earth, and indeed how the two interact. As such, Geographers study the atmosphere, ocean, ice, land, life, renewable energy, and the relationships between communities and cultures and their environment.

Geology is the study of the history of our planet, including the materials it is made of, and the processes that form mountains, ocean basins, and volcanoes. It also includes the study of ancient creatures preserved as fossils in rocks, and even the make-up of other planets in our solar system.

Marine Sciences is the scientific study of oceans, the life that inhabits them, and their physical characteristics, including the depth and extent of ocean waters, their movement and chemical makeup, and the topography and composition of the ocean floors.

Environmental Science is the study of our environment and the solutions to environmental problems. It covers plant and soil science, oceanography, atmosphere, geology, and the influence of humans on the environment. Here at Exeter, we also teach environmental law which is key to providing solutions to many of the environmental problems we face today, such as climate change and habitat loss.

This subject strand will provide a taster of what it's like to study these subjects at degree level. We will run several activities, including a field trip to our beautiful Cornish landscapes, lab work, interactive activities, and talks about some of our current exciting research, such as an upcoming trip to the Antarctic region. You'll also get the chance to meet some of our current students! We are a friendly and welcoming group, and this subject strand will give you a great opportunity to find out what studying at university is like.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand. 

Please note that if you wish to study Geology or Marine Science at the University of Exeter at degree level, you will need an A-Level or IB (or equivalent) in two Science* subjects. If you wish to study Environmental Science, you will need an A-Level (or equivalent) in one Science* subject.

* Please check specific degree programmes on the Undergraduate website to confirm the accepted Science subjects.

Contributing subjects:

  • Business
  • Law with Business
  • Politics
  • Management
  • International Relations
  • History

In today's rapidly changing global world, we face a number of challenges surrounding inequality, the environmental crisis, and conflict, posing social and ethical dilemmas. The academic disciplines of Politics and International Relations, History, Law and Business work together to address these questions, even going so far as to address the gritty criminal side of law. In this subject strand, you will challenge yourself by examining some of the major questions facing our society and consider how we can make a difference. By understanding these challenges, we can identify opportunities to transform our ever-changing world for the better. This subject strand will encourage you to think critically, reason effectively, and be reflective whilst analysing and discussing challenging topics by using in depth and involved activities for you to address these topics. With this strand you can be a part of the global conversation and solving the environmental issues, stand up to argue morality with your strand and discover where the fields of Politics and International Relation, History, Law and Business could lead you.

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Contributing subjects:

  • Engineering
  • Renewable Energy Engineering
  • Sustainable Energy Futures

Engineers combine science, creativity and critical thinking to solve significant challenges in society.Sourcing clean and sustainable energy is one of the biggest global challenges we face, and there is anever pressing need to find new and innovative solutions to the ongoing energy and climate crises.Through constant exploration and innovation, engineers are key to advancing endeavours in building a sustainable future.

On this subject strand, you will gain an insight into life as an engineering student and an understanding ofcore principles in engineering, with a focus on how to apply these to create new renewable energy technologies.This programme provides an insight into what being an engineer means, offering an unrivalled opportunity to engage with world-leading experts in the field, exploring new ideas and technologies and testing these through hands-on experimental approaches.We believe research-inspired teaching and, in line with our focus on practical skills development, this course will largely be held in laboratory and field settings alongside classroom learning – truly immersing you in life as an engineer.You will have the opportunity to experiment with hands-on workshops, hear inspiring talks from our lecturers and researchers, and experience university life on campus.This is the perfect opportunity for budding creative thinkers and problem solvers to learn more about what studying an engineeringsubject at university is like and how to create new renewable technologies!

There are no specific entry requirements for this subject activity strand.

Please note that if you wish to study Engineering or Renewable Energy Engineering at the University of Exeter at degree level, you will need an A-Level or IB (or equivalent) in Mathematics and one Science* subject. For Sustainable Energy Futures, you will need one Science subject.

* Please check specific degree programmes on the Undergraduate website to confirm the accepted Science subjects.