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Go Abroad


Scholarships can provide financial support whilst you are on your study or work abroad placement. Please find below the list of scholarships available to students for the 2023-24 academic year.


Each year BUTEX awards a number of scholarships to students studying abroad for a semester or a whole academic year, and students undertaking an overseas work/internship/traineeship placement of varying lengths of time.

BUTEX scholarships are based on a calendar year and not the academic year. Students that have a placement that will take place across two calendar years will be able to apply in each year, but please note individuals can only win a BUTEX scholarship once.

Students must be undergraduates and be affiliated with a BUTEX Full Member University to be eligible to apply. Please check all the application requirements below.

To apply: Visit the BUTEX Scholarship website.

The Study Abroad Green Award is for study abroad students who can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable travel and actions whilst on their year abroad.


How much will I receive?

The ten successful applicants will receive a total of £500 each over the course of the year abroad. Upon signing of the Scholarship Agreement, the funds will be split between two payments, one at the beginning of the mobility (around September) and one towards the end (around Easter).


Please note that the funding available is limited and cannot be guaranteed.


Deadline: 22 July at midday (12pm) UK time



  • You must be a full-time University of Exeter student.
  • You must be undertaking a full year or one semester study placement in the 2024-25 academic year at one of our partner universities.
  • You must not already be receiving funds for sustainability-linked travel from Exeter, your host organisation, or an external organisation.
  • You must not be in receipt of more than one source of funding per project, excluding the Turing Scheme and Student Finance (i.e. if you are successful in more than one scholarship application, you must choose which one to receive and decline the other(s)).
  • At the end of your mobility, you must submit evidence of having undertaken the proposed activities in your application, further details of which are below.


Application and report:

  • As part of the application, you will need to submit a statement of motivation (of no more than 500 words) pledging how you will act sustainably while you are abroad, as well as how you will spend the funds, demonstrating a commitment to a sustainable lifestyle.
  • At the end of your study placement, you must submit a testimonial evidencing how you undertook the activities proposed in your application whilst on your year abroad and how the funds were used. This can be in any form, for example: a short essay, a video diary, a podcast, or a scrapbook with photos and written statements. We are open to suggestions!
  • If the report is not returned to the Outbound Team, you will be required to return your scholarship in full.


Examples of sustainable activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Travelling to your host country by train, boat or bus (or a combination of the three).
  • Sustainable travel whilst in your host country (in conjunction with other activities).
  • Being an active part of a club or society, either at or outside of your host university, that focuses on green initiatives, such as taking part in regular beach cleans, rewilding projects, or conservation projects.
  • Volunteering.
  • Running a project or campaign that raises awareness of Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, sustainability initiatives, etc.
  • Sustainable lifestyle changes, for example: buying clothes, bedding, and anything else you need second hand and selling when you leave, or taking it with you from home (in conjunction with other activities).
  • Attending exhibitions and events focused on sustainability.


Apply here


For further information, please contact the Outbound Team: