Module selection

What modules can I take?
As an Exchange or Direct Enrol student, you can request to study modules in our departments excluding Liberal Arts, the Graduate School of Education and our Degree Apprenticeship programmes.
Biomedical Sciences, Drama, and Psychology modules are only available to students from Biomedical Sciences-specific, Drama-specific and Psychology-specific exchange partners.
- You must meet any pre-requisites stated in the module description
- You must choose a level suitable for your prior knowledge of the subject area
- You cannot combine modules taught at the Penryn and Exeter-based campuses
- We offer credit-rated English language modules for those who want to improve their English skills with the Insessional programme run by the University of Exeter International Study Centre.
European Exchange students
Most exchange students from Europe will study under a subject-specific agreement. You must choose 75% of your modules in the subject in which we have the agreement with your university. The remaining 25% can be taken in other departments, subject to availability and meeting pre-requisites.
International Exchange and Direct Enrol students
Choosing modules from across different departments and levels will increase the possibility of timetable clashes. You should choose a minimum of 50% of your modules in one subject area.
The format of a module code can tell you a lot about the module. The first three letters relate to the discipline (GEO for Geography, BEE for Economics etc). The fourth character denotes the level of the module; levels 1, 2, 3 (undergraduate modules) and M (postgraduate modules). The final three characters act as a unique identifier to differentiate the module from others.
Example: SOCM107 is a postgraduate Sociology module. PHY1004 is a first year Physics module.
Subject module codes
Accounting | BEA |
Ancient History | CLA |
Anthropology | ANT |
Arabic and Islamic Studies | ARA |
Archaeology | ARC |
Art History and Visual Culture | AHV |
Biomedical Sciences | CSC |
Biosciences | BIO |
Business | BUS |
Business (Penryn) | BEP |
Cambourne School of Mines | CSM |
Classics | CLA |
Communications | CMM |
Computer Science | COM |
Criminology | SOC |
Drama | DRA |
Economics | BEE |
Engineering (Streatham) | ECM, ENG |
Engingeering (Pernryn) | ENE |
English | EAS |
Film Studies | EAF |
Finance | BEF |
Foreign Language Centre (Streatham) | FL |
Foriegn Language Centre (Penryn) | PL |
Geography | GEO |
History (Streatham) | HIS, HIH |
History (Penryn) | HIC |
Humanities (Streatham) | HUM |
Humanities (Penryn) | HUC |
Law (Streatham) | LAW |
Law (Penryn) | LAWxxxxC |
Management | BEM |
Maths | MTH |
Modern Languages | ML |
Natural Sciences | NSC |
Philosophy | PHL |
Physics | PHY |
Politics (Streatham) | POL |
Politics (Penryn) | POC |
Renewable Energy | ENE |
Sociology | SOC |
Sports and Health Science (St Lukes) | ESS |
Theology | THE |
Undergraduate modules
An undergraduate degree in the UK typically lasts three years.
- Level 1 modules focus on the introduction and development of basic skills and concepts relevant to each programme.
- Level 2 modules build on this foundation, introducing more advanced technical material.
- Level 3 modules generally offer students the opportunity to extend their studies in areas of particular interest at an advanced level.
Even if no pre-requisites are listed for Level 2 and Level 3, you must have previous subject area knowledge.
Postgraduate modules
Masters levels modules (postgraduate taught) do not normally list pre-requisites, so if you plan to take these modules you MUST have sufficient knowledge of the subject to undertake these modules.
There are modules that will state in the module descriptor that you need to have studied a pre-requisite module before taking this module and will list other Exeter modules.
Providing Evidence
When you submit your module request, you will need to provide:
- the module code for the Exeter pre-requisite module
- the module code for the equivalent module you have taken at your home university
We will use the transcript you submitted in your application as evidence to confirm you have the necessary knowledge. If you do not provide this information, you will not be allocated to the requested module.
Modules containing fieldwork are typically not available to Study Abroad and Exchange students studying at the Exeter Campuses (Streatham and St Luke's). You must check the module descriptions to determine if this applies to a module you request to study. The majority of field trips are not compulsory and other arrangements can be made to fulfill the aims of the trip. However, in some cases there may be other fieldtrip options that you will be liable to pay for.
Fieldwork modules at the Penryn Campus may be possible. For further information please contact
Exchange students attending fieldtrips and daytrips (e.g. students studying Physical Geography modules) are expected to provide their own suitable clothing for this activity, which is likely to include walking boots and waterproof clothing. Consult your module convenor if further information is required.
How many modules can I take?
Single semester students must take 60 Exeter credits. This is equivalent to 30 ECTS. Be careful not to choose modules that run over both teaching terms. Some students are allowed to take 45 Exeter credits per semester (22,5 ECTS) subject to their home university emailing their approval to the Inbound Team.
Full year students must take 120 Exeter credits (60 ECTS). We strongly recommend that you take 60 Exeter credits per semester as this will give you a balanced workload.
Most of our modules are either 15 or 30 Exeter credits. You would therefore usually take 2-4 modules per semester.
We cannot guarantee the modules you initially request will be available. This is due to class capacity, faculty changes and potential timetable clashes. Your study plan will be finalised in the first two weeks of your arrival at the University of Exeter.
Module allocation
Full-year and semester one students: We will contact you for your module requests in June after the applications are closed. You will be emailed and asked to submit eight module choices online.
Semester two students: You will complete your module requests alongside your application. The deadline for module selection will be shortly after the application deadline.
It is your responsibility to receive approval from your home university for the modules you study at the University of Exeter. If approval will take longer than the module request deadline, continue to submit your preferences . You are able to resubmit modules at a later date if you receive approval after the deadline.
You must check the pre-requisites for modules and provide evidence you have previously taken the equivalent at your home university.
You must include eight module choices per semester. We will ask for additional choices if your first choices are unavailable to you. If you do not submit eight choices you will be asked to complete another form.
When will I be allocated modules?
The Inbound Team will contact you about your module allocation in the weeks before arrival. During the first two weeks of teaching you will be able to change your modules during the Module Change period. The Inbound Team will also run drop-in sessions during this period to provide module and timetable guidance.
Time line for full-year and semester one students:
Mid-June |
Online Study Plan form is opened. Students are emailed and asked to submit eight module choices. |
Mid-July |
Online Study Plan form is closed. |
August |
The Inbound Team checks your module choices and pre-requisites. You may be contacted and asked to provide further details or choices. |
September |
Modules are allocated and students are informed of allocation. Timetables are due to be released to all students a week before Welcome Week. |
Arrival | You can change your modules in the first two weeks of term during the Module Change period. The Inbound Team runs drop-in sessions during this period to provide module and timetable guidance. |