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Study Abroad programmes

Information for Partners

This page contains important information for our partner universities.  Essential information for students can be found on our webpages.

Important dates

Nomination Deadlines:

September Entry (Semester one and full year students) 30th April
January Entry (Semester two students) 1st October

Student Application Deadlines:

September Entry (Semester one and full year students) 31st May
January Entry (Semester two students) 31st October


Nomination procedure

Nominations for September 2025 are now open.

Students must be nominated using our online form which is emailed to partners. If you have not received the email please contact us on

Once nominated, students will be contacted directly with a link to the application form and instructions. Further advice can be found on our application page and below.

If you wish to discuss our exchange agreement or if you are a prospective partner interested in collaborating please contact

Study load:

Full year: 120 Exeter credits/60 ECTS
One semester: 60 Exeter credits/30 ECTS

Students can study 45 Exeter credits per semester with written permission from their home university.

European exchange students must choose 75% of their modules from the department in which we have the agreement with their home university.  International exchange and Direct Enrol students should take 50% of their modules within one subject area.

Course availability

  • Psychology modules are only available for Psychology-specific exchange partners.
  • Drama modules are only available to Drama majors from Drama-specific partners.
  • Graduate School of Education and Liberal Arts modules (LIB) are not available.
  • Biomedical Sciences modules are only available for Biomedical-specific exchange partners.

Module Availability

Where possible modules will be allocated pre-arrival, but will need to be finalised upon arrival and registration. There is a module change period during the first two weeks of each semester.

Semester 1 transcripts are sent out in March. Full Year and Semester 2 transcripts are sent out in July. A digital version will be sent directly to the home university and student.

Exchange students will have their tuition fee waived. Direct enrol students can find information here.

Living expenses vary depending on lifestyle choices.  As a guide, students should budget for a minimum of £1,136 a month to cover basic expenses such as food. accommodation, books etc.

Students entering the UK as a Visitor (single semester students only), must submit an Exeter English Language Proficiency Form as part of their application. This must be signed by their home university to confirm that they have the required level of English. 

If a student is applying for the Student Visa (full year or single semester) we cannot accept the English language proficiency form as evidence. The Student visa application requires students to provide official English language qualifications as listed here when applying to Exeter.