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Social and Political Sciences, Philosophy, and Anthropology Modules 2024/5

Please note, details for interdisciplinary modules within the HASS faculty can be found here.

Stage One Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ANT1000 Introduction to Social Anthropology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ANT1007 Media and Society152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT1013 Traditions of Anthropological Inquiry301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1002A Knowledge and Reality 1151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1002B Knowledge and Reality 2152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1004 Philosophical Problems 1152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1005A Evidence and Argument 1151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1006 Introduction to Philosophical Analysis152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1007 Philosophical Reading 1151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1009 Philosophies of Art151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1010 Introduction to Asian Philosophy152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1013 Philosophy of Morality152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL1112 Philosophy of Film152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1000 Critical Skills for Politics and International Relations151View on ELE (current students only)
POL1017 Globalisation of World Politics151View on ELE (current students only)
POL1018 The Challenges of World Politics in the Twenty-First Century152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1019 Power and Democracy151View on ELE (current students only)
POL1020 Politics in Europe152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1025 Classical Political Thought151View on ELE (current students only)
POL1026 Early Modern Political Thought152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1029 Introduction to Comparative Politics152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1045 International Politics of the Global South152View on ELE (current students only)
POL1047 Global Sustainability Governance and Policy151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1000 Contemporary Society: Themes, Perspectives and Case Studies301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1001 Social Analysis30View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1028 Media and Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1039 Social Issues: Part I - Introducing Crime and Deviance151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1040 Social Issues: Part II - Themes in Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1045 Introduction to Criminal Justice151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC1052 Contested Concepts in Social Research151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA1000 Imagining Social Worlds301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Two Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ANT2000 Current Debates in Anthropology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2009 Living Cities: Migration, Place and the Politics of Identities151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2014 Cultures: Food152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2015 The Deep Past, History and Humanity151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2016 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2017 Anthropology of Islam152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2021 Anthropology of the Middle East151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2023 Theory and Methods of Food Preservation151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2041 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2042 Gardening, Wellbeing and Community151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2043 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2089 Cultures of Race, Ethnicity and Racism152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2090 Sound and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2109 Anthropology of Forced Migration152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2110 Animal Minds and Animal Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2111 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2112 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2114 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2115 Emotions, the Body, and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2116 Animals and Society152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2118 Anthropology of Contemporary Britain152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT2119 Social movements and collective action152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2002 Existentialism152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2010A Philosophy of Mind 1151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2015 Body and Mind152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2016 Metaphysics151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2018 Philosophy of Language151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2020 Virtues and Vices151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2021 Symbolic Logic152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2026 Philosophy of Science152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2038 The Self151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2040 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2041 Feminist Philosophy: Gender, Race and Class152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2042 Philosophical Frontiers152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2043 Philosophical Research152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2045 Aesthetics152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2052 Epistemology152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2053 History of Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2054 Philosophy of Psychiatry151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2056 The Nature of Normativity152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2061 Philosophy of Law151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2111 The Deep Past, History and Humanity151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2112 Practical Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2114 Aristotle's Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2118 Moral agency in social context152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2119 Animal Minds and Animal Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2120 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2123 Philosophy of Medicine152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2125 Ethics of Emerging Technologies152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2126 Mind and World in Contemporary Japanese Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2127 Hidden Voices in Early Modern Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2128 Knowledge, Human Values, and Anti-Science152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL2130 Plato's Dialogues152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2020 Contemporary Theories of World Politics152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2026 Political Analysis: Behaviour, Institutions, Ideas151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2027 The Politics of the World Economy151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2046 The Economics of Politics151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2047 American Politics151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2050 Political Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2057 Security Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2059 Political Thought of Modernity152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2076 Rising Powers, Peace and Conflict152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2079 Contemporary Public Debate in an Age of 'Anti-Politics'152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2081 Thinking about Race: Perspectives from the Biological and Social Sciences152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2082 Changing Character of Warfare151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2086 Strategy and Psychology in Foreign Policy151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2098 What is Law? Jurisprudence from Stone Tablet to Brain Imaging151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2102 Explaining Public Policies151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2106 America in the World151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2107 Gender and Comparative Public Policy152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2112 Politics and Its Discontents151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2115 British Foreign Policy151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2116 Political Economy of Armed Conflicts151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2117 Great Power Politics152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2119 Transformations of Social and Political Realities through Smartphones152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2124 The Politics of the Body 151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2128 Introduction to Research Design in Politics and International Relations152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2130 Comparative Electoral Systems151View on ELE (current students only)
POL2131 Environmental Governance152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2132 Decolonising Global Justice152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2164 The Politics of Humanitarian Emergencies152View on ELE (current students only)
POL2165 Foreign Policy Analysis152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2005 Theoretical Sociology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2024 Power and Domination152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2025 Current Themes in the Sociology of Sport151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2033 Addiction152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2034 Gender and Society 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2035 International Criminal Justice: Comparative Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2036 International Criminal Justice: Application of Theory to Transnational and International Crime151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2039 Sociology of Family and Gender151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2062 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2063 Policy Analysis in Criminology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2064 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2067 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2068 Race, Ethnicity and Criminalisation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2069 Crimes of the Powerful151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2098 Sociology of Imprisonment151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2101 Police and Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2104 Victimology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2114 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2115 Deception152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2126 Forensic Science, Conflict and Justice152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2127 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2129 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2130 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2133 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2134 Emotions, the Body, and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2135 Forensic Cultures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2136 Deprivation of liberty: Imprisonment and beyond152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC2137 Organised Crime and Criminal Networks152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2000 Knowing the Social World301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2003 Crime Science151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2007 Weighty Matters: Bodies in Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2008 Cities under Siege: urban warfare, past, present and future151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2009 Data Science in Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2011 Ageing, Society and Health151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA2014 Environments in the Public Sphere151View on ELE (current students only)

Stage Three Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ANT3004 Living Cities: Migration, Place and the Politics of Identities151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3014 Cultures: Food152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3015 The Deep Past, History and Humanity151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3016 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3017 Anthropology of Islam152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3021 Anthropology of the Middle East151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3023 Theory and Methods of Food Preservation151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3024 Anthropology of Forced Migration152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3025 Social Movements and Collective Action152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3040 Anthropology Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3053 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3054 Gardening, Wellbeing and Community151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3055 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3089 Cultures of Race, Ethnicity and Racism152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3090 Sound and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3092 Animal Minds and Animal Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3093 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3094 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3096 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3098 Emotions, the Body, and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3099 Animals and Society152View on ELE (current students only)
ANT3107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3002 Existentialism152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3013 Virtues and Vices151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3014 Symbolic Logic152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3026 Philosophy of Science152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3038 The Self151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3040 Philosophy Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3045 Aesthetics152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3052 Epistemology152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3053 History of Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3054 Philosophy of Psychiatry151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3056 The Nature of Normativity152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3061 Philosophy of Law151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3078 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3079 Feminist Philosophy: Gender, Race and Class152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3080 Philosophical Frontiers152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3111 The Deep Past, History and Humanity151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3113 Practical Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3114 Aristotle's Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3118 Animal Minds and Animal Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3119 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3122 Philosophy of Medicine152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3124 Ethics of Emerging Technologies152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3125 Mind and World in Contemporary Japanese Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3126 Hidden Voices in Early Modern Philosophy151View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3127 Plato's Dialogues152View on ELE (current students only)
PHL3129 The Philosophy of Nature152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3040 Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3051 The Media in Europe301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3054 Nuclear Weapons in International Relations151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3090 Politics and Conflict in Deeply Divided Societies151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3120 War and Public Opinion301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3136 Political Psychology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3174 International Security and US Foreign Policy301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3180 Latin American Parties, Politics and Elections301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3194 Rethinking the Politics of Communities301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3196 Democracy in the European Union301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3206 The Political Economy of the State301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3217 Feminist Political Theory301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3226 Money, Lobbying, and Policymaking301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3227 Politics, Elections, and the State in Africa301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3247 Politics of Biology152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3250 Environmental Policy in Times of Crisis151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3257 Understanding Terrorism and Counterterrorism301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3260 Russian Foreign Policy152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3264 International Relations in Global History152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3267 Misinformation, Misperceptions and Conspiracy Theories151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3281 Trumping the Mainstream: The Populist Radical Right and Democratic Politics151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3282 World Orders: Past, Present, and Future301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3284 Realism and Its Critics: Debating and Applying International Relations Theory151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3291 Disrupting Western and Neo-Liberal Policing of the Global and the Local301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3292 LGBTQ+ Policies and Politics in the UK151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3293 The Political Economy of Chinese Development151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3294 Land, Power and Politics: a critical problem-based approach151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3296 Political Economy of Populism152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3297 Comparative Political Economy: Varieties of Capitalism151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3300 Securitisation of Migration301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3302 Elections, Public Opinion and Parties in Britain152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3303 Protest, Activism and the Environment301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3304 Political Philosophies of Power152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3305 War, culture and society152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3306 Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy and Foreign Policy152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3307 International Politics of the Body151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3308 Anarchist World Ordering 152View on ELE (current students only)
POL3309 Politics Online301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3310 War in the 21st Century 301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POL3311 Brexit: Causes, Interpretation and Implications151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3312 The Transformation of Politics in the Global Age151View on ELE (current students only)
POL3313 War and its Aftermath151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3013 Gender and Society 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3033 Addiction152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3034 International Criminal Justice: Comparative Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3036 International Criminal Justice: Application of Theory to Transnational and International Crime151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3040 Dissertation301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3085 Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3096 Cyborg Studies151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3097 Environment and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3098 Sociology of Imprisonment151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3101 Police and Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3104 Victimology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3107 Culture and Wellbeing151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3108 Sociology of Family and Gender151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3111 Evidence-Based Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3114 Anthropology of the State151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3115 Deception152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3120 How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3121 Policy Analysis in Criminology151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3122 Critical Theory: The Frankfurt School and Communicative Capitalism151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3125 Politics of Food and Farming151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3126 Race, Ethnicity and Criminalisation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3127 Crimes of the Powerful151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3134 Forensic Science, Conflict and Justice152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3135 Philosophy and Sociology of Race151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3137 Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3138 When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3141 The Anthropology of Prisons152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3142 Emotions, the Body, and the Social151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3143 Forensic Cultures152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3145 Deprivation of liberty: Imprisonment and beyond152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3147 Power and Domination152View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3148 Current Themes in the Sociology of Sport151View on ELE (current students only)
SOC3149 Organised Crime and Criminal Networks152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3004 Cities under Siege: urban warfare, past, present and future151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3007 Weighty Matters: Bodies in Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3009 Data Science in Society152View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3010 Crime Science301View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3011 Ageing, Society and Health151View on ELE (current students only)
SPA3014 Environments in the Public Sphere151View on ELE (current students only)

Masters Modules

CodeModule TitleCreditsTerm(s)ELE link
ANTM003 Theory and Methods of Food Preservation151View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM004 Food and Agriculture in Historical Perspective152View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM006 Gardening, Wellbeing and Community151, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM021 Food, Body and Society151View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM100 The Animal Mirror: Representations of Animality153View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM101 Animals, Health and Healing152View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM102 Anthrozoology: Theory and Method301View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM103 Applied Anthrozoology301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM105 Humans and Wildlife: Conflict and Conservation153View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM107 Anthrozoology Residential153View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM109 Animal Criminology152View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM111 Animal Ethics151View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM112 Animals and Religion152View on ELE (current students only)
ANTM904 Dissertation603View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM006 Contemporary Ethics302View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM007 Current Issues in Mind and Cognition301View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM008 Mind, Body and World302View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM009 Dissertation603View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM010 Introduction to Philosophical Methods301View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM011 Data Governance and Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM012 Data Governance and Ethics302View on ELE (current students only)
PHLM015 Contemporary Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
POLM013M MPA Dissertation602View on ELE (current students only)
POLM014M MPA Applied Studies601 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POLM016 Food Systems, Alternative Food Networks, and Ethical Consumption152View on ELE (current students only)
POLM022 Challenges and Opportunities in Global Security301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM023 Capstone in Global Security Studies302 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
POLM063 Qualitative Methods in Social Research151View on ELE (current students only)
POLM082 International Relations of the Middle East301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM084 Conflict, Security and Development in World Politics301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM085 Work Placement in Conflict, Security and Development301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
POLM086 Quantitative Data Analysis301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM088 State-building after Civil War301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM140 Qualitative Methods in Social Research301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM144 The West, Civilisations and World Order301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM148 Brexit: Causes, Interpretation and Implications301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM156 The Transformation of Politics in the Global Age301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM158 Digital Politics and Policy301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM167 Global Governance: Institutions and Challenges301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM168 From Oppression to Resistance: Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class and Gender302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM173 Theories of International Development301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM174 Tools, Policy, and Practice of International Development 302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM217 Conflict, Security and Development in Eurasia301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM220M Management and Governance: Comparing Public Administration around the World301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM222M The Politics, Policy and Practice of Sustainable Development 302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM228M Leadership, Equality and Diversity302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM237M Collaborative and Participatory Governance301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM239 International Organisation301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM307 International Politics of the Body302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM308 Transnational Security and Terrorism302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM341 Omnishambles - Global Politics Simulation302 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
POLM342M Public Accountability and Governance302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM343 Gender, War, and Militarism302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM344 Empire and Hierarchy in Russia and Eurasia302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM502 International Relations: Power and Institutions301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM503 Foreign Policy Decision-Making302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM651 State and Society in the Middle East301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM809 Applied Quantitative Data Analysis151View on ELE (current students only)
POLM886 Dissertation601, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
POLM886DA End Point AssessmentView on ELE (current students only)
POLM887 Public Policy Process301View on ELE (current students only)
POLM891DA Introduction to Systems Thinking302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM892DA Organisational Viability and Sustainability303View on ELE (current students only)
POLM894DA Systemic Intervention302View on ELE (current students only)
POLM895DA Work-Based Project 1303View on ELE (current students only)
POLM896DA Work-Based Project 2303View on ELE (current students only)
POLM897 Surveys and Experiments: Design, Implementation and Analysis151View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM002A Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM002B Philosophy of the Social Sciences302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM016 Cultures of the Life Sciences302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM019 Research Methods in the Social Sciences151View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM020 Research Methods in the Social Sciences301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM021 Food Systems, Alternative Food Networks, and Ethical Consumption302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM022 Food, Body and Society301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM023 Social Theory152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM027 Social Theory302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM031 Evidence-Based Policing152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM033 Data Governance and Ethics152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM044 Food and Sustainability: Economy, Society and Environment 152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM045 Food and Sustainability: Economy, Society and Environment 302View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM046 Meaning, Making Consuming 301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM047 Understanding Media301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM049 Magic and Ritual152View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM050 Secrecy Studies: On Concealment, Disclosure and Revelation151View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM051 Dissertation601, 2 and 3View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM052 Cultures and Environments of Health301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM053 Making, Using and Contesting Evidence301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM904 Dissertation603View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM945 Philosophy of Science301View on ELE (current students only)
SOCM950 Science Technology and Society301View on ELE (current students only)
SPAM002 Security, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies301 and 2View on ELE (current students only)
SPAM003 Computational Social Science 1151View on ELE (current students only)
SPAM004 Computational Social Science 2152View on ELE (current students only)