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Engineering Mechanics: Core Engineering 2 - 2019 entry

MODULE TITLEEngineering Mechanics: Core Engineering 2 CREDIT VALUE15
MODULE CODEECM1108 MODULE CONVENERDr Junning Chen (Coordinator)
DURATION: WEEKS 0 11 weeks 0
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 173
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content

Without the careful measurement of hydrostatic forces, structures like the Hoover Dam or the Tamar Bridge could not have been built. The analysis of fluid flow in pipes is of key importance in many areas from water distribution networks to cooling systems and heat exchangers, whilst the calculation of stresses and strains in rods under torsion is important in analysing engine transmissions and jet engine power shafts. These areas of solid and fluid mechanics underpin much of civil engineering and mechanical engineering design, and are some of the key areas you will explore on this module.

Solid Mechanics is the study of solid objects under loads and their resulting behaviour (stress and deformation); Hydrostatics the study of pressure in stationary fluids, and hydrodynamics the flow of fluids such as water and air. In this module, you will encounter fluid and solid static equations and principles, including tension, compression, hydrostatic forces, pressure and head, continuity, momentum and energy, and stress and strain in rods and beams under various loadings. You will learn how to calculate forces from statics fluids, flow in pipes, stresses on beams, etc. In a hands-on laboratory session, you will measure the force from a water jet, impacting on different surfaces, and then present your work in the form of a group report.

On completing this module, you will be familiar with the basics of fluid and solid principles by which practically all static and hydrostatic problems are solved; and with concepts of energy and head used to solve pipe flow problems, and you will have an excellent foundation in critical measurement techniques and be proficient in using a hydraulic bench, in this case, equipped with a pump and simple system to measure flow rate. You will also be familiar with the concepts of stress and strain in solid mechanics and able to calculate these properties for rods which are stretched and twisted, and beams loaded in different configurations. You will also learn about the deformation of solid objects under these loads, and be able to answer the question “will it break?”

Prerequisite module: ECM1102 or equivalent


AIMS - intentions of the module

The aim of this module is to introduce you to fundamental concepts of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, separated into two sections (half a term each). For solid mechanics this includes stress/ strain relationships, axial members, rods and beams, and failure. For fluid mechanics this covers fluid properties, continuity and energy equations, momentum, and engineering concepts such as buoyancy and hydrostatics.


INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)

This is a constituent module of one or more degree programmes which are accredited by a professional engineering institution under licence from the Engineering Council. The learning outcomes for this module have been mapped to the output standards required for an accredited programme, as listed in the current version of the Engineering Council’s ‘Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes’ document (AHEP-V3).

This module contributes to learning outcomes: SM1p, SM1m, SM2p, SM2m, SM3p, SM3m, EA1p, EA1m, EA2p, EA2m, D2p, D2m, D3p, D3m, D6p, D6m, EP3p, EP3m, EP4p, EP4m, G2p, G2m

A full list of the referenced outcomes is provided online:

The AHEP document can be viewed in full on the Engineering Council’s website, at


On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:

Module Specific Skills and Knowledge: SM1p, SM1m, SM2p, SM2m, SM3p, SM3m, EA1p, EA1m, D3p, D3m

1 Learn the basic theory and concepts behind statics and hydrostatics; the behaviour of static solid and fluid systems; the principles of continuity, conservation of momentum and energy (head), stress and strain in solid mechanics, principal stresses, failure and failure modes.

2 Apply the principles of statics and dynamics to the analysis of simple mechanical and fluid systems; hydrostatics, flow in pipes, beams and rods under various loadings; axial, torsion, flexure, shear, relationships between load, displacement and moment, how to predict failure.

3 Become familiar with units and magnitudes used in statics and hydrostatics.

Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge: EA1p, EA1m, EA2p, EA2m, EP3p, EP3m

4 Understand the importance and application of solid and fluid mechanics to engineering projects;

5 Become familiar with the mathematical and analytical concepts required for solid and fluid mechanics;

6 Record and interpret the results of observed practical experiments and demonstrations;

Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and  Knowledge: D2p, D2m, D3p, D3m, D6p, D6m, EP3p, EP3m, EP4p, EP4m, G2p, G2m

7 Write clear accounts (of laboratory experiments and demonstrations);

8 Carry out directed private study using textbooks, and other provided resources;

9 Demonstrate an awareness of health and safety issues applicable to working in a supervised laboratory.

10 Develop the ability for self-study and monitoring.

11 Provide constructive feedback to teaching staff.

SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module

Solid Mechanics: Stress and Strain

  • Basic concepts of stress, strain, principal components
  • Failure; tensile, compressive and shear failure
  • Stresses and strains in axially loaded rods, torsion rods, and beams under various loadings

Fluid mechanics: hydrostatics and dynamics:

  • Pressure and Head; basic concepts
  • Static Forces on Surfaces; hydrostatics
  • Buoyancy
  • Continuity of Flow, Momentum Equation
  • Energy Equation; Bernoulli’s equation
  • Jet Flow Analysis



Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 40 Guided Independent Study 110 Placement / Study Abroad 0
Category Hours of study time Description
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 22 Lectures
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 12 Tutorials
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 6 Laboratories
Guided independent study 110 Guided independent study


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Examples worked through in class     On the spot feedback in tutorials


Coursework 30 Written Exams 70 Practical Exams 0
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Written exam - Closed book 70 2 hours - Summer Exam Period 1,2,3,4,5,8  Students can request feedback after exam
Coursework 1 (Individual) – Solid mechanics In-class test 1 7.5% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,8 In-class feedback
Coursework 2 (Individual) – solid mechanics In-class test 2 7.5% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,8 In-class feedback
Coursework 3 (Individual) - fluid mechanics problem set 7.5% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,8 In-class feedback
Coursework 4 (Group) – fluid mechanics water jet impact lab report 7.5% 1 hour 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9 In-class feedback


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-reassessment
All above Written exam (100%) All August Ref/Def period



If a module is normally assessed entirely by coursework, all referred/deferred assessments will normally be by assignment.

If a module is normally assessed by examination or examination plus coursework, referred and deferred assessment will normally be by examination. For referrals, only the examination will count, a mark of 40% being awarded if the examination is passed. For deferrals, candidates will be awarded the higher of the deferred examination mark or the deferred examination mark combined with the original coursework mark.

INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener



Reading list for this module:

Type Author Title Edition Publisher Year ISBN
Set Gere, J. M., Goodno, B. J. Mechanics of Materials Cengage Learning 2013 978-0495438076
Set Douglas, J.F., Gasiorek, J.M., Swaffield, J.A. Fluid Mechanics 6th Pearson/Prentice Hall 2011 10: 0273717723
ORIGIN DATE Tuesday 10th July 2018 LAST REVISION DATE Wednesday 8th January 2020
KEY WORDS SEARCH Solar mechanics; beam theory; fluid mechanics; incomprehensible flow.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.