Geological Mapping Techniques - 2023 entry
MODULE TITLE | Geological Mapping Techniques | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
MODULE CODE | CSM2184 | MODULE CONVENER | Dr Sam Hughes (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
DURATION: WEEKS | 0 | 5 | 2 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 30 |
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content
We pride ourselves on delivering a robust field-based educational and training programme throughout your degree, enabling you to become a competent field geologist. The ability to identify, record and understand geological data in the field is a fundamental skill for a geologist, and making a geological map is one of the primary methods of field data collection.
Geological maps provide a robust and functional way of presenting geological data allowing greater 3D visualisation of the underlying geology. This enhances interpretation of geological processes and promotes an understanding how focussed data collection can allow hypothesis testing.
This practical-based module focusses on developing your skills with 1) geological mapping techniques, 2) measuring and managing geospatial data, and 3) understanding the process involved in a geological mapping project. It builds upon the geological and surveying field skills learning during in Year 1. You will undertake a campus-based training in surveying (Summer Survey Course), get an introduction to using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and learn geological mapping techniques. All of these topics are integrated with data acquisition skills developed during field-based exercises in SW England in other Year 2 modules, which culminate in the Skye Field Course. Many of you will then put these skills to use when undertaking geological mapping for your Summer Vacation Project.
AIMS - intentions of the module
This module aims to develop your skills with geological mapping techniques, measuring and managing geospatial data, and understanding the process involved in a geological mapping project.
- The primary aim is to enhance your ability and competence in geological mapping. You will learn how to prepare for a geological mapping project (undertaking a literature review, field slip preparation, preparing for fieldwork), carry out geological mapping and field data collection in a variety of terrains, and how to digitise field slips to create neat copy geological maps using ArcGIS. You will integrate skills learnt in other modules to describe and interpret of a wide range of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic lithologies using your geological map as a primary tool to record data. By the end of this module you should have all of the necessary skills to complete a geological mapping project.
- In addition to field geology, the module also includes the Summer Survey Course. Here you will integrate your knowledge and understanding of land surveying and apply these skills to complete a topographic survey in small groups. You will develop your understanding of survey control, geospatial data capture, application of coordinate systems and the production of topographic plans using AutoCAD. You will also develop practical competency in using a variety of surveying techniques and equipment. By the end of this module you should have all of the necessary skills to complete a topographic survey.
- An aim that permeates throughout the module is the development of safe, professional working practices in field-based geology. The learning environment also places emphasis on developing your self-confidence and reliance when working independently, as well as working in groups.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 Measure and record structural data;
2 Plot geological data on to a base map producing field slips and subsequent neat copy geological maps;
3 Interpret geological processes from outcrop data;
4 Describe and interpret a wide range of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock types;
5 Synthesise different aspects of geological data into internally consistent models;
6 Identify inherent risks during fieldwork and take appropriate action to minimise those risks;
7 Prepare geological maps and cross sections;
8 Demonstrate competence in the application of surveying techniques;
9 Carry out a topographical survey of a site and apply theoretical surveying knowledge;
10 Establish the required skills needed to undertake survey control to meet a client specification;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
11 Translate lecture-based knowledge and understanding to field-based data acquisition and analysis;
12 Synthesise and critically appraise data to test hypotheses
12 Synthesise and critically appraise data to test hypotheses
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
13 Communicate effectively in a manner appropriate to the discipline and report practical procedures in a clear and concise manner in a variety of formats;
14 Select appropriate data from a range of sources and develop research strategies;
14 Select appropriate data from a range of sources and develop research strategies;
15 Interact effectively within a team/learning group, giving and receiving information and ideas and modifying responses, where appropriate.
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
The Geological Mapping Techniques module comprises four elements:
- The Summer Survey Course (takes place during the last two weeks of Term 3, Year 1): The Summer Survey Course is an intensive practical course designed to imitate a typical topographic survey. Students are expected to produce a topographic survey of an area of the Penryn Campus using several surveying methods and working whole-to-part, whilst working in small groups. This course builds on the skills developed during the Year 1 CSM1045 Surveying and Digital Mapping module.
- Geological Mapping Techniques - Researching Regional Geology (example of Skye and NW Scotland), Introduction to GIS (creating fieldslips and geological maps in ArcGIS), and Principles of Exposure Mapping (Term 2, Year 2): During Term 2 there will be a series of lectures and workshops designed to provide the skills and test your understanding of fundamental exposure mapping techniques. You will also take part in an exercise to develop your knowledge and understanding of the regional geology of NW Scotland and Skye. The aim of these sessions is to ensure that you both have the skills to undertake geological mapping and understand the geological context of the mapping area(s). There will also be a series of workshops on how to use GIS to create field slips. In the build-up to the Skye Field Course there will be a session providing logistics and information on the course.
- Skye Field Course (Easter Vacation, Year 2): The Skye Field Course is the main component of this module. Its aim is to develop your ability and confidence to use the geological exposure mapping method in exercises based on the Isle of Skye in NW Scotland. Most of the focus will be on creating field slips and will be supplemented by work in your field notebooks. By the end of the field course students should have the skills and confidence to complete the field mapping component of the Summer Vacation Project (CSM3379).
- SVP Training Workshops (Week 4, Term 3, Year 2): The SVP workshops will provide you with a review of what you have learnt so far during your degree, with the focus of how those skills, knowledge and understanding will be applied during your SVP. There will be a session covering the main modules from Year 2, including structural geology and tectonics, sedimentology and stratigraphy, magmatic and metamorphic rocks, and geological mapping techniques. The latter will include a revision of field mapping skills, geological maps and cross-sections, and GIS, and introduce sampling techniques. During the week you will also meet your academic supervisor and finalise the planning of your projects.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 130 | Guided Independent Study | 20 | Placement / Study Abroad | 0 |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 60 | Summer Survey Course |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 60 | Skye Field Course |
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities | 20 | Lectures and Workshops |
Guided Independent Study | 10 |
Private study and reading; formative and summative assessment
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Not Applicable |
Coursework | 100 | Written Exams | 0 | Practical Exams | 0 |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Summer Survey Course: traverse report and topographic plan | 30 | 1800 words equivalent | 8-15 | Detailed written feedback and one-to-one discussions, as required |
Regional Geology of NW Scotland and Skye: question-based exercises | 20 | 1200 words equivalent | 3, 5, 11-15 | Detailed written feedback and one-to-one discussions, as required |
Skye Field Course: field-based data collection and analysis | 50 | 3000 words | 1-7, 11-15 | Detailed written feedback and one-to-one discussions, as required |
DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-reassessment |
Summative Assessment | Additional Assessment | As Above | August Ref/Def period |
If a student is referred or deferred, the failed / non-completed component(s) will be re-assessed at the same weighting as the original assessment.
INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Basic Reading:
Web based and Electronic Resources:
ELE page for module CSM2184, Geological Mapping Techniques:
Reading list for this module:
Type | Author | Title | Edition | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Set | Coe, A. | Geological Field Techniques | Wiley-Blackwell | |||
Set | Lisle, R.J., Brabham, P. and Barnes, J.W. | Basic Geological Mapping | 5th | Geological Society of London Handbook Series, Wiley-Blackwell | 2011 | |
Set | McClay, K. | The Mapping of Geological Structures | Geological Society of London Handbook Series, Wiley-Blackwell | 1987 | ||
Set | Tucker, M.E. | Sedimentary Rocks in the Field | Geological Society of London handbook series, Wiley-Blackwell | 2011 | ||
Set | Jerram, D. and Petford, N. | The Field Description of Igneous Rocks | Geological Society of London Handbook Series, Wiley-Blackwell | 2011 | ||
Set | Passchier, C.W., Myers, J.S. and Kroner, A. | Field Geology of High-Grade Gneiss Terrains | Springer-Verlag, Berlin | 1990 | ||
Set | Uren, J. and Price, W.F. | Surveying for Engineers | 5th | Macmillan | 2010 |
ORIGIN DATE | Thursday 6th July 2017 | LAST REVISION DATE | Tuesday 14th March 2023 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | Field Geology; Sedimentary Rocks; Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks; Structural Geology; Topographic Survey; geological mapping; exposure mapping |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.