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Applied Thermodynamics - 2023 entry

MODULE TITLEApplied Thermodynamics CREDIT VALUE15
MODULE CODEENE2006 MODULE CONVENERProf Asif Tahir (Coordinator)
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 45
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content

This module blends the skills of physical understanding/intuition with some numerical work.  The concepts covered will be for the main part on the thermodynamic cycles characteristic of many existing machinery (or thermal systems) where heat and work transfer (i.e. energy transfer) take place You will develop the valuable skill of working out the efficiency of a given cycle from first principles.  This will help you to appreciate how a thermal system should operate to maximise its efficiency and reduce energy losses, and thus evaluate its economic viability. Such issues are relevant to renewable energy.  You will have the opportunity to experience a number of working cycles both in class and through  formal labs on refrigeration, for which you will also have the opportunity to learn how to write a well-structured scientific report.  The module should make a nice link with topics on energy management and energy storage. 

This module is a typical advanced course on a mechanical engineering degree for second year students so students with prior mechanical engineering (or close) experience should be able to do it.  

Prerequisite module: ENE1008 or equivalent.

AIMS - intentions of the module

This module builds on the material delivered in CSM1257 by looking at more advanced and practical examples. Historically, national and global development has progressed hand in hand with the evolving methods through which finite natural energy resources such as petroleum, natural gas and coal have been harnessed and distributed.

Current trends now favour the exploitation of renewable (non-finite) energy as the prime source. However, the basic science of the energy conversion machinery necessary is broadly unchanged. Using (converting) energy efficiently still remains the central issue;  and this module aims to instill deep quantitative knowledge and understanding about this topic.

Applied thermodynamics is an essential area of study for those hoping to improve the effectiveness with which energy resources (finite and renewable) are used and also an essential tool for evaluating correctly the potential of new ideas for energy production and associated machinery.

An important recent addition to the course is a study of the refrigeration laboratory and the calculation of coefficient of performance, electric motor efficiency, compressor efficiency and many other thermal parameters enable you to apply knowledge gained to other thermodynamic cycles. Throughout the course, there will be presentations and examples on specific renewable energy applications,  which will show the direct link between what you are learning in the module  and the rapid advancements in the renewable energy sector.

There will be a special emphasis  on power cycles performance and design, including those of gas turbines, steam plants, and internal combustion (reciprocating) engines.

Furthermore, the module touches upon important technologies like Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Geothermal energy systems to ensure you are well equipped with skills that will satisfy employers in conventional generation sector as well as the renewable energy generation sector.

INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 understand types of energy conversion plant and their mode(s) of operation;
2 apply thermodynamic principles to the quantitative analysis of a wide variety of contemporary and novel power plants;
3 recognise power (energy) conversion and transfer processes and associated machinery: conventional, novel and, in particular, those applied to renewable energy;
4 comprehend measurement devices and procedures that enable the performance of energy conversion plant to be determined;
5 determine the efficiency of energy conversion processes through measurement and observation and to correctly assess engineering, or other, measures for energy conservation.
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
6 appreciate the advantages and limitations of renewable and non-renewable energy sources and make judgements on future energy scenarios on the basis of quantitative analysis of engineering proposals;
7 demonstrate skills in data acquisition (through use of equipment), interpretation (through calculation and critical discussion) and communication of results.
Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and Knowledge:
8 illustrate problem solving, independent study and learning skills and data handling and manipulation;
9 select appropriate data and analysis methods for non-familiar problems.
10 exhibit IT skills for problem solving
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
The following sequence of lectures with integrated tutorials is distributed over a 10 week period:
- heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation; including renewable applications;
- review of thermodynamic principles including 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and entropy;
- heat pumps and refrigeration systems; with renewable applications;
- steam turbine cycles; with example of renewable application;
- gas turbines cycles; with example of renewable application;
- internal combustion engine cycles; with example of renewable application;
- combined heat and power conversion plant;
- combined cycle gas turbines;
- steam turbines performance;
- geothermal energy technology and its applications;
- refrigeration laboratory
- revision.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 40 Guided Independent Study 110 Placement / Study Abroad 0
Category Hours of study time Description
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 40 Lectures
Guided independent study 110 Private study


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Completion of signed off laboratory work book      


Coursework 50 Written Exams 50 Practical Exams 0
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Examination 50 1.5 hours 2, 8, 9 Group email
Lab report 20 1200-word equivalent All Written
Multiple choice question quizzes 15 8 x 30 mins All Written
Group presentation 15 10 min equivalent All Written


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-reassessment
Lab report (20%) Lab report (20%) As above August Ref/Def period
Multiple choice question quizzes (15%) Multiple choice question quizzes (15%) As above August Ref/Def period
Group presentation (15%) Group presentation (15%) As above August Ref/Def period
Examination (50%) Examination (50%) As above August Ref/Def period



Referred and deferred assignments will mirror the original modes of assessment.

INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener

Basic reading:



Web based and Electronic Resources:

E-Recourse / explanatory Videos:


The Second Law of Thermodynamics

[San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015.


Entropy: The Second Law of Thermodynamics

[San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2015.


Natural convective heat transfer from short inclined cylinders
Oosthuizen, P. H.; New York : Springer, [2013]


Everyday Thermodynamics: Refrigeration

The Great Courses, 2015



Reading list for this module:

Type Author Title Edition Publisher Year ISBN
Set Invernizzi, Costanta Mario Closed Power Cycles Thermodynamic Fundamentals and Applications Springer 2013 978-1-4471-5140-1
Set Eastop, T.D. and McConkey, A. Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists 5th Longman 1993 0-582-09193-4
Set Irving Granet Thermodynamics and heat power CRC Press 2015 978-1-4822-3856-3
Set Sharpe, G.J. (George Joseph), Solving problems in applied thermodynamics and energy conversion Longman Scientific & Technical 1987 0470207078
Set Rogers, G. and Mayhew, Y Engineering thermodynamics, work and heat transfer 4th Longman 1992 0-582-04566-5
Set Cengel Y.A. and Boles M.A. Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach McGraw-Hill 2011 0-07-011927-9
Set Tyldesley, John R. An introduction to applied thermodynamics and energy conversion Longman 1977 0582440661
Set DiPippo, Ronald Geothermal power plants principles, applications, case studies and environmental impact Butterworth-Heinemann Elsevier 2008 978-0-08-100879-9
ORIGIN DATE Thursday 6th July 2017 LAST REVISION DATE Tuesday 28th February 2023
KEY WORDS SEARCH Applied thermodynamics; thermodynamic cycles; thermal systems.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.