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Renewable Energy Dissertation - 2023 entry

MODULE TITLERenewable Energy Dissertation CREDIT VALUE30
MODULE CODEENE3011 MODULE CONVENERProf Peter Connor (Coordinator)
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 35
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content

The Third Year Dissertation offers each student the opportunity to increase their depth of study into a particular area of renewable energy in line with their specific interests. It offers each student the chance to develop an idea, design or test a device, review the literature, work with a local company or carry out another reasonable renewable energy related piece of research. The dissertation might be in a specialist area where you want to develop your career, a plan for a piece of kit or just something that you would like to dig a bit deeper into. Students will be provided with a list of possible topics each with an attached supervisor at the beginning of the year. All students are welcome to come up with their own topic so long as they can find a supervisor on the academic staff. Students are encouraged to have an external supervisor where appropriate, and this is especially encouraged where the student is working with an external organisation. Every student on the module will (and must) have a personal supervisor available for one-on-one tuition throughout the year. Students are expected to plan meetings with supervisors on a regular basis. Evidence of supervisor meetings will be required to demonstrate these have occurred, along with other evidence of the student taking a proactive approach to the management and delivery of their project.

Prerequisites: ENE2008 Project Management and Accounting

AIMS - intentions of the module

This project provides students with the opportunity to carry out individual research. Students are presented with a list of possible project titles at the beginning of the academic year or can develop their own topic as long as a member of academic staff agrees it is suitable as a topic. This is typically by agreement between the individual student and an academic supervisor or the module convenor. The module convenor will provide feedback as to the suitability of a proposed topic and advise as to possible supervisors. The dissertation module begins in week one of term one and continues through term two, with final submission at the beginning of term three. Students are expected to work on dissertations consistently through term 1 and term 2,accounting for periods of low and high activity depending on their selection of optional modules, Students are also expected to work over Easter, since they will not have revision for exams.

INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 demonstrate in-depth knowledge of a specific topic of relevance to the renewable energy discipline in the dissertation report;
2 autonomously plan, manage and make effective use of, suitable resources such as software aids, laboratory facilities and equipment, field stations and sites and literature search facilities.
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
3 think creatively and integrate advanced subject specific knowledge and understanding from previous modules into the analysis and solution of a challenging problem or topic;
4 critically analyse the important aspects of a design problem or research topic;
5 assess the merits of a number of solutions or outcomes, taking into account conflicting factors;
6 initiate and undertake searches for information related to a design task, evaluate it and devise actions for progression toward milestones;
7 recognise the existence of pressures and constraints on project, policy or device design in renewable energy;
8 display applied project management skills;
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
9 extract, filter and process information from a wide range of sources;
10 display professional oral presentational skills;
11 illustrate improved report writing skills to the extent that reports are of a professional standard; 12 defend your reasoning and conclusions against probing questioning.


SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
The module convenor provides a briefing session on suitable topics, conduct of study, assessment methods, supervisor-student relationship, budgets, milestones and deliverables. An individual dissertation project is undertaken on a subject related to the course. You keep a detailed diary / logbook of your expected and actual work and this should be reviewed by your supervisor throughout the project duration.
At the end of term one, you must submit a project planning submission, which will typically be a short document comprising:
 - a description of the planned work, its intended outcomes, the method you plan to apply at the date of reporting and any resources that will be needed;
- a Gantt chart identifying the key tasks that have been and remain to be completed and indicating your planned timeframe for when they will be carried out;
- an assessment of the risks that might arise in completion of the dissertation, and possible mitigation strategies
- a list of references consulted in discharging the project activity to the date of reporting.
The project is a major part of the course and aims to develop abilities in the following areas:
- understanding of a problem;
- execution of a project in a logical manner;
- awareness of health and safety legislation;
- awareness of design standards and codes of practice;
- decision making;
- data gathering;
- data analysis;
- problem solving;
- appropriate selection and usage of information technology;
- questioning of basic assumptions and critical analysis of results;
- communication of ideas with written and spoken word;
- efficient utilisation of information retrieval services
- Consideration of the further development of the study.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 11 Guided Independent Study 289 Placement / Study Abroad
Category Hours of study time Description
Independent research 300 There are some instructional lectures at the beginning of the module. Students are expected to meet regularly with supervisors as a key element of project development and management.


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Supervision Record Forms 4 x 1 page 2, 7-9 Individual supervision


Coursework 100 Written Exams 0 Practical Exams 0
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Project planning submission 10 1,200 words equivalent 2, 6, 7 Individual feedback sheets marked by supervisor
Dissertation report or research paper 50 6,000 words equivalent 1-5, 9, 11 Individual feedback sheets marked by supervisor
Project management portfolio 15 1500 word equivalent 6-9 Record of all project management actions. This can include but is not limited to: oral discussion between student & supervisor; Gantt chart updates; risk assessment; experimental design; data collection & logging; methodology notes; literature notes, 
Oral presentation and questioning 25 15-20 mins individual presentation, 10-15 mins questions 10, 12 Individual feedback sheet with comments from at least two markers


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-assessment
Summative assessment Additional summative assignment Weighting as above August Ref/Def period



As above: Planning report (10%), Dissertation Report (50%), Management Record (15%) and Presentation (25%)


INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Basic reading:
ENE3011 Final Year Project Handbook: This sets out the basic requirements of the module. It is available via the module ELE page and is emailed to students following the module briefing. Students should read this before commencing their studies and before submission of their thesis.
Bell, J & S. Waters, 2014. Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First Time Researchers. Available In electronic format from the library.
Berry, R.2000. The Research Project: How to Write It. Available In electronic format from the library.
Science direct and google scholar are recommended to be used as appropriate. A library briefing will be provided for all students wishing to increase their familiarity with the usage of these tools and other library resources.
Students are advised to ensure they are comfortable with a standardised referencing system, and University of Exeter guidance notes are provided via the ELE page for the module.

Reading list for this module:

There are currently no reading list entries found for this module.

ORIGIN DATE Tuesday 10th July 2018 LAST REVISION DATE Tuesday 28th February 2023
KEY WORDS SEARCH Third year project; third year dissertation.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.