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Research Scientist: End Point Assessment - 2024 entry

MODULE TITLEResearch Scientist: End Point Assessment CREDIT VALUE0
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 90
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content
The credits within this module are attributed for participation in the End Point Assessment (EPA) for the Level 7 Research Scientist Apprenticeship which is delivered at University of Exeter using the  MSc Data Science (Professional) programme. The EPA will be undertaken within a 3-month period after completing all taught modules of the  MSc Data Science (Professional) programme.
The EPA consists of two discrete assessments, conducted by an End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO). To pass this module, you must complete both assessments. These assessments are:
Assessment method 1: Project report, presentation, and questioning (based on work-based project). You need to achieve a grade “distinction” or “pass” from the EPAO to pass this EPA assessment method. 
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio of evidence. You need to achieve a grade “distinction” or “pass” from the EPAO to pass this EPA assessment method. 
This 0-credit module is an essential (non-condonable) part of the MSc Data Science (Professional) programme and you can not complete the MSc programme if you do not pass the module. It is a 0-credit module delivered on a pass/fail basis and will not affect your credit-weighted MSc grade. To pass this module, you must attempt both EPA assessments, but the outcome of the EPA assessments does not affect this module. That is, receiving a “fail” grade from the EPAO does not mean you will fail this module. However, if you do not attempt either of the EPA assessments you will fail the module.
Further information on the End Point Assessment (EPA) can be found in the End Point Assessment plan for the Level 7 Research Scientist apprenticeship standard at 
This module is a part of the dual-qualification  MSc Data Science (Professional) / Level 7 Research Scientist Apprenticeship programme. It cannot be taken as an elective by students on other programmes.
The apprenticeship standard and other documentation relating to the Level 7 Research Scientist Apprenticeship can be found here:
AIMS - intentions of the module
This module is designed to integrate the End Point Assessment for the award of the Level 7 Research Scientist Apprenticeship into the MSc Data Science (Professional) programme. The EPA consists of two discrete assessments: (1) a project report, presentation, and questioning assessment; and (2) a professional discussion assessment based on a portfolio of evidence. These are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the knowledge, skills and behaviours of the Level 7 Research Scientist apprenticeship standard.
The Level 7 Research Scientist apprenticeship standard gives a list of Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) – this can be found here: The KSBs are the content that will be tested in the EPA. This module will not teach the KSBs and does not include any specific teaching activities, but will include support from Academic Mentors as the student goes through the EPA process.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge
1 Explain how your academic work during the  MSc Data Science (Professional) and in your work role as an apprentice meets the requirements and KSBs for the Level 7 Research Scientist (All KSBs). 
2 Write a high quality report to describe the work-based project you will use to support EPA Assessment Method 1 in written form. Be able to explain this project in a professional discussion as part of Assessment Method 1 (All KSBs).
3 Discuss your portfolio of evidence as part of EPA Assessment Method 2 (All KSBs).
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge
4 Communicate effectively in written and oral form (S2, S4).
5 Discuss your professional activities as a data scientist (K2, S7). 
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
Activities related to this module will include completing the two assessments (Assessment 1 and 2 in the Assessment section) required by the End Point Assessment defined in the ‘End-point assessment plan for the Level 7 Research Scientist apprenticeship standard’. Excerpt below:
Assessment method 1: Project report, presentation, and questioning (based on the work-based project). 
Apprentices must produce a project report during the EPA period, which will be the basis of a presentation to the independent assessor, with follow up questioning immediately after the presentation. As apprentices will be working on a wide variety of tasks and have varied responsibilities throughout the Research Project that they undertake, the employer will provide the title and scope for the Project Report to the apprentice prior to the EPA gateway. Following the gateway, the EPAO will confirm that the title and scope is appropriate, or will make an alternative suggestion, within 1 week of notification of the title. The Project Report must be 4,000 to 4,400 words, excluding tables, figures, references, and annexes. The Project Report must be submitted to the EPAO three weeks after receiving notification of the project title from the EPAO. The assessor will have further 2 weeks prior to the presentation and questioning components, to review the contents and prepare for the questioning component. The scope and definition of the Project Report must include a summary of the stage covered by the project and an overview of the tasks as well as responsibilities undertaken by the apprentice.
Assessment method 2: Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio of evidence.
This assessment will take the form of a professional discussion, which must be appropriately structured to draw out the best of the apprentice’s competence and excellence and cover the KSBs assigned to this assessment method. It will focus on: 
  • The projects (other than that used for assessment method 1), training, development activities and performance reviews that the apprentice has undertaken during the apprenticeship period; 
  • Details of the activities undertaken which will include a high-level overview of the activities, key objectives and deliverables, dates and time periods for the activities and a detailed description of the activities of the apprentice in order to evidence competency in the KSBs; 
  • Details of the training undertaken which will include the title of the training course, dates and time period for the training, details of the training provider, a description of the content from the training course and the outcome (if applicable)
The training and development portfolio should demonstrate how each work activity and training activity contributes to the achievement of the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSBs) set out in the apprenticeship standard. 
There are no specific teaching activities for this module and no new content will be delivered. Instead, students on this module will receive tutorial support from Academic Mentors as they go through the EPA assessments.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 0 Guided Independent Study 0 Placement / Study Abroad 0

Not applicable

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Formative feedback from Academic Mentors as needed.
Coursework 0 Written Exams 0 Practical Exams 100
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Practical 1: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 1 50 See definition of EPA Assessment Method 1 above. Assessment for this module will be based on participation in presentation / Q&A activities as required by the EPAO.  1,2,4,5 Feedback from EPAO
Practical 2: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 2 50 See definition of EPA Assessment Method 2 above. Assessment for this module will be based on participation in professional discussion activities as required by the EPAO. 1,3,4,5 Feedback from EPAO


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-assessment
Practical 1: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 1 Practical 1: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 1 1,2,4,5 A single failed EPA assessment can be re-taken within the same EPA window. If outside the same window, all EPA components must be re-taken.
Practical 2: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 2 Practical 2: Participation in EPA Assessment Method 2 1,3,4,5 A single failed EPA assessment can be re-taken within the same EPA window. If outside the same window, all EPA components must be re-taken.


Please refer to the ‘End-point assessment plan for the Level 7 Research Scientist’ apprenticeship standard. Excerpt below:
Apprentices who fail one or more assessment method will be offered the opportunity to take a re-sit or a re-take. In the event of a re-sit or re-take, the apprentice is permitted to use the same project title, however the EPAO must ensure a different set of questions are used during the questioning element of the presentation. 
Apprentices should have a supportive action plan to prepare for the re-sit or a re-take. The apprentice’s employer will need to agree that either a re-sit or re-take is an appropriate course of action. 
An apprentice who fails an assessment method, and therefore the EPA in the first instance, will be required to re-sit or re-take any failed assessment methods only. 
Any assessment method re-sit or re-take must be taken during the EPA period, otherwise the entire EPA must be taken again, unless in the opinion of the EPAO exceptional circumstances applying outside the control of the apprentice or their employer. 
Re-sits and re-takes are not offered to apprentices wishing to move from pass to /distinction. 
Where any assessment method has to be re-sat or re-taken, the apprentice will be awarded a maximum EPA grade of pass, unless the EPAO determines there are exceptional circumstances requiring a re-sit or re-take.
INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener

Not applicable

Reading list for this module:

There are currently no reading list entries found for this module.

ORIGIN DATE Wednesday 13th March 2024 LAST REVISION DATE Wednesday 13th March 2024

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.