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Research Project - 2024 entry

MODULE CODEPHYM503 MODULE CONVENERProf Julian Moger (Coordinator)
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 10
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content
A major distinguishing feature of our MSc programme is its substantial project which will require you to apply the knowledge you have acquired to a real problem in a professional research environment. The aim is to foster the skills in open-ended problem solving necessary for the practising physicist. You will be given the opportunity to select a project supervisor from your chosen area of expertise and work together to design a suitable research project. The project will contribute towards 50% of the mark for your degree and will provide you with the key experience in independent research you need to advance your career.
You will work on a project linked to one of our research groups and using the knowledge gained from the modules, you will be ideally positioned to choose an exciting problem to investigate in a topic in an area that interests and motivates you. Over the period of the project, you will learn how to work as part of a research group and to develop advanced skills in research planning, execution, and reporting, possibly leading to publication of your work in an international journal. 
AIMS - intentions of the module
Learning to conduct original research is essential for your scientific training, employability potential and future career. In this module, you will gain hands-on experience of conducting cutting-edge physics research under the guidance of professional researchers. This involves conducting an independent research project on a subject of your choice related to one our research groups . You will be responsible for designing, planning and implementing the study, as well as analysing the data and writing it up in the style of peer-reviewed academic journal. As such, this project provides valuable experience of managing an original scientific research project, from its inception through to completion.
The aim of this module is to foster the open-ended problem-solving skills that are characteristic of the practising physicist:
To familiarise you with the existing scientific literature in their study area, and teach you to assimilate this knowledge in a succinct and critical manner in order to prepare a research proposal.
To give you experience in undertaking a substantial research project in a research-led environment, deal with real world problems and put into practice the knowledge you have acquired from the taught elements of the programme. In some cases you will conduct your research project alongside scientists in collaborating governmental and non-governmental organisations. In all cases you will be supervised by a member of academic staff from the University of Exeter.
The module will expose you to some of the latest developments in your chosen area of physics research, and ultimately pave the way into a deeper understanding of evidence-based scientific enquiry.
By the end of the module, you will have reviewed and assimilated a substantial portion of the existing literature on your chosen area of physics, and carried out a piece of original research, analysed the results using appropriate methods and learned how to disseminate the results in an appropriate manner. 
The skills you gain will develop or enhance your employability. Transferable skills to other sectors include: problem solving, time management, collaboration, and writing and presentation skills.
INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
  1. Prepare a research proposal based on a critical literature search to discern relevant and reliable information. 
  2. Give a scientific presentation which conforms to conventional standards for a presentation;
  3. Identify any specific hazards associated with their particular project and/or its environment, describe the associated procedures for safe working, and explain the rationale for such procedures. 
  4. Keep a professional research notebook which is neat, accurate and objective;
  5. Write a substantive scientific report, in the style of a journal publication, containing original results and analysis;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
  1. Undertake independent background research;
  2. Write scientific reports;
  3. Keep a contemporaneous research notebook that is neat, accurate and objective
  4. Demonstrate a professional level of scientific presentation skills;
  5. Use a range of approaches to solve technical problems;
  6. Undertake independent research, make effective use of computers;
Personal and Key Transferable/ Employment Skills and  Knowledge:
  1. Effectively communicate scientific results;
  2. Make appropriate use of information technology.
  3. Work productively and co-operatively in with others;
  4. Meet deadlines for completion of work and apply appropriate time-management strategies.
  5. Work co-operatively within a professional research environment;
SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module
Whilst the module’s precise content may vary from year to year, an example of an overall structure is as follows:  
Overview of organisation:
You will be allocated a supervisor from the Physics and Astronomy Department who will be the primary source of guidance throughout the project. Depending on the project, you may also work closely with researchers from other departments within the University or from a collaborating organisation.
A list of projects and potential supervisors will be distributed in October, and you will choose a project area by early December. You may also choose to generate your own project, in consultation with an appropriate supervisor. You will then work with your supervisor to design your project.
Stages of the project:
  1. You are required to submit a research proposal on your project subject in February, before beginning data collection.
  2. You are required to make a short formal presentation of your proposed project to staff and students shortly after submitting your literature review, before beginning data collection.
  3. You are required to submit your final project report, in the form of a paper to a specific journal, at the end of July
Precise timings and deadlines for assessments, along with assessment criteria, are available on ELE.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 20 Guided Independent Study 880 Placement / Study Abroad 0
Category Hours of study time Description
Scheduled Learning and Teaching 20 Meetings with the project supervisor 
Guided independent study 880
Reading, research and preparation of a critical literature review. 
Experimental design, data collection, data analysis and preparation for the final paper assessment


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Short answer questions during meeting with the project supervisor Ongoing throughout the module 1-16 Oral
Fortnightly notebook summaries Ongoing throughout the module 4, 8 Oral


Coursework 85 Written Exams 0 Practical Exams 15
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Project proposal 15 3,000 words 1, 3, 6 Written
Oral presentation and Notebook viva 15 15 min PowerPoint presentation (plus 5 mins of questions); 25 min Notebook viva 1-16 Written
Final report 70 8,000 words 1-16 Written


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-assessment
Project proposal Literature Review 1, 3, 6 Referral/deferral period
Oral presentation and Notebook viva N/A N/A N/A
Final report Final Report 1-16 Referral/deferral period


INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Basic reading:
  • As agreed between student and project supervisors. Reference will be made to the most recent articles and reports in the field and will focus on the primary literature.

Reading list for this module:

There are currently no reading list entries found for this module.

ORIGIN DATE Wednesday 13th March 2024 LAST REVISION DATE Friday 24th May 2024
KEY WORDS SEARCH Physics; MSc Project; Research; Safety; MSc; Reports; Notebook.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.