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Study information

Sustainable Architecture - 2019 entry

MODULE TITLESustainable Architecture CREDIT VALUE15
MODULE CODEENE3010 MODULE CONVENERProf Adam Feldman (Coordinator)
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) 23
DESCRIPTION - summary of the module content

A module to explore sustainability in the built environment. How can land, building materials, resources and energy be employed to a community’s advantage but with low levels of long term, irreversible and environmental impact? The module looks for design ingenuity, sustainable building practices, lowering of energy and resource demand, but without necessarily any fall in building quality or enjoyment! Building regulations and safety must still be met ….. and how can we measure the sustainability and performance of a building?

Many of the subjects modules in years 1, 2 and 3 of the Renewable Energy degree course are considered Co-requisite and usefully beneficial to this module (see towards the end of this document).

AIMS - intentions of the module

This module aims to develop architectural design capability in candidates, building on acquired knowledge of Energy Management principles and practice covered in Year 2. It aims to develop knowledge and understanding of new material on architectural design principles and processes (at an introductory level), sustainable construction materials and sustainable construction practice and to develop capability in the design of buildings integrated renewable energy systems.

INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (ILOs) (see assessment section below for how ILOs will be assessed)

On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:

Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:

1 acquire detailed knowledge and understanding of sustainable architectural design principles and practice;

2 produce detailed conceptual design drawings for buildings that are low energy / energy efficient (as measured by contemporary buildings codes and established measurement methodologies) as well as cost-efficient and fit-for-purpose;

3 gain awareness and can apply the relevant buildings regulations, planning requirements, and associated codes of practice;

4 acquire deep knowledge and understanding of buildings integrated renewable energy technologies and energy efficiency measures and can design systems for deployment in buildings  domestic or small commercial/industrial;

5 appreciate sustainable construction materials and practices such that an appropriate range of materials is selected and appropriate process are specified in their building designs.

Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:

6 detail and show coherent understanding of design processes that can be applied in unfamiliar situations, such that this can be applied in critical appraisal of uncertainties, ambiguities and the limits of knowledge in a design brief;

7 understand  the need for analysis and enquiry in the design process and justification of decisions throughout a design process;

8 propose innovative aspects in designs for familiar and unfamiliar situations;

9 model and analyse complex systems, processes and products in renewable energy, using scientific principles and to recognise the limitations of each analysis.

Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:

10 assess the limitations of software applied in particular cases and to select the appropriate computer based tool to solve an unfamiliar problem;

11 autonomy in planning and managing resources that support the syllabus plan and can reflect on the efficiency of use of these resources;

12 conduct and present / report calculations, to a deadline, with awareness of professional codes of conduct and standards and can incorporate an ethical dimension and/or exercise personal judgement into/on their work;

13 demonstrate a capability to relay technical information effectively using the spoken word, supported by professional quality visual aids, and be able to defend their reasoning and conclusions against probing questioning;

14 interact effectively in a group situation and work as part of a team (including, possibly, as the leader) such that they can recognise differing team roles within a team.


SYLLABUS PLAN - summary of the structure and academic content of the module

- introduction – review of relevant renewable energy technologies presented in previous years;

- energy efficiency in the home;

- passive solar design: solar gain, shading photovoltaic panels;

- solar hot water heating systems;

- ground source heat pumps;

- micro wind technologies;

- MicroCHP technologies;

- sunpath diagrams and degree day calculations;

- field class: visit to Key Organics Ltd;

- estimation of heating, ventilation, lighting and power requirements;

- audit of existing plant and determination of special services needs;

- study of the working patterns and typical working environment;

- establishment of client acceptance criteria;

- materials and techniques to construct a light industrial unit;

- field class: Mike Grigg’s House, St Issey, North Cornwall;

- passive solar design principles in practice;

- high thermal mass domestic dwellings;

- heat recovery systems;

- air reticulation systems;

- domestic insulation materials and methods;

- architectural design guidelines lighting: natural, artificial ventilation: natural, artificial building envelope;

- thermal comfort;

- water: fixtures, collection, sewerage;

- measuring sustainability BREEAM and Ecohomes;

- ISBEM NCM computer codes for accessing building performance;

- sustainable building materials;

- rammed earth structures;

- cob structures;

- clay and stone buildings;

- lime, straw, timber;

- recycled materials;

- sustainable construction techniques;

- lightweight timber;

- heavyweight;

- eco-minimalist;

- emerging hybrids;

- zero (fossil) energy developments;

- the ZED wheel;

- the 21 steps project image;

- private amenities;

- renewable energy technologies;

- housing densities;

- carbon balance;

- building physics;

- field class: site visit to the Jubilee Wharf ZED development in Penryn;

- initial criticisms of student design concepts.


Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities 27 Guided Independent Study 73 Placement / Study Abroad
Category Hours of study time Description
Scheduled learning and teaching activities 27 Lectures and visits
Guided independent study 73 Private study


FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT - for feedback and development purposes; does not count towards module grade
Form of Assessment Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Self-assessment of attainment against programme learning outcomes Completion of indicative reading list below   Tutorial Discussions


Coursework 70 Written Exams 0 Practical Exams 30
Form of Assessment % of Credit Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) ILOs Assessed Feedback Method
Group: two x A1 posters 30 2 x A1, graphic posters 1-12 Written
Group: Oral presentation 30 minutes 20 30 mins 13-14 Written
Individual written report 50 1500 words 1-12 Written


DETAILS OF RE-ASSESSMENT (where required by referral or deferral)
Original Form of Assessment Form of Re-assessment ILOs Re-assessed Time Scale for Re-reassessment
Summative assessment Additional assessment As above August Ref/Def period



As above 1 piece of CW 100%

INDICATIVE LEARNING RESOURCES - The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener

Basic reading:

ELE: CSM3375 ELE Page

Reading list for this module:

Type Author Title Edition Publisher Year ISBN
Set Boyle, G. Renewable Energy: power for a sustainable future Open University Press 2012 0-199-26179-2
Set Dunster, B., Simmons, C., Gilbert The ZEDbook Abingdon: Taylor & Francis 2008 10 0-415-391997
Set Smith, P., Architecture in a climate of change : a guide to sustainable design Electronic Oxford : Architectural Press, 2005 0750653469
Set Roaf, S., Fuentes, M., Thomas, S., Ecohouse II Electronic Architectural Press 2007 0415231825
Set Thomas, R., Photovoltaics and Architecture Spon Press, London 0415231825
Set Porteous, C. with MacGregor, K., Solar architecture in Cool Climates 190291662X
Set Kilbert, C.J. Sustainable construction : green building design and delivery Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley 2007 0471661139
Set Brandon, P.S., and Lombardi, P. Evaluating sustainable development in the built environment Oxford: Blackwell 0632064862
Set Steele, J. Ecological architecture: a critical history London : Thames & Hudson 2005 0500342105
Set Minke, G., and Mahlke, F., Building with straw: design and technology of a sustainable architecture ) Basel : Birkhauser 2005 3764371714
Set Williamson, T.J., Radford, A., and Bennetts, H., Understanding sustainable architecture. London : Spon Press 2003 0415283515
Set Dearling, A., and Meltzer, G., Another kind of space: creating ecological dwellings and environments Lyme Regis: Enabler 2003 0952331659
Set Slessor, C., and Linden, J., Eco-tech: sustainable architecture and high technology. London : Thames & Hudson 2001 0500283060
Set Addis, W., Building with reclaimed components and materials: a design handbook for reuse and recycling London: Earthscan Publications Ltd 2006 1844072746
Set Greenspec Green building products: The Greenspec guide to residential building materials Electronic 2008 0865715432
Set Stulz, R., and Mukerji, K., Appropriate building materials: a catalogue of potential solutions ITDG Publishing 2005 1853392251
ORIGIN DATE Thursday 6th July 2017 LAST REVISION DATE Thursday 29th November 2018
KEY WORDS SEARCH Architecture; building design; sustainable.

Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.