Safety and Sustainable Development - 2021 entry
MODULE TITLE | Safety and Sustainable Development | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
MODULE CODE | CSM2050 | MODULE CONVENER | Prof Patrick Foster (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
DURATION: WEEKS | 11 | 0 | 0 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 39 |
The module covers the key aspects of health, safety and environmental management that future managers, engineers will need to know and find useful in their future lives and careers. The course and material is biased towards the extractives industry and is pragmatic as well as academic in nature.
This module would be useful to any student of any discipline or pathway.
To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake health and safety related activities, such as writing policies, assessing risks, managing major hazards and investigating accidents in their chosen occupations.
To provide an understanding of the socio-environmental impacts, both positive and negative that the extractive industry may have on society.
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
1 appreciate the ever increasing role of health and safety in industry and be able to design and implement effective health and safety systems to minimize exposure to risk;
2 assess and manage major hazards in the mining industry;
3 describe and apply the principles of sustainable development;
4 identify the major issues and management strategies associated with environment/social and community impacts of the mining industry.
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
5 relate the theoretical information to the context of professional practice through analysis and synthesis of published information, collected data and practical observation.
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
6 analyse and synthesise material to produce a well researched evaluation of a practical problem in a report format developed through the mode of assessment, and presented to a professional standard.
Health & Safety Management (Major Topics)
- introduction to accident prevention and health and safety in industry; terminology; reason for preventing accidents; moral, cost, legal; accident statistics and trends in industry;
- accident aetiology: basic theories of accident causation, the role of human error in accidents, concept of active and latent failures; strategies for reducing human error;
- health and safety management: introduction, systems approach, key elements of a health and safety management system, recent developments, practical aspects of health and safety management;
- risk assessment and management: concept of risk assessment, subjective and quantitative risk assessment, organising for risk assessment and developing a risk management strategy;
- health assessment and surveillance: health risks, health risk management, health surveillance programmes;
- accident and incident investigations: need to investigation accidents, accident triangles, accident reporting, key elements of accident investigation;
- safety culture and maturity: definitions, safety culture maturity models.
Sustainable Development (Major Topics)
- sustainable development and the mining industry; international perspectives, the MMSD, GMI, EITI & other relevant performance standards.
- environmental impacts of mining (dusts, noise, visual, mine waste);
-environmental impact assessments including screening and scoping for EIA; risk management;
- environmental management systems (ISO 14000 series), including drivers, benefits and advantages of; case studies;
- environmental standards, surveys, licenses etc; environmental permitting; monitoring and auditing;
- communities and mining;
- climate change and adaptation in the mining industry;
- mine closure and rehabilitation.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 36 | Guided Independent Study | 114 | Placement / Study Abroad | 0 |
Category |
Hours of study time |
Description |
Scheduled learning and teaching activities |
36 |
Lectures and tutorials |
Guided independent study |
114 |
Self study |
Form of Assessment |
Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) |
ILOs Assessed |
Feedback Method |
Not applicable |
Coursework | 40 | Written Exams | 60 | Practical Exams | 0 |
Form of Assessment |
% of Credit |
Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) |
ILOs Assessed |
Feedback Method |
Examination |
60 |
1.5 hours |
1-5 |
On request |
Health and safety assignment |
20 |
1,500 words |
1, 2, 5, 6 |
Written |
Environmental management assignment 1:scoping case study |
20 |
1,500 words |
3-6 |
Written |
Original Form of Assessment |
Form of Re-assessment |
ILOs Re-assessed |
Time Scale for Re-assessment |
Summative assessment |
Additional summative assessment |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
August Ref/Def Period |
Examination |
Additional examination |
1-5 |
August Ref/Def Period |
As above 1 piece of coursework 40% and/or examination 60%.
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Reading list for this module:
Type | Author | Title | Edition | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Set | Blunden, J. & Reddish, A. | Energy, Resources and Environment | Hodder & Stoughton. | 1991 | ||
Set | Mulligan, D.W. | Environmental Management in the Australian Minerals and Energy Industries Theory and Practice | UNSW Press | 1996 | ||
Set | Lee, N. & George, C. | Environmental Assessment in Developing and Transitional Countries | Wiley | 2000 | ||
Set | Ridley, J. and Channing, J. (Eds) | Safety at Work | 5th | Butterworth Heinemann. | 1999 | |
Set | HSE Books | HSE 1997 The Costs of Accidents at Work | HS(G)65 | HSE Books | 1997 | |
Set | HSE Books | HSE (1993) ACSNI Study Group on Human Factors 3rd Report: Organising for Safety | HSE Books | 1993 | ||
Set | HSE Books | HSE (1998) Reducing Error and Influencing Behaviour | HS(G)48 | HSE Books | 1998 | |
Set | HSE Books | HSE (1997) Successful Health & Safety Management | HS(G)65 | HSE Books | 1997 | |
Set | British Standards Organisation | Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Specification | OHSAS 18001:2007 | British Standards Organisation | 2007 | |
Set | British Standards Organisation | Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems | BS8800 | British Standards Organisation | 1996 | |
Set | British Standards Organisation | Environmental Management Systems: Requirements with Guidance for Use | BS EN ISO 14001:2004 | British Standards Organisation | 2004 | |
Set | Gilpin, A. | Environmental Impact Assessment: Cutting Edge for the 21st Century | Cambridge University Press | 1994 | ||
Set | Department of Environment | Minerals and Planning Policy and Guidance Notes | ||||
Set | Pollution Handbook 2004 | National Society for Clean Air and Environmental Protection | 2004 |
ORIGIN DATE | Thursday 18th July 2019 | LAST REVISION DATE | Friday 20th March 2020 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | Safety management; risk management; environmental management; sustainable development; mining. |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.