Mine Planning and Design - 2021 entry
MODULE TITLE | Mine Planning and Design | CREDIT VALUE | 15 |
MODULE CODE | CSMM153 | MODULE CONVENER | Dr Lewis Meyer (Coordinator) |
DURATION: TERM | 1 | 2 | 3 |
DURATION: WEEKS | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Number of Students Taking Module (anticipated) | 25 |
Effective planning and design of surface or underground mine is crucial to their economic success, and commercially available design software has become a key part in this process.
This module commences with a review of mine planning requirements, input data required for design of surface or underground mining operations including geotechnical and economic parameters.
The module will provide you an overview of present mining planning practice and mine method selection.
The module will provide you an understanding of mine cut-off grade determination and present industrial mine design techniques and the latest developments in project optimisation.
The module will give you knowledge relating to use of mine design software for both surface and underground excavations.
We will determine suitable cut-off grades, the economic ultimate open pits limits using optimization algorithms such as industrial standard Lerchs-Grossman, and the layout of underground mine design.
The module will then look at the mine scheduling process, the requirements for mine studies and reporting codes.
This module gives you specialist analysis and computer-based design skills associated with mining design and scheduling.
It also provides problem-solving skills and provides simulated industrial experience. Where appropriate, we will use case history information to emphasise important aspects associated with mine optimisation and its influence on design.
Furthermore, we will use computer-based tutorials and practical design exercises to emphasise and consolidate key aspects for surface and underground mine design and scheduling.
On successful completion of this module you should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge
2. Evaluate critically the role and limitations of mine design and planning methods.
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge
Review of present mine planning and design practices, the input parameters in mine design ad mining method selection. The requirements for mine planning from scoping to feasibility level study, reserve and reserve reporting. A review of operating mines planning requirements; short, medium and long term planning.
Economic and Geotechnical Design Input Parameters
Review the geotechnical and economic inputs that drive both surface and underground mine design.
Mine Design
Review of current practice and the use of mine design software, its capabilities and limitations.
Optimisation Techniques
Review mine optimisation techniques currently available for open pit and underground optimisation, such as the floating stope and Lerch Grossman algorithms. Critically review the present limitations of stope design and optimisation.
Cut-off Grade
The role of cut-off grade, cut-off grade optimisation and variable cut-off grade where mining, processing or market constraints are present.
Mine Scheduling
Look at common practice, scheduling to increase Net present value of the project, the use of stockpiling.
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Activities | 36 | Guided Independent Study | 114 | Placement / Study Abroad | 0 |
Category | Hours of study time | Description |
Scheduled learning & teaching activities | 24 | Lectures delivering main syllabus |
Scheduled learning & teaching activities | 12 | Workshop/IT Tutorial |
Guided independent study | 114 | Independent study, including directed learning on specific topics and completion of assessments |
Form of Assessment | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Initial Software Training | Tutorial exercises - 28 hours | 1, 5, 6 | Verbal |
Coursework | 50 | Written Exams | 50 | Practical Exams | 0 |
Form of Assessment | % of Credit | Size of Assessment (e.g. duration/length) | ILOs Assessed | Feedback Method |
Examination – provides a summative assessment of module content with questions requiring in depth knowledge of specific aspects of the module | 50 | 2 hrs | 1-4 | Examination mark reported back through tutor system |
Individual Assignment, Design report (10 pages). | 50 | Design report, supporting tables and example calculations, spreadsheets, diagram etc in a short report (3,000 word eqivalent). | 1-7 | Written feedback sheet with comments |
Original Form of Assessment | Form of Re-assessment | ILOs Re-assessed | Time Scale for Re-assessment |
Summative Assessment | Additional Summative Assessment | As Above | Aug Ref/Def Period |
Examination | Additional Examination | As Above | Aug Ref/Def Period |
information that you are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Convener
Basic reading:
Web based and Electronic Resources:
Other Resources:
Reading list for this module:
Type | Author | Title | Edition | Publisher | Year | ISBN |
Set | Hartman H.H., Mutmansky, J.M. | Introductory Mining Engineering | Wiley | 2002 | ||
Set | McPherson M.J | Subsurface Ventilation and Environmental Engineering | Chapman and Hall | 1992 | ||
Set | Hustrulid WA | Underground Mining Methods Handbook | SME | 1982 | ||
Set | Lane KA | The Economic Definition of Ore: Cut-off Grades in Theory and Practice | 1988 | |||
Set | SME | SME Mining Engineering Handbook | 3rd | 2011 | ||
Set | SME | SME Underground Mining Methods Handbook | 1982 | |||
Set | Gertsch R E and Bullock R L | Techniques in Undergoud Mining | 1998 |
ORIGIN DATE | Thursday 6th July 2017 | LAST REVISION DATE | Monday 5th October 2020 |
KEY WORDS SEARCH | Mine Design, Mine Planning, Cut-off grade and Optimisation. |
Please note that all modules are subject to change, please get in touch if you have any questions about this module.