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Study information

Strategy and Innovation

Module titleStrategy and Innovation
Module codeBEMM116DA
Academic year2024/5
Module staff

Dr Sarah Bailey (Lecturer)

Dr Himadree Phookan (Lecturer)

Duration: Term123
Duration: Weeks

14 (ongoing)

Number students taking module (anticipated)


Module description

The module will cover the basic principles of strategic management and how these can support decision making around organisational design and positioning, determination of brand and marketing communication.  It will cover how organisations, markets and society can recognise and respond to disruptive innovation through effective horizon scanning and the creation of diverse, innovation related competences.

Case study material will be used in masterclasses and weekly tasks to contextualise and deepen students’ understanding of relevant theoretical concepts.

The two assessments will encourage students to apply ideas from the module directly to their own and other organisations, encouraging the development and deployment of the relevant competences from the Senior Leader standard that form the module ILOs.

Module aims - intentions of the module

As a Senior Leader you must be capable of horizon scanning, setting direction, defining mission and the values and culture the organisation must develop for success.  In this module you will study the tools and approaches for understanding where your organisation is and where it should go.  This includes the impact of disruptive environmental forces like technological and social change, the design of effective organisational structures, the need to create a sustainable future.  

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

ILO: Module-specific skills

On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

  • 1. Define how to shape organisational mission, culture and values . K1:
  • 2. Evaluate organisation structures; business modelling; diversity; global and horizon scanning perspectives; governance and accountability; technological and policy implications. K2:
  • 3. Critically analyse new market strategies, changing customer demands and trend analysis. K3:
  • 4. Describe innovation; the impact of disruptive technologies (mechanisms that challenge traditional business methods and practices); drivers of change and new ways of working across infrastructure, processes, people and culture and sustainability. K4:
  • 5. Analyse competitive strategies and entrepreneurialism, approaches to effective decision making, and the use of big data and insight to implement and manage change. K7:
  • 6. Define brand and reputation management. K15:
  • 7. Analyse the organisation’s developing communications strategy and its link to their area of responsibility. K20:

ILO: Discipline-specific skills

On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

    ILO: Personal and key skills

    On successfully completing the module you will be able to...

    • 8. Critically explore horizon scanning and conceptualisation to deliver high performance strategies focusing on growth/sustainable outcomes. S1:
    • 9. Lead change in their area of responsibility, create an environment for innovation and creativity, establishing the value of ideas and change initiatives and driving continuous improvement. S4:
    • 10. Define, shape and manage the communications strategy for their area of responsibility. S21:

    Syllabus plan

    • Foundations of strategy and innovation  - Foundations of strategy and innovation, defining strategy (or not), introducing the field of innovation – feeling comfortable with the basics.
    • Masterclass One — The basics of strategy and innovation, case studies, the circular economy and digital
    • The Wicked world we live in  -Understanding the organisation’s context and external environment and innovation as a reaction to a complex world.
    • Looking inward: The Resource-based View (RBV)   - What business are we in? Why are we doing what we are doing? What are the internal drivers of innovation and innovation culture?
    • Identifying competitive advantage  - Establishing competitive advantage: on what basis will we win? We explore innovating as a competitive advantage and ways to evaluate strategic options.
    • Re-thinking value creation  -What value do organisations contribute to society? Is profit all that matters? How innovation creates value and disrupts established ideas.
    • Masterclass Two — Soft systems thinking, eco-friendly web alliance, a process for managing strategy and innovation Key topics explored include: systems thinking, circular economy.
    • Strategy ideation & creativity: Getting good ideas Where do good strategies come from? How does the innovation process work?
    • Digital transformation - Building on the material covered in the Masterclasses, this week goes deeper into understanding digital innovation and transformation.
    • Implementation & leading change  - So, you have a strategy, now what? Successful implementation of either strategy or innovation is crucial for realising the benefits you intend.
    • Business ecosystems & open innovation - No organisation is an island. Discover the ecosystems approach in strategic management and innovation theory and how ecosystems harness and add value.

    Learning activities and teaching methods (given in hours of study time)

    Scheduled Learning and Teaching ActivitiesGuided independent studyPlacement / study abroad

    Details of learning activities and teaching methods

    CategoryHours of study timeDescription
    Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities284 ‘Masterclass’ days
    Scheduled Learning and teaching activities6Webinars
    Guided Independent Study 94Use of online learning materials. Completion of assessments required to monitor progress. Consultation with academic staff.
    Work-based Learning172Time in employment used for consolidation of skills and knowledge, preparation of EPA portfolio.

    Formative assessment

    Form of assessmentSize of the assessment (eg length / duration)ILOs assessedFeedback method
    Learning Journals300 words1-7Mentor
    Project Proposal 500 words2Written

    Summative assessment (% of credit)

    CourseworkWritten examsPractical exams

    Details of summative assessment

    Form of assessment% of creditSize of the assessment (eg length / duration)ILOs assessedFeedback method
    Workplace Innovation Culture Readiness Audit Assessment & Report 402,500 words2, 4, 8, 9,Written
    Strategic Value Creation Proposal Report604,000 words1-10Written

    Details of re-assessment (where required by referral or deferral)

    Original form of assessmentForm of re-assessmentILOs re-assessedTimescale for re-assessment
    Workplace Innovation Culture Readiness Audit Assessment & Report Resubmission2, 4, 8, 9, Programme schedule dependent
    Strategic Value Creation Proposal ReportResubmission1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10 Programme schedule dependent

    Re-assessment notes

    All passed components of the module will be rolled forward and will not be reassessed in the event of module failure.

    Indicative learning resources - Basic reading

    • Thompson et al (2017), Crafting and Executing Strategy, the Quest for Competitive Advantage; e-book
    • Clegg., S. et al (2022) Strategy: Theory and Practice – 4th edition Sage
    • Edmondson, V (2018) The Thinking strategist- unleashing the power of strategic management to Identify, Explore and Solve problems – Emerald
    • Joseph Tidd, J. & Bessant, J. (2020) Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change - Wiley
    • Mark Dodgson, M & Gann, D. and Phillips, N. (2013) The Oxford handbook of innovation management – Oxford Press
    • Osterwalder et al. (2020) The Invincible Company –Strategyzer - Wiley

    Additional suggested reading:

    • Christensen (1997), The Innovator’s Dilemma; Harvard Press

    Key words search

    Strategy, Innovation, Culture, Ecosystems, Value creation, Systems thinking, Digital transformation,  Soft systems, Agile, Entrepreneur, Shared Value, Change Management 

    Credit value30
    Module ECTS


    Module pre-requisites


    Module co-requisites


    NQF level (module)


    Available as distance learning?


    Origin date


    Last revision date
