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Study information

Mining Environmental Management (2023)

1. Programme Title:

Mining Environmental Management

NQF Level:


2. Description of the Programme (as in the Business Approval Form)

The MSc in Mining Environmental Management (MEM) offers a unique opportunity to gain specialist knowledge in theory and technologies in the environmental management before, during and after mining. It will add important knowledge and skill sets to deliver fully skilled and qualified scientists to work in the national and international mining and environment industries, consultancy, academia, and government or non-governmental organisation sectors.

3. Educational Aims of the Programme

This MSc Mining Environmental Management programme will provide training and practice in the management, remediation and mitigation of the environmental impacts of mining. The specific focus of the programme and specialist expertise provided will be centred on environmental geochemistry and mineralogy, but students will be provided with a multi-disciplinary skillset covering geological, engineering and social science aspects of mining environmental management.

4. Programme Structure

The programme consists of 6 taught modules and a research project and scientific article. 

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College web site

Stage 1

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
CSMM219GIS for Mineral Explorationists and Geoenvironmental Engineers15YesNo
CSMM135Economics, Processing & Environment15YesNo
CSMM441Mine Waste Characterisation, Prediction and Treatment15YesNo
CSMM443Research Project and Scientific Article90YesNo
CSMM185Soil and Water Contamination15YesNo
CSMM442Politics, Mining and Sustainable Development15YesNo
CSMM192Advanced Geoscientific Software and Data Management15YesNo

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning & Assessment Methods

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be accommodated & facilitated by the following learning & teaching and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

A Specialised Subject Skills & Knowledge

GIS; remote sensing; economics and processing; mine waste characterisation, prediction and treatment; soil and water contamination; politics, mining and sustainable development; geoscientific software and data management


Learning & Teaching Activities

Lectures, practicals, field trips, computing, private study

Assessment Methods

Examinations, poster and oral presentations, quizzes, computer maps, files and databases, essays

B Academic Discipline Core Skills & Knowledge

Ability to communicate skills in GIS; remote sensing; economics and processing; mine waste characterisation, prediction and treatment; soil and water contamination; politics, mining and sustainable development; geoscientific software and data management; Understand appropriate management strategies for soil and water pollution, and mine waste control; Demonstrate skills in assessing environmental samples; Demonstrate a systematic understanding, and a critical awareness of the use of geological databases for the acquisition, analysis, interpretation and presentation of geo-scientific data.

Learning & Teaching Activities

Lectures, practicals, field trips, computing, private study

Assessment Methods

Examinations, poster and oral presentations, quizzes, computer maps, files and databases, essays

C Personal / Transferable / Employment Skills & Knowledge

Utilise computer-based learning resources; professionally present written, poster and oral material; plan and manage self-study tasks; Select and interpret data in order to critically evaluate a specific problem; discuss complex issues; demonstrate commercial awareness; Improved oral presentation, research and writing skills and ability to effectively monitor, critically analyse and report on issues

Learning & Teaching Activities

Practicals, field trips, computing, private study

Assessment Methods

Poster and oral presentations, quizzes, computer maps, files and databases, essays 

7. Programme Regulations

The programme consists of 180 credits with 90 credits taken at each stage where the programme is offered part time.  The pass mark for award of credit in an individual PG module is 50%.

Assessment and Awards
The award will normally be based on at least 180 credits of which 150 or more must be at NQF level 7 (120 for PG Dip, and 60 for PG Cert).

This programme is accredited by a PSRB under licence from the Engineering Council. Therefore, the latest Engineering Council regulations on condonement apply to this programme. Please find further details in the TQA Manual here:

The marking of modules and the classification of awards broadly corresponds to the following percentage marks:

Postgraduate Degrees

Distinction   70%+

Merit            60-69%

Pass            50-59%

Full details of  PGT programmes assessment regulations can be found in the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA) on the University of Exeter website.  Generic marking criteria are also published here.

Please see the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

Personal and Academic tutoring: It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.

Students have access to good computing and library facilities at Tremough. Computer-based exercises and web-based learning materials are a feature of the programme, which can be accessed via the internet. IT Services provide a range of central services, including open and training clusters of PCs (available on a 24/7 basis) within the Centre. Network access is available from all rooms in the hall of residence on site. On the Tremough campus in Cornwall, the Learning Resource Centre contains a library of 70,000 volumes and some specialist collections. In addition, students have full access to the central University of Exeter library, including the electronic library resources.

Online Module study resources provide materials for modules that you are registered for, in addition to some useful subject and IT resources. Generic study support resources, library and research skills, past exam papers, and the 'Academic Honesty and Plagiarism' module are also available through the student portal (

Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students & staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.

10. Admission Criteria

All applications are considered individually on merit. The University is committed to an equal opportunities policy with respect to gender, age, race, sexual orientation and/or disability when dealing with applications. It is also committed to widening access to higher education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.

Candidates must satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Exeter.

Applicant who do not have the traditional qualifications to meet the entry requirements are also encouraged to apply and will be considered through the use of an Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) scheme. This involves assessment of qualifications, accredited post education qualifications and training, inhouse training, job roles and dimensions. These are scored against a template and benchmarked roles and qualifications. The overall aim is to assess whether the applicant possess the equivalent to a QAA graduate skill set and would therefore be capable of entering and completing the Postgraduate Certificate Course.

The APEL scheme comprises a toting up system that involves separate numerical scores for job role and dimension, traditional academic qualifications, accredited vocation qualifications and in-house training. The standard entry requirement for an MSc Programme would be a degree and the APEL score for acceptance is aligned to the score achieved for a degree or international equivalent. The job role equivalent to this would be, for example, a mineral processing engineer or (equivalent) in a significantly sized mine; typically a graduate role. Different job roles have been compared against the QAA graduate skills descriptors to benchmark them with respect to the generic skills and subject specialist components. The vocational training is again benchmarked to the UK qualification framework allowing for international comparisons. In-house training is capped at a nominal very low score due to its lack of external verification. The sum of the scores for the four categories is compared to the entry level to provide an objective assessment and for a decision on acceptance for entry onto the course. The APEL scheme operates for entry requirement, not for credit or exemption from any part of the course.

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.

The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice.  See the University's TQA Manual for details.

12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

Certain programmes are subject to accreditation and/or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).
The MSc Mining Environmental Management is accredited by the Institution of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3) as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for a Chartered Engineer (CEng) for candidates who have already acquired an Accredited CEng (Partial) BEng (Hons) undergraduate first degree. See for further information.
Accreditation is a mark of assurance that the degree meets the standards set by the Engineering Council in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).
Accreditation is awarded for a maximum of 5 years under each assessment exercise. The dates applicable to the current accreditation of this degree programme can be viewed on the Engineering Council list of accredited degrees:
14 Awarding Institution University of Exeter
15 Lead College / Teaching Institution College of Engineering, Mathematics and Phyical Sciences
16 Partner College / Institution
17 Programme accredited/validated by
18 Final Award(s) MSc
19 UCAS Code (UG programmes) minenv
20 NQF Level of Final Awards(s): 7
21 Credit (CATS and ECTS) 360
22 QAA Subject Benchmarking Group (UG and PGT programmes)
23 Origin Date February 8th 2023 Last Date of Revision: February 8th 2023