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Study information

Mining Engineering (with Study Abroad in Minerals Engineering) (2023)

1. Programme Title:

Mining Engineering (with Study Abroad in Minerals Engineering)

NQF Level:


2. Description of the Programme (as in the Business Approval Form)

This variant on the Mining Engineering degree is taught by the University’s Camborne School of Mines (CSM), which has more than 120 years’ experience in training mining engineers and an excellent international reputation.

The degree programme is multidisciplinary, including elements of civil and mechanical engineering, geology, metallurgy, economics, environmental management and health and safety. It is also highly vocational, so in addition to lecture-based study, the programme includes field trips, tours, a summer industrial placement and practical classes in surveying. In this variant you will also undertake a study abroad year, between your second and third year of study, at the University of British Columbia undertaking a number of modules specifically related to minerals processing and engineering. You will also spend your second or third year summer vacation gaining work experience anywhere from Australia to the UK.



3. Educational Aims of the Programme

The College aims to produce graduates that can be flexible mining & minerals engineering graduates equipped to work effectively within industrial teams or research and development groups, contributing specialist skills, demonstrating an awareness of the context within which they work, and taking responsibility for their own personal and professional development.

Through this programme, the College will provide students with: learning opportunities to match their abilities and aspirations, personal academic support and pastoral support through their university career, appropriate methods of teaching and assessment and a programme of study that they find demanding interesting and intellectually stimulating, while allowing them to enjoy other aspects of university life.

The Study Abroad variant will provide you with the opportunity to study some aspects of minerals processing and engineering in a university abroad and to give you an insight into the culture of the host country.

4. Programme Structure

Your BEng programme is a 4 year programme of study at National Qualification Framework (NQF) level (6) (as confirmed against the FHEQ). This programme is divided into (4) Stages. Each Stage is normally equivalent to an academic year. The programme is also divided into units of study called modules which are assigned a number of credits. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload, with 1 credit being nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work. Interim Awards

If you do not complete the programme you may be able to exit with a lower qualification. If you have achieved 120 credits, you may be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education, and if you achieve 240 credits, where at least 90 credits are at level 2 or above, you may be awarded a Diploma of Higher Education.

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College web site

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning & Assessment Methods

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be accommodated & facilitated by the following learning & teaching and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

A Specialised Subject Skills & Knowledge

  1. sound knowledge of mathematics, physics and statistics with an ability to apply this to mining and minerals related issues, including design..
  2. a use of scientific principles underpinning mining and minerals engineering.
  3. an understanding of the structure and properties of metals and other materials and their application.
  4. management and business practices including finance law marketing and personnel.
  5. ethical and social issues related to mining and minerals engineering and professional responsibilities.

Learning & Teaching Activities

Stage 1-3

Material is introduced by lectures and directed reading/research and students are given very clear guidance in how to manage their learning. Understanding is developed and consolidated in tutorials and by laboratory and private study exercises, carried out individually and in groups, both self-assessed and tutor marked to provide rapid feedback. Project work is used extensively to integrate material and make knowledge functional. Students also complete a  residential three week long subject specific Summer survey course, at the end of stage 1.

During the 1st term of stage 2 they complete a week long subject specific underground survey course at the CSM Test Mine. Between stage 2 and stage 3 they must complete a minimum of 8 weeks vacation work in an appropriate industrial position. Prior to the beginning of stage 3 students are taken on a week long industrial tour.

Between Stages 2 and 3, students will undertake a study year abroad at the University of British Columbia undertaking specific modules related to minerals processing and engineering.

Outcome 1 is supported explicitly by dedicated mathematics modules in stages one and two and then developed by use in other modules throughout the programme. 2 is supported explicitly by stage 1 engineering modules and implicitly by several other modules in stages 2 and 3 and the Study Abroad year. .3 is supported explicitly by stage 1 engineering modules ie, Mechanics of Materials and by several other modules, including during the study abroad year. 4 is supported by Accounting and Management, Mineral Economics and Feasibility Studies, Health and Safety Risk Management in stage 3. 4 is supported by Safety & Sustainable Development in Stage 3 and Feasibility Study in stage 3

Assessment Methods

Direct assessment is through a range of formal written examinations, and marked coursework in the form of problem sheets, laboratory reports, reports/essays based on directed reading and research. Project work is assessed through a combination of supervisor's report, peer assessment and formal assessment of final reports and presentations. The production of a satisfactory vacation report is compulsory and is assessed under (CSM 3042). The assessment of the Study Abroad year will be through a specific 120 credit module (CSM3067) that converts the individual UBC module marks into an overall mark.

B Academic Discipline Core Skills & Knowledge

Intellectual (thinking) skills – able to:

  1. demonstrate a systematic and creative approach to problem solving.
  2. apply appropriate mathematical methods, scientific principles and computer based methods to the modelling, analysis and solution of practical mining & minerals engineering problems, and apply them creatively and realistically in practical solutions.
  3. take a holistic approach to design and problem solving.
  4. assess and manage risks (e.g.: commercial, safety, environmental etc.).
  5. take personal responsibility for acting in a professional and ethical manner. Practical skills – able to:
  6. select and use appropriate ICT based tools for analysis, design and communication of designs.
  7. select and use laboratory instrumentation appropriately and correctly
  8. construct prototype products, systems, experimental apparatus etc.
  9. work safely in a mining related environment, workshop or other environment etc., and promote safe practice.

Learning & Teaching Activities

1 and 2 are integrated into most modules and developed steadily throughout the 4 stages. 3 and 4 are introduced in several modules during the first 2 stages of study and are developed more systematically in the 3rd stage modules of the Industrial Placement and Project, Feasibility Study. 5 and 6 are developed by use in modules throughout the programme, but also in the 8 week industrial  placement and the industrial tour run in stage 3.

Students are exposed to internal industrial experience in the form of a week long Mining Induction Course held at at a UK mine site.

9 is introduced in the Mining & Minerals Engineering module in stage 1. These practical skills are then developed in  laboratory work carried out as an integral part of many modules, and in the project work

Assessment Methods

Analytical skills are assessed within many modules through a range of formal written examinations, and marked coursework in the form of problem sheets etc. These skills are primarily shown in project work however. Modules in stages 2 and 3 and the Study Abroad Year include many small scale projects, assessed by practical work/results and reports. These lead into the stage 3 Industrial Placement and Project, assessed on the basis of practical work/results and final report by a supervisor and second examiner against clearly set out assessment criteria.

The practical skills are assessed in part through laboratory reports throughout stages 1 and 2 and the Study Abroad Year , but mainly through project work in stage 3 where they are used extensively. The 1 week Mining Induction Course promotes safe practice

C Personal / Transferable / Employment Skills & Knowledge

1.     communicate effectively and persuasively using the full range of currently available methods.

2.     manage resources and time.

3.     work in a team, which may be multi-disciplinary.

4.     learn independently, identifying own personal development needs and goals, reflecting on own performance and managing own personal development.

5.     obtain and process information from a wide range of sources, which may be conflicting, analyse it critically and apply this information in mining & minerals engineering applications.

6.   sort, manipulate and present data in a way that facilitates effective analysis and decision making.

Learning & Teaching Activities

Skills 1 and 2 are introduced in Mining & Minerals Engineering in stage 1, and then used increasingly throughout the programme, including the study abroad year. 1 is developed through regular oral and written presentations of work, particularly in the main projects. 2 and 4 are initially developed in stage 1 with students being required to carry out regular reviews of their own progress, upon which they get formal feedback through the tutorial system. 3 is developed through laboratory and project group work in many modules, including the Feasibility Study. 5 and 6 are similarly developed by a wide range of project and assignment work culminating in the stage 3 Industrial Placement and Project.

Assessment Methods

Assessment of key skills is mostly through items of coursework: written and oral presentations, and through project work. 1 is explicitly assessed as part of the Mining & Minerals Engineering module during stage 1 and implicitly in the continuous part of many other module assessments, including as part of the Study Abroad year. 2 is implicit in much of all students' study but is explicitly tested in the main projects. 3 is implicitly assessed in group work throughout the programme. 5 and 6 are implicitly assessed in many modules, particularly the Feasibility Study. All are assessed within the modules during the Study Abroad Year.

7. Programme Regulations


The programme consists of 480 credits with 120 credits taken at each stage (including the study abroad year). Normally not more than 75 credits would be allowed in any one term. The pass mark for award of credit in an individual module is 40%.


The Year Abroad counts as a single 120 credit module and is not condonable; you must pass this module to graduate with the degree title of BEng (Hons) Mining Engineering with Study Abroad in Minerals Engineering. If you fail the Year Abroad module your degree title will be commuted to BEng (Hons) Mining Engineering. You will be assessed by your host university during your academic year abroad with their grades converted back to Exeter grades to contribute towards your degree classification. The rules governing failure and referral will be determined by the host institution.



You can progress to the next stage (or in the final year, to proceed to the award of an honours degree) once at least 90 credits have been passed in a stage, and provided that an average of at least 40% has been achieved over the 120 credits of assessment for that stage.



This programme is accredited by a PSRB under licence from the Engineering Council. Therefore, the latest Engineering Council regulations on condonement apply to this programme. Please find further details in the TQA Manual here:




Assessment and Awards

Assessment at stage one does not contribute to the summative classification of the award. The award will normally be based on the degree mark formed from the credit-weighted average marks for stages 2 and 3 and the study abroad year.



The marking of modules and the classification of awards broadly corresponds to the following percentage marks:

Class I 70% +

Class II Division I 60-69%

Class II Division II 50-59%

Class III 40-49%


Full details of assessment regulations for UG programmes can be found in the Teaching Quality Assurance Manual (TQA) on the University of Exeter website. Generic marking criteria are also published here.

Please see the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

Personal and Academic tutoring: It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.

Students have access to good computing and library facilities at Penryn. Computer-based exercises and web-based learning materials are a feature of the programme, which can be accessed via the internet. IT Services provide a range of central services, including open and training clusters of PCs (available on a 24/7 basis) within the Centre. Network access is available from all rooms in the hall of residence on site. On the Penryn campus in Cornwall, the Learning Resource Centre contains a library of 70,000 volumes and some specialist collections. In addition, students have full access to the central University of Exeter library, including the electronic library resources.

Online Module study resources provide materials for modules that you are registered for, in addition to some useful subject and IT resources. Generic study support resources, library and research skills, past exam papers, and the 'Academic Honesty and Plagiarism' module are also available through the student portal (

Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students & staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.

The College complies with the University’s Code of Practice on Study and Work Experience Abroad. The name of the member of staff acting as the programme’s Co-ordinator for study abroad is made known to you before you leave Exeter, and this person is responsible for liaison and oversight of your progress during the year abroad. Contact will be maintained with you during your year abroad by regular email communication.

10. Admission Criteria

All applications are considered individually on merit. The University is committed to an equal opportunities policy with respect to gender, age, race, sexual orientation and/or disability when dealing with applications. It is also committed to widening access to higher education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.  Candidates must satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Exeter.

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.

The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend APAC Meetings and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice. See the University's TQA Manual for details.

12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

Certain programmes are subject to accreditation and/ or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).
The BEng Mining Engineering (with Study Abroad in Minerals Engineering) is accredited by the Institution of Materials Minerals and Mining (IOM3) on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of partly meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer (CEng).
Accreditation is a mark of assurance that the degree meets the standards set by the Engineering Council in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC).
Accreditation is awarded for a maximum of 5 years under each assessment exercise. The dates applicable to the current accreditation of this degree programme can be viewed on the Engineering Council list of accredited degrees:
14 Awarding Institution University of Exeter
15 Lead College / Teaching Institution College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
16 Partner College / Institution University of British Columbia
17 Programme accredited/validated by
18 Final Award(s) BEng (Hons)
19 UCAS Code (UG programmes) J115
20 NQF Level of Final Awards(s): 6
21 Credit (CATS and ECTS) 360 credits (180 ECTS)
22 QAA Subject Benchmarking Group (UG and PGT programmes) Engineering
23 Origin Date February 8th 2023 Last Date of Revision: February 8th 2023