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Study information

Digital and Technology Solutions (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship) (2024)

1. Programme Title:

Digital and Technology Solutions (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship)

NQF Level:


2. Description of the Programme (as in the Business Approval Form)

The BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions is the University of Exeter’s degree apprenticeship programme in digital technology for business. If you would like to get qualified to degree level as an IT professional and earn a salary at the same time, this programme is for you. The course normally takes four years and is delivered using a combination of intensive block-release teaching (approximately two weeks block study per year), distance education, and workplace projects. Your employer will fund the course fees with Government support. The programme will make you highly employable; you will gain in-demand professional skills while acquiring valuable professional experience.

When starting your programme, you will elect to take one of five pathways*, each aligned with one of the specialisms in the Apprenticeship Standard and  addressing a highly sought-after professional role: Software Engineer, Business Analyst, Data Analyst, IT Consultant, and Cyber Security Analyst. During the programme you will take 60% core modules including Digital Technology Infrastructure, System Development, Information and Data, IT Project Management, IT Law and Ethics, Information Security, Business Organisation, Professional Skills and Information Systems, as well as 40% specialist modules in your chosen tech specialism. The programme includes a series of workplace projects based on live business problems to hone your professional skills. To gain access to this course, you must apply for or be employed in a relevant technical role and be supported by your employer to complete the programme.

* Specialism pathways are offered subject to availability. Approval for your choice of specialism will need to be given by both your employer and the University. You will graduate with your chosen specialism named as part of your degree title:

• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Business Analysis)
• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Cyber Security)
• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Data Analysis)
• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (IT Consulting)
• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Software Engineering)
• BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Network Engineering)



3. Educational Aims of the Programme

The programme is intended to equip you to provide technology-enabled solutions to internal and/or external customers in a range of areas including software, business and systems analysis, cyber security and data analysis. You will learn to implement technology solutions that enable businesses to develop new products and services and to increase an organisation’s productivity using digital technologies. The programme will help you become confident, competent and capable independent IT professionals, able to operate in a range of related roles. The occupation is based upon a core set of outcomes that will be supplemented by one of five specialism areas that cover the roles identified by employers.

4. Programme Structure

The BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions is a four-year programme of study at Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Level 6. This programme is divided into four ‘Stages’. Each Stage is normally equivalent to an academic year.  



5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College web site

You may take Option Modules as long as any necessary prerequisites have been satisfied, where the timetable allows, and if you have not already taken the module in question or an equivalent module. Descriptions of the individual modules are given in full on the College web site


Stage 1

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
ECM1418Business Organisation15YesNo
ECM1419Interpersonal and Foundation Skills15YesNo
ECM1420Information and Data15YesNo
ECM1421System Development 115YesNo
ECM1422Reflective Practice 130YesYes

Stage 2

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
ECM1423Digital Technology Infrastructure15YesNo
ECM1424Information Security15YesNo
ECM2428IT Project Management15YesNo
ECM2429Systems Development 215YesNo
ECM2430Reflective Practice 230YesYes

Stage 3

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
ECM2431Information Systems15YesNo
ECM2432Reflective Practice 345YesYes
ECM3431IT Law and Ethics15YesNo
Specialism modules: Select 15 credits of Computer Science modules.
ECM3432Software Engineering 115NoNo
ECM3433Data Analysis 115NoNo
ECM3434Business Analysis 115NoNo
ECM3435IT Consulting 115NoNo
ECM3436Network Engineering 115NoNo
ECM3437Cyber Security 115NoNo

* ECM3436 will run subject to the number of students taking it.

You must take the 15-credit module for your designated specialism in each of Stages 3 and 4. Not all optional modules listed will be available each year; options are offered at the discretion of the College and details for any one year are given in full on the College’s web site.

You are required to take 120 credits of modules at RQF Level 4, 120 credits at RQF Level 5 and 120 credits at RQF Level 6.  Due to the specific requirements of this award the University’s provision on modularity is not available for this programme. In other words, you will only be able to select the modules specified above.

Stage 4

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
ECM3438Synoptic Project60YesYes
Specialism modules: Select 15 credits of Computer Science modules.
ECM3440Software Engineering 215NoNo
ECM3441Data Analysis 215NoNo
ECM3442Business Analysis 215NoNo
ECM3443IT Consulting 215NoNo
ECM3444Network Engineering 215NoNo
ECM3445Cyber Security 215NoNo
Elective Modules: Select 15 credits of Computer Science modules.
ECM3432Software Engineering 115NoNo
ECM3433Data Analysis 115NoNo
ECM3434Business Analysis 115NoNo
ECM3435IT Consulting 115NoNo
ECM3436Network Engineering 115NoNo
ECM3437Cyber Security 115NoNo
ECM3439Independent Study15NoNo

* ECM3444 and ECM3436 will run subject to the number of students taking them.

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning & Assessment Methods

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be accommodated & facilitated by the following learning & teaching and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

A Specialised Subject Skills & Knowledge

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to:

Meet the specialist learning outcomes for your occupational specialism as defined in Apprenticeship Standard (Digital And Technology Solutions Professional), Skills Funding Agency, 10 September 2015 ( .

The occupational specialisms are:

  1. Software Engineer
  2. Data Analyst
  3. Business Analyst
  4. IT Consultant
  5. Cyber Security Consultant

In addition, all apprentices must meet the core (non-specialist) learning outcomes defined in the Apprenticeship Standard, which are reproduced in Section B and C below.


Learning & Teaching Activities

Competences and knowledge are developed through a mixture of lectures, seminars, practical work, case studies, team and individual project work, tutorials and directed private study. These are delivered by a variety of means including e-learning, face-to-face teaching and guided coursework as appropriate. Full details of teaching and learning methods in each of the constituent modules of the programme are given in the associated module descriptors (see  Your employer will collaborate with the University on modules containing work-based learning (reflective practice and final project modules) to define the content of the work to be achieved and the learning outcomes to be addressed in each piece of work. Teaching and learning will be enhanced through the University’s involvement with employers and bodies such as the Tech Partnership to provide (for example) expert practitioner lectures delivered by video.


Assessment Methods

Competences and knowledge are assessed through a mixture of formal written examinations and individual or group coursework assignments which may include: tests, problem sheets, practical assignments, essays, project reports and/or oral presentation where appropriate. Your employer will collaborate with the University on assessment of work-based learning modules (reflective practice and final project modules) to agreed target learning outcomes checking that they have been achieved. Some modules may be entirely coursework based, whilst others will involve formal written examinations as well as coursework elements. Modules throughout the programme use a mix of both formative and summative assessment. Some modules may use elements of peer and self assessment where appropriate. Full details of assessment methods in each of the constituent modules of the programme and their link to the associated learning outcomes are given in the associated module descriptors (see

B Academic Discipline Core Skills & Knowledge

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to meet the core skills and core technical knowledge learning outcomes defined in the Apprenticeship Standard:

1. Information Systems: is able to critically analyse a business domain in order to identify the role of information systems, highlight issues and identify opportunities for improvement through evaluating information systems in relation to their intended purpose and effectiveness.

2. Systems Development: analyses business and technical requirements to select and specify appropriate technology solutions. Designs, implements, tests, and debugs software to meet requirements using contemporary methods including agile development. Manages the development and assurance of software artefacts applying secure development practises to ensure system resilience. Configures and deploys solutions to end users.

3. Data: identifies organisational information requirements and can model data solutions using conceptual data modelling techniques. Is able to implement a database solution using an industry standard database management system (DBMS). Can perform database administration tasks and is cognisant of the key concepts of data quality and data security. Is able to manage data effectively and undertake data analysis.

4. Cyber Security: can undertake a security risk assessment for a simple IT system and propose resolution advice. Can identify, analyse and evaluate security threats and hazards to planned and installed information systems or services (e.g. Cloud services).

5. Business Organisation: can apply organisational theory, change management, marketing, strategic practice, human resource management and IT service management to technology solutions development. Develops well-reasoned investment proposals and provides business insights.

6. IT Project Management: follows a systematic methodology for initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing technology solutions projects. Applies industry standard processes, methods, techniques and tools to execute projects. Is able to manage a project (typically less than six months, no inter-dependency with other projects and no strategic impact) including identifying and resolving deviations and the management of problems and escalation processes.

7. Computer and Network Infrastructure: can plan, design and manage computer networks with an overall focus on the services and capabilities that network infrastructure solutions enable in an organisational context. Identifies network security risks and their resolution.

8. Core technical knowledge: knows and understands:

  • How business exploits technology solutions for competitive advantage.
  • The value of technology investments and how to formulate a business case for a new technology solution, including estimation of both costs and benefits.
  • Contemporary techniques for design, developing, testing, correcting, deploying and documenting software systems from specifications, using agreed standards and tools.
  • How teams work effectively to produce technology solutions.
  • The role of data management systems in managing organisational data and information.
  • Common vulnerabilities in computer networks including unsecure coding and unprotected networks.
  • The various roles, functions and activities related to technology solutions within an organisation.
  • How strategic decisions are made concerning acquiring technology solutions resources and capabilities including the ability to evaluate the different sourcing options.
  • How to deliver a technology solutions project accurately consistent with business needs.
  • The issues of quality, cost and time for projects, including contractual obligations and resource constraints.



Learning & Teaching Activities

See details in Section A Learning and Teaching Activities.

Assessment Methods

See details in Section A Assessment Methods.

C Personal / Transferable / Employment Skills & Knowledge

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to meet the core behavioural skills learning outcomes defined in the Apprenticeship Standard:

9. Professional, interpersonal and business skills

  • Fluent in written communications and able to articulate complex issues.
  • Makes concise, engaging and well-structured verbal presentations, arguments and explanations.
  • Able to deal with different, competing interests within and outside the organisation with excellent negotiation skills.
  • Is able to identify the preferences, motivations, strengths and limitations of other people and apply these insights to work more effectively with and to motivate others.
  • Competent in active listening and in leading, influencing and persuading others.
  • Able to give and receive feedback constructively and incorporate it into his/her own development and life-long learning.
  • Applies analytical and critical thinking skills to Technology Solutions development and to systematically analyse and apply structured problem solving techniques to complex systems and situations.
  • Able to put forward, demonstrate value and gain commitment to a moderately complex technology-oriented solution, demonstrating understanding of business need, using open questions and summarising skills and basic negotiating skills.
  • Able to conduct effective research, using literature and other media, into IT and business related topics.

10. Attributes and behaviours

  • Have demonstrated that they have mastered basic business disciplines, ethics and courtesies, demonstrating timeliness and focus when faced with distractions and the ability to complete tasks to a deadline with high quality.
  • Flexible attitude.
  • Ability to perform under pressure.
  • A thorough approach to work
    .Logical thinking and creative approach to problem solving.

Learning & Teaching Activities

See details in Section A Learning and Teaching Activities.

Assessment Methods

See details in Section A Assessment Methods

7. Programme Regulations

Full details of assessment regulations for all taught programmes can be found in the TQA Manual, specifically in the Credit and Qualifications Framework, and the Assessment, Progression and Awarding: Taught Programmes Handbook.

Additional information, including Generic Marking Criteria, can be found in the Learning and Teaching Support Handbook.


This programme is being considered for accreditation by a PSRB under licence from the Engineering Council. Therefore, the latest Engineering Council regulations on condonement apply to this programme. Please find further details in the TQA Manual here:


Programme-Specific Award Rules

Providing that you pass the pathway-specific modules for your chosen specialism, you will graduate with specialist named pathways of the BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions degree. If you do not pass the pathway-specific modules for your chosen specialism, you will graduate with the standard BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions. The specialist named pathways are BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Business Analysis), BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Cyber Security), BSc Digital and Technology Solutions (Data Analysis), BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (IT Consulting), and BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Software Engineering). The conditions for graduating with a named pathway are as follows:

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Business Analysis)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must  ECM3434 Business Analysis 1 and ECM3442 Business Analysis 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have a business analysis focus.

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Cyber Security)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must take ECM3437 Cyber Security 1 and ECM3445 Cyber Security 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have a cyber security focus.

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Data Analysis)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must take ECM3433 Data Analysis 1 and ECM3441 Data Analysis 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have a data analysis focus.

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (IT Consulting)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must take ECM3435 IT Consulting 1 and ECM3443 IT Consulting 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have an IT consulting focus.

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Software Engineering)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must take ECM3432 Software Engineering 1 and ECM3440 Software Engineering 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have a software engineering focus.

BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Network Engineering)

To qualify for the award of this pathway you must take ECM3436 Network Engineering 1 and ECM3444 Network Engineering 2 and the ECM3438 Synoptic Project must have a network engineering focus.

8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

In accordance with University policy a system of personal tutors is in place for all students on this programme.  A University-wide statement on such provision is included in the University's TQA Manual.  As a student enrolled on this programme you will receive the personal and academic support of the Programme Coordinator and will have regular scheduled meetings with your Personal Tutor; you may request additional meetings as and when required. The role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.
Information Technology (IT) Services provide a wide range of services throughout the Exeter campuses including open access computer rooms, some of which are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.  Help may be obtained through the Helpdesk, and most study bedrooms in halls and flats are linked to the University's campus network.
Additionally, the College has its own dedicated IT support staff, helpdesk and computer facilities which are linked to the wider network, but which also provide access to some specialised software packages.  Email is an important channel of communication between staff and students in the College and an extensive range of web-based information (see is maintained for the use of students, including a comprehensive and annually revised student handbook.
The Harrison Learning Resource Centre is generally open during building open hours. The Centre is available for quiet study, with four separate rooms that can be booked for meetings and group work. Amongst its facilities, the Learning Resource Centre has a number of desks, four meeting rooms with large LCD screens, and free use of a photocopier. Also available are core set texts from your module reading lists, and undergraduate and MSc projects from the past two years.
Online Module study resources provide materials for modules that you are registered for, in addition to some useful subject and IT resources. Generic study support resources, library and research skills, past exam papers, and the 'Academic Honesty and Plagiarism' module are also available through the student portal.
Student/Staff Liaison Committee enables students & staff to jointly participate in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.

10. Admission Criteria

All applications are considered individually on merit. The University is committed to an equal opportunities policy with respect to gender, age, race, sexual orientation and/or disability when dealing with applications. It is also committed to widening access to higher education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.

Applications for this course are normally made in the first instance to an employer. The employer must intend to employ the candidate and fund their study for the duration of the apprenticeship (including use of state funding provided to the employer for that purpose, if available). The employer must be satisfied that the candidate is suitable for the apprenticeship post and meets any internal criteria. Candidates must also satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Exeter, which specify required grades at GCE A-level or equivalent and procedures for recognition of prior qualifications and work experience.  A minimum grade C at both of GCSE English and Mathematics or equivalent, is normally required. For all candidates, relevant academic or professional qualifications, prior work experience and aptitude will normally be taken into account when assessing applications for admission.

Where a candidate has passed at least 90 credits at RQF Level 4 or above in subjects equivalent to those in Stage 1 of the BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions course, and the candidate meets the other admissions criteria set out above, the candidate may apply for direct entry to Stage 2 of the course.

Where a candidate has passed at least 180 credits at RQF Level 4 or above in subjects comparable to those in Stages 1 and 2 of the BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions course, of which at least 90 credits are at RQF level 5 or above, and the candidate meets the other admissions criteria set out above, the candidate may apply for direct entry to Stage 3 of the course

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures. The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University’s code of practice.  See the University’s TQA Manual for details.


12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

This programme is accredited by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT for the purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered IT Professional and registration as an IT Technician.
Accreditation is awarded for a maximum of 5 years under each assessment exercise. The dates applicable to the current accreditation of this degree programme can be viewed on the BCS list of accredited degrees: 
This programme is validated by the Tech Partnership as conforming to the Digital & Technology Solutions Professional apprenticeship standard (available from
14 Awarding Institution University of Exeter
15 Lead College / Teaching Institution Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
16 Partner College / Institution
17 Programme accredited/validated by Tech Partnership
18 Final Award(s) BSc (Hons)
19 UCAS Code (UG programmes) DTS01
20 NQF Level of Final Awards(s): 6
21 Credit (CATS and ECTS) 360 Credits (180 ECTS)
22 QAA Subject Benchmarking Group (UG and PGT programmes) Computing/IT Management
23 Origin Date May 16th 2024 Last Date of Revision: May 16th 2024