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Study information

Physics with Foundation Year (2024)

1. Programme Title:

Physics with Foundation Year

NQF Level:


2. Description of the Programme (as in the Business Approval Form)

This is a 4 year undergraduate degree programme with a fully embedded Foundation year (stage 0). During the Foundation year, students will develop their academic skills and subject knowledge at Exeter. In the following year, students will continue to stage 1 of the BSc in Physics degree programme, subject to successful completion of the Foundation year.
This physics programme will give you an excellent understanding of mainstream physics and develop your scientific intuition and prepare you for a wide range of careers. Our physics programmes are designed around a core curriculum, which can lead naturally on to PhD-level research or towards a more specialised qualification such as an MSc, and all are accredited by the Institute of Physics.
Stage 0 of this programme aims to lay foundations of skills in mathematics, engineering, and sciences for more advanced studies, by bringing students to a level of knowledge and competence equivalent to pre-requisites for Stage 1 of a degree programme in Physics. It provides students with skills bridging the gap between the material covered prior to a university level and that of a first year degree programme in Physics.
In Stage 1 you will develop your understanding of physics and become familiar with a variety of basic mathematical tools. The concepts and phenomena you will meet are many and varied, but are united by the underlying principles of physics. In a typical week you will spend 15 hours in a formal teaching environment, and be expected to spend a further 20 hours in independent study. You will have four hours of lectures in physics, two in mathematics, one tutorial, six hours in the teaching laboratories and two hours in problem-solving classes.
Stage 2 provides a firm foundation of physics, and the principles that constitute the framework of the subject. The use of mathematics gives these principles a precise form and provides physicists with the ability to make detailed quantitative predictions. This year focuses on four main cornerstones of physics: condensed matter, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics. These provide the core of most of physics and of our understanding of the evolution of our universe. The other modules in your second and subsequent years draw in part on your knowledge of this core.  There is a 0-credit Employability and Placement Preparation module that all Stage 2 students can take. This will benefit those who are considering doing a work placement/year in industry as part of their degree programme and is highly recommended for those who are already on the “with Professional Placement” element of their degree programme. There will be support sessions and workshops by Careers Consultants and speakers from industry that will prepare students for the recruitment cycle and applying for placements. 
Stage 3 develops your problem-solving and knowledge of core physics in key areas, such as nuclear and high-energy particle physics and electrodynamics. You will also apply this knowledge to more specialised areas covered by optional modules.
This final year of the programme also involves substantial project work. BSc students undertake two one-term extended projects, which may be experimental or theoretical in nature. Experimental projects utilise a suite of equipment that includes an atomic force microscope, an infra-red spectrometer, and our own observatory and radio telescope. You also have the opportunity to undertake team-based work tackling a real-world problem proposed by, for example, a commercial company or public service.


3. Educational Aims of the Programme

This programme is intended to:
  • lay the foundation of mathematical skills for more advanced studies by bringing students to a level of knowledge and competence equivalent to the pre-requisite for a first year degree in Physics.
  • Provide education and training of high quality in physics.
  • Stimulate and encourage in students a questioning and creative approach, thus developing their enthusiasm for physics and a capacity for independent judgement.
  • Facilitate students' personal development through the acquisition and use of a wide range of transferable skills.
  • Provide students with a sound foundation in physics, preparing them well for employment or further study and meeting the national needs for qualified graduates as identified by the relevant professional accrediting bodies.


Pysics and Astronomy intends to provide students taking this programme with:

  • Opportunities to engage with a range of advanced concepts and applications, drawing upon the specialist expertise of the staff.
  • The opportunity, through the flexibility provided by a wide range of choices of both degree programmes and modules, to complete a programme of study relevant to their interests and aptitudes.
  • Regular and frequent small-group contact with staff with the appropriate teaching skills and experience, including current activity in high-level research.
  • An environment which is caring and supportive in both academic and pastoral aspects and which will have encompassed an appropriate range of teaching methods and broadened their learning experience.

4. Programme Structure

The programme is divided into units of study called modules. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload. One credit is nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work. The level of a module indicates its position in the progressive development of academic cognitive abilities, and/or practical skills. An elective is an unspecified module that allows the student to broaden their education, e.g. by learning a foreign language. More details are given in the published module descriptors.

5. Programme Modules

The following tables describe the programme and constituent modules. Constituent modules may be updated, deleted or replaced as a consequence of the annual programme review of this programme. Details of the modules currently offered may be obtained from the College web site:

Stage 0

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
MTH0001Principles of Pure Mathematics30YesYes
MTH0003Exploring Mathematics15YesNo
MTH0004Foundation Statistics15YesYes
MTH0005Science: Skills and Culture30YesNo
MTH0006Applied Mathematics15YesYes
MTH0007Programming Skills15YesYes

Stage 0 (Foundation Year) of this programme aims to lay foundations of skills in mathematics, engineering, and sciences for more advanced studies, by bringing students to a level of knowledge and competence equivalent to pre-requisites for Stage 1 of a degree programme in Mathematics, Engineering and Sciences. It provides students with skills bridging the gap between the material covered prior to a university level and that of a first year degree programme. 

Stage 1

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
PHY1021Vector Mechanics15YesYes
PHY1022Introduction to Astrophysics15YesYes
PHY1025Mathematics Skills15YesYes
PHY1027Practical Physics I15YesYes
PHY1023Waves and Optics15YesYes
PHY1024Properties of Matter15YesYes
PHY1026Mathematics for Physicists15YesYes
PHY1031Scientific Programming in Python15NoNo

Stage 2

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
PHY2021Electromagnetism I15YesYes
PHY2022Quantum Mechanics I15YesYes
PHY2025Mathematics with Physical Applications15YesYes
PHY2026Practical Physics II15YesYes
PHY2023Thermal Physics15YesYes
PHY2024Condensed Matter I15YesYes
Choose 15 credits of List 2a options:
PHY2027Scientific Programming in C15NoNo
PHY2035Scientific Programming in Python15NoNo
Choose 15 credits of List 2b options:
PHY2029The Physics of Living Systems15NoNo
PHY2030Observing the Universe15NoNo
PHY2032Analytical and Chaotic Dynamics15NoNo
PHY2037Nonlinear Optics and Imaging15NoNo
PHY2222Physics of Climate Change15NoNo
Elective (Term 2)15NoNo
Additional 0-credit optional module
PHY2038Employability and Placement Preparation0NoNo

Please note that 0-credit module PHY2038 Employability and Placement Preparation is entirely optional and can be taken in addition to a weighted module. It is recommended to those Stage 2 students who are considering or are on the ’with Professional Placement’ element of their degree programme.

Stage 3

Code Title Credits Compulsory NonCondonable
PHY3055Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics15YesNo
PHY3053General Problems15YesNo
PHY3052Nuclear and High Energy Physics15YesNo
Choose 30 credits of List 3a options:
PHY3061The Biophysics of Cells and Tissues 15NoNo
PHY3062Methods of Theoretical Physics15NoNo
PHY3064Nanostructures and Graphene Science 15NoNo
PHY3222Energy, Materials and Sustainability15NoNo
PHY3070Stars from Birth to Death15NoNo
Choose 15 credits of List 3b options:
PHY3066Galaxies and High Energy Astrophysics15NoNo
PHY3068Principles of Theoretical Physics15NoNo
PHY3220Fluid Dynamics in Physics and Astronomy15NoNo
Elective (Term 2)15NoNo
Choose 30 credits of List 3p options:
PHY3138Projects and Dissertations30NoYes
PHY3147One-Semester Physics Project and Report15NoYes
PHY3150Applying Physics (Group Project)15NoNo

Students must take either PHY3138 (30 credits) or PHY3147 (15 credits) AND PHY3150 (15 credits).

6. Programme Outcomes Linked to Teaching, Learning & Assessment Methods

On successfully completing the programme you will be able to: Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) will be accommodated & facilitated by the following learning & teaching and evidenced by the following assessment methods:

A Specialised Subject Skills & Knowledge

Stage 0 of this programme aims to lay foundations of skills in mathematics, engineering and sciences for more advanced studies, by bringing students to a level of knowledge and competence equivalent to pre-requisites for Stage 1 of their chosen degree programme. It provides students with skills bridging the gap between the material covered prior to a university level and that of a first year degree programme.
By the end of Stage 0 of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
(a) a selection of topics in pure and applied mathematics, mathematical logic, probability and statistics, and the connections between them.
(b) fundamental concepts and techniques in mathematics that can be used in a range of applicable areas.
(c )) how to perform research-based studies in sciences, engineering and mathematics.
(d) how to implement theoretical concepts to describe and predict real-world problems.   
(e)  the current research and pedagogical activities presented in sciences, mathematics and engineering disciplines at the university and beyond.     
By the end of the subsequent stages of this programme, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of most fundamental physical laws and principles, and competence in the application of these principles to diverse areas of physics.
2. Solve problems in physics using appropriate mathematical tools. Students should be able to identify the relevant physical principles and make approximations necessary to obtain solutions.
3. Use mathematical techniques and analysis to model physical behaviour.

Learning & Teaching Activities

At Stage 0 of the programme, knowledge and skills (a-e)  are primarily provided through formal lectures supported by regular problem sheets for students to tackle on their own. Students will be encouraged to develop solutions for the formative exercises in the class while working in small groups. Lectures are reinforced by regular tutorial groups in which assistance with, and feedback on, problem sheets is given. Students will be provided with learning materials, worked examples, exercise sheet and solutions via the Virtual Learning Environment. 
In the subsequent stages of this programme (Stages 1-3):
Material is introduced by lectures and directed reading/research. Students are given clear guidance in how to manage their learning and are expected to take progressively more responsibility for their own learning at each stage. Understanding is developed and consolidated in problems classes and tutorials and by laboratory work and private study exercises, carried out individually and in pairs or groups. A mix of self-assessed and tutor-marked work provides rapid feedback. Project work is used to integrate material and make knowledge functional. A set of compulsory core modules cover the 'fundamental physical laws' in progressively greater depth at each stage of the programme. These laws are applied in the options modules and projects at Stages 2 and 3. Mathematical skills are learned within dedicated modules and are applied and reinforced in the other 'physics' modules.

Assessment Methods

At stage 0 of the programme:
Most Knowledge is tested through examinations in addition to other forms of summative assessments including class-tests, online quizzes, project reports/essays, group projects or presentations. Skills will be assessed directly and indirectly at various stages of each module through coursework, tests, presentations, and written projects, as well as final examinations.
At subsequent stages of the programme (Stages 1-3):
Direct assessment is through a range of mid-term tests (Stage 1 and 2 only), formal written examinations, and marked coursework in the form of problem sheets, laboratory reports, reports/essays based on directed reading and research. The Stage 3 project assessment is based on performance in laboratory work, oral presentations, planning ability, a formal written report and a poster presentation. Assessment criteria are published in the Physics Handbook.

B Academic Discipline Core Skills & Knowledge

By the end of Stage 0 of the programme, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
(a) demonstrate a basic knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts necessary for progression to further studies in mathematics, engineering or sciences.
(b) develop skills to reason and solve problems using abstract ideas.
(c) organise tasks into a structured form
(d) critically assess and summarise research studies in mathematics, engineering and sciences.
(e) demonstrate an ability to evaluate arguments, provide a sound justification, interpret, and communicate outcomes.
By the end of subsequent stages of the programme students will be able to:
1. Execute and analyse critically the results of an experiment or investigation and draw valid conclusions. Students should be able to evaluate the level of uncertainty in their results and compare these results with expected outcomes, theoretical predictions or with published data. They should be able to evaluate the significance of their results in this context.
2. Make effective use of appropriate IT packages/systems for the analysis of data and the retrieval of appropriate information.
3. Demonstrate a sound familiarity with laboratory apparatus and techniques.

Learning & Teaching Activities

Skills (a-e) are developed through most of the modules at Stage 0 of the programme, and those skills are reinforced through individual and group project work and presentations as well as through guided reading and seminar sessions.
Stage 1-3:
  • The 'Practical Physics' modules at Stages 1 and 2 provide a thorough training in the execution and critical analysis of an experimental investigation. These skills are developed further in the Stage 3 projects, which require students to plan and execute experiments. Students must also present and defend their conclusions
  • The 'IT Skills for Physicists' module, which is continually updated to reflect developments in technology, provides the essential training in IT skills needed by students to complete the programme. Other modules require students to apply and develop these skills. Several optional modules offer specific training in computer programming and packages. Computing and IT modules are taught in purpose-built computer rooms using a mix of lectures, and self-study packs supported by module instructors and demonstrators.

Assessment Methods

Skills (a-e) are developed through most of the modules at Stage 0 of the programme, and those skills are reinforced through individual and group project work and presentations as well as through formative and summative coursework, online quizzes and class-tests. 
Stage 1-3:
  • Analytical skills are assessed within many modules through a range of formal written examinations, and marked coursework in the form of problem sheets, etc. These skills are primarily demonstrated in project work however. The 'Practical Physics II' module at Stage 2 includes a small scale project, assessed by practical work/results and a presentation. This leads onto the Stage 3 projects. The Stage 3 project assessment is based on performance in laboratory work, oral presentations, planning ability, a formal written report and a poster presentation. Assessment criteria are published in the Physics Handbook.
  • IT skills are assessed directly with marked worksheets, assessed portfolios, and practical tests. They are also indirectly assessed because such skills are necessary to complete project work satisfactorily.

C Personal / Transferable / Employment Skills & Knowledge

By the end of Stage 0 of the programme the students will be able to:
(a) formulate and solve problems and communicate reasoning and solutions effectively in writing.
(b) communicate ideas and plans concisely, both orally, through presentations and in writing.
(c) use the library and a range of online resources to research topics taught/a topic of interest.
(d) operate effectively within a team.
(e) exhibit self management and time management skills.
By the end of subsequent stages students will be able to: 
1) Perform numerical manipulation and to present and interpret information graphically.
2) Communicate scientific information. In particular, students should be able to produce clear and accurate scientific reports.
3) Manage your own learning and to make use of appropriate texts, research-based materials or other learning resources.

Learning & Teaching Activities

Skills (a-e) are developed through most of the modules at Stage 0 of the programme.
Stage 1-3
  • Initial training in the manipulation, presentation and interpretation of data occurs during Stage 1 in the mathematics, IT Skills, and Practical Physics modules and in tutorials. These skills are developed and used at progressively higher levels throughout the programme.
  • Initial training in scientific communication occurs during Stage 1 in the Practical Physics module and in tutorials. These skills are developed and used at progressively higher levels throughout the programme.
  • Students learn, with the guidance of tutors and module instructors, to take progressively more responsibility for managing their own learning at each stage of the programme.

Assessment Methods

Skills (a-e) are developed through most of the modules at Stage 0 of the programme.
Stage 1-3:
  • Assessment of key skills is mostly through items of coursework: written and oral presentations, and through project work.

7. Programme Regulations

7.1. Credit
This BSc programme consists of 480 credits with 120 credits taken at each stage. Normally not more than 75 credits would be allowed in any one term. In total, participants normally take no more than 120 credits at NQF level 4, and must take at least 120 credits at NQF level 6. The pass mark for award of credit in UG modules (NQF levels 4-6) is 40%.
7.2. Progression
Progression to stage 1
If you achieve 120 credits with an overall of 65% or above, you will progress to stage 1 of the BSc in Physics programme.Where students do not achieve the overall average of 65%  their progression to Stage 1 will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Up to 30 credits of failure can be condoned in a stage of this BSc Programme on the following conditions:
a. You must have registered for and participated in modules amounting to at least 120 credits in the stage.
b. You must pass the modules marked as 'non-condonable' in the tables above.
c. You must achieve an average mark of at least 40.00% across the full 120 credits of assessment in the stage, including any failed and condoned modules.
7.3. Assessment and Awards
Exit award
If you have achieved 120 credits with an overall of at least 40% and less than 65% at Level 3, you may be awarded a Foundation year Certificate as an exit award
Assessment at stage 0 and 1 does not contribute to the summative classification of the award. The award will normally be based on the degree mark formed from the credit-weighted average marks for stages 2 and 3 combined in the ratio 1:2 respectively.
7.4. Classification
The marking of modules and the classification of awards broadly corresponds to the following marks:
Undergraduate Programmes
  • Class I 70%+
  • Class II Division I 60–69%
  • Class II Division II 50–59%
  • Class III 40–49%
Full details of assessment regulations for UG programmes and PGT programmes can be found on the University of Exeter website:

Generic marking criteria are also published here:

Please see the Teaching and Quality Assurance Manual for further guidance.


8. College Support for Students and Students' Learning

8.1. Infrastructure and Learning Environment
Comprehensive details of this programme, support for its students and the learning environment are published in the Physics Handbook:
Physical facilities include: well-equipped teaching and research laboratories, a mechanical student-workshop supervised by technicians, computer workstations and classrooms, social and quiet-working space for students.
8.2. Personal and Academic Tutoring
It is University policy that all Colleges should have in place a system of academic and personal tutors. The role of academic tutors is to support you on individual modules; the role of personal tutors is to provide you with advice and support for the duration of the programme and extends to providing you with details of how to obtain support and guidance on personal difficulties such as accommodation, financial difficulties and sickness. You can also make an appointment to see individual teaching staff.
Students on this programme are assigned a physics tutor, who combines the academic and personal roles and holds small-group (typically five students) tutorial meetings lasting an hour each week during the teaching periods. Further details of this system are published in the Physics Handbook:
Each programme stage is supported and overseen by a stage coordinator (senior tutor) responsible for monitoring all aspects of the student experience:
8.3. Library and Other Learning Resources
In addition to a large number of journals and academic works, the nearby University stocks reference and/or for-loan copies of all recommended texts for Physics modules. Where possible e-Books and e-Journal subscriptions are purchased to allow internet access.
Each module has its own page on ELE, the Exeter virtual learning environment. Resources available for each module normally include sets of lecture slides/notes, video capture recordings of lectures, problems sets and examples, resources for self-study, etc.
8.4. Local Access to Computers and Printers
There are approximately 100 computer workstations reserved for undergraduate use within the Physics Building. Facilities include two computer classrooms, printers and further provision within practical laboratories. Further details are published in the Physics Handbook:
8.5. Student-Staff Liaison Committee
The Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) enables students and staff to participate jointly in the management and review of the teaching and learning provision.

10. Admission Criteria

All applications are considered individually on merit. The University is committed to an equal opportunities policy with respect to gender, age, race, sexual orientation and/or disability when dealing with applications. It is also committed to widening access to higher education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.
Candidates must satisfy the:
  • General admissions requirements of the University of Exeter.
10.1. Minimum Requirements
All applications are considered individually on merit. The University is committed to an equal opportunities policy with respect to gender, age, race, sexual orientation and/or disability when dealing with applications. It is also committed to widening access to higher education to students from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience.
Candidates must satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University of Exeter.
BSc Physics with Foundation year entry requirements:
A-level: BBC to include B in Mathematics and B in Physics
IB: 26/554, Maths HL5
NB General Studies is not included in any offer.
In support of the University’s Access and Participation Plan this course is only open to UK domiciled students who meet our contextual offer eligibility criteria and who may not have met the entry requirements for first year entry 
10.2. Further Details
Further details, including typical offers and English language requirements for International students are published on the University's Admissions webpages:

11. Regulation of Assessment and Academic Standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed College assessment and marking strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures.
The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the appointment of External Examiners for each programme. External Examiners have access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. They are required to attend the Board of Examiners and to provide an annual report. Annual External Examiner reports are monitored at both College and University level. Their responsibilities are described in the University's code of practice. For details see:

12. Indicators of Quality and Standards

Certain programmes are subject to accreditation and/or review by professional and statutory regulatory bodies (PSRBs).
This programme is accredited by the Institute of Physics.
For more information, refer to the Physics Handbook:


14 Awarding Institution University of Exeter
15 Lead College / Teaching Institution Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
16 Partner College / Institution N/A
17 Programme accredited/validated by Institute of Physics (IOP)
18 Final Award(s) BSc (Hons)
19 UCAS Code (UG programmes) F314
20 NQF Level of Final Awards(s): 6
21 Credit (CATS and ECTS) 480 Credits (240 ECTS)
22 QAA Subject Benchmarking Group (UG and PGT programmes) Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
23 Origin Date January 30th 2024 Last Date of Revision: January 6th 2025