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Teachers and advisers

In-Between Lines

University of Exeter Student Fellows designed, developed and delivered this inspirational project in 2022. 

Through exhibitions, a panel discussion, and a poetry night, they explored the influence of mixed-race heritage and care-experience on a person’s identity. 

Themes such as colourism, hair, beauty, family dynamic, and the notion of ‘home’ were also examined. 

The project was part of the 'Building the Anti-Racist University' project of the Exeter Decolonising Network, funded by the Centre for Social Mobility.

Follow @inbetweenlinesexhibition to find out more.

In-Between Lines Interview with Anthony and Ocean

This interview features 'In-Between Lines' co-creators Anthony and Ocean discussing their inspiration for the project, exploring the themes raised, and their experience of finding a sense of belonging and ‘home’ while at the University of Exeter.