Primary PGCE - Pre-course tasks to complete
Pre-course tasks
There are a number of tasks described in the sections below that you are asked to complete prior to starting the course. These tasks form part of the Primary 5-11 and Primary 3-7 taught course during the first few weeks of term. Please complete everything that is asked of you in readiness for the first week of the taught course.
Fundamental Skills Audits
All trainees need to demonstrate a certain level of English and mathematics by the end of the course before QTS can be awarded. This is a DfE requirement. To start this process, please download the following two audit documents and spend as much time as you can developing and improving your English and mathematics skills before the course starts.
Fundamental Skills English Audit
Fundamental Skills Maths Audit
Please keep these completed documents safe as your tutor will discuss the outcomes of your audits with you in the first weeks of the taught course and you will be asked to upload them to your electronic portfolio. There will be plenty of opportunities during the course for you to work on any areas you identify as needing improvement.
Please download Primary PGCE Intro to Curriculum Studies & Initial Needs Analyses
This is an introduction to all the curriculum subjects along with an initial needs analysis for each area for you to complete in order for you to identify what you do not know or have forgotten so that you can revise/brush up on and complete some self-study exercises. It also includes some suggested reading. Please make sure you complete all the audits - you will be asked to upload them to your electronic portfolio at the beginning of the course.