These pages contain information on How to apply to the University of Exeter, including entry requirements and an application timeline detailing what you need to do and when.
Depending on your financial, personal or ethnic background, or what qualifications you may have undertaken, you may face additional challenges in both accessing Higher Education and throughout your studies. Our Access Exeter section has range of resources to support you.
If you're ready, you can apply now via UCAS. You can also find out what happens after you apply, including how we assess your application and what happens next.
If you can't find the information you're looking for please search our FAQs below, or contact our Admissions Office.
Frequently asked questions
The UCAS code for Exeter is EXETR and E84.
There is no campus code for our campuses in Exeter (Streatham Campus and St Luke’s Campus). If you are applying to the University of Exeter’s Penryn Campus, Cornwall the campus code is C.
We welcome applicants with varied experiences and different backgrounds and we have a commitment that no student with potential is deterred from applying. Entry requirements can be high but a wide range of qualifications and experience are considered.
Before you apply you should check that you meet
- our general entry requirements (includes tables for UK, EU and international qualifications)
- the academic requirements and any additional selection criteria for the specific course for which you intend to apply; these can be found in the individual course pages
You can find further information about Our offer and decision in our applicants area.
If you would like advice on your eligibility, please contact the Admissions Office.
Occasionally the University admits students who are under the age of 18 years. In most cases this will be a very temporary situation, as the student will be approaching their eighteenth birthday. The University treats all its students as independent, mature individuals and students who are under the age of 18 years will be treated in the same way. For further information, please see our policy for students under the age of 18. There is no upper age limit.
For detailed information see our pages on Applying.
All applications for full-time study must be made through the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) using their Apply online system. You can do this through your school or college, if they are registered with UCAS, or independently. Full details and instructions can be found on the UCAS website.
You should apply for part-time programmes direct to the University’s Admissions Office and not through UCAS. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office and should be returned between 1 September and 30 June immediately preceding the September entry. You need to apply before 15 January to be guaranteed equal consideration with full-time applicants applying by the UCAS deadlines.
Applicants for the PGCE must apply through the Department for Education’s Apply for Teacher Training service.
Yes. Where you live does not determine which universities you can apply to so for example if you live in Exeter there is no reason why you can’t apply to the University of Exeter, if it offers the degree you are interested in.
No, this is certainly not the case for Exeter. Each application we receive is considered individually. For most of our programmes we publish typical offers made as a range, and when deciding what offer to make for any one student, we take a range of factors into account, including predicted grades and other contextual information.
Information on parental participation in HE may now be entered on the UCAS form but is not mandatory and we do not use it in making admissions decisions. As part of our admissions policy, we take into account relevant contextual data that can be verified and which may have affected your academic attainment to date. However, there is no guarantee that contextual information will necessarily mean the offer of a place, as each application will be considered holistically.
Your application should normally reach UCAS between 1 September and the UCAS January equal consideration date.
We guarantee that all applications received by the UCAS deadline are given full, equal and careful consideration. Applications received after this date will be considered on an individual basis, depending on availability of places. To check if a programme is still available, please view the UCAS website.
We will consider applications for second or later years entry subject to places being available with the exception of the following programmes which are normally only available for first year entry due to the nature of first year modules within the first year at Exeter:
- BSc Applied Psychology (Clinical)
- BSc and MSci Natural Sciences
- LLB Law
- BSc Accounting and Business with Industrial Experience
- BSc Accounting and Finance with Industrial Experience
- BSc Business with Industrial Experience
- BSc Business Analytics with Industrial Experience
- BSc Business and Management with Industrial Experience
- BSc Marketing and Management with Industrial Experience
- BSc Business and Environment with Industrial Experience
- BSc Business Economics with Industrial Experience
- BSc Economics with Industrial Experience
- BSc Economics and Finance with Industrial Experience
- BSc Economics and Politics with Industrial Experience
- BSc Economics with Econometrics with Industrial Experience
- BSc Finance with Industrial Experience
- BSc Finance: Business Management pathway with Industrial Experience
- BSc Finance: Data Science pathway with Industrial Experience
- BSc Finance: Investment Banking pathway with Industrial Experience
For full details please see How to apply for details
Applicants for the Study Abroad programme should apply directly to the University, and full details are in our Study Abroad at Exeter site.
Applicants for one or two semesters should apply directly to the University.
Applicants who wish to spend up to one year or semester in the UK as a recognised part of their course at their home institution should have completed at least two years of undergraduate study for admission to any of our programmes.
You must follow regular programmes of study as offered to full-time students (please refer to our subject and course pages for programmes of study).
A statement of academic record (transcripts) will be issued at the end of a module and sent, as requested, to your home institution. To apply you will need to send us an application form and DBS form.
There are currently approximately 16,026 undergraduate students and 4,186 postgraduates. For further information about Exeter see our Facts and figures page.
Please refer to our DBS webpages for further information.
We manage the total number of places available on our courses carefully to ensure the best possible experience for all our students. We have separate targets for International and UK students, reflecting the strategies we have in place for their support academically and to encourage a vibrant and inclusive learning environment. Although this varies by programme, we usually fill our UK places earlier in the admissions cycle than those for International. International students often have to manage factors such as visas, travel arrangements and currency fluctuations which may delay or prevent their arrival. This is why you often see International places available when Home are already filled. All applications are considered carefully and on an individual basis.
We have separate target numbers for home and international. Typically, we fill our home places more quickly than our international numbers, and there is more uncertainty as to whether overseas students can arrive at Exeter. We therefore go on making offers a little longer for international, including across the summer period, when home recruitment is already finished. Home and international students both have to meet our challenging entry requirements and we never admit any student without every reasonable prospect that they will succeed on their course. We monitor the success of our entrants to make sure they are progressing well.
We make offers across a range to both UK and International students and the same academic standards apply to both. If you consider the contextual offer levels set out alongside the standard offers in our Prospectus, you will see that UK as well as International students benefit from flexibility. This is also about timing. We finalise International and Home student recruitment at different points in the cycle. This can sometimes lead to differences between the cohorts in the grades advertised through Clearing.
After you apply
The University operates a ‘gathered field’ procedure whereby applications received between September and January will be considered but a decision may not be conveyed until the end of January or later. Where this procedure is operated, candidates will be informed accordingly.
Whilst the majority of our decisions will be gathered field, we may decide to release a small number of offers early for exceptionally well-qualified candidates who fall within the highest tiers, or those with other special circumstances.
Decisions on applications submitted by the January UCAS deadline will normally be made by the end of May. On occasion it is not however possible for us to make all decisions by this date and it may take a little longer where we have applications (received by the January UCAS equal consideration deadline) where information is required to make a decision, interviews are taking place, or application numbers have increased.
UCAS allows applicants to amend their choices up to 14 calendar days after their initial decision. Applicants can amend their choice within UCAS Track during this period. After 14 days changes can only be made with the permission of the institutions concerned.
The general Open Days give a broad overview of the University and its extensive facilities, whereas the Offer-Holder Visit Days are more specific and relate closely to the course that you have chosen to study. Each Faculty holds its own Offer Holder Visit Days, and academic staff will be available to discuss courses in detail. If you have visited the University previously, it is not compulsory to visit again unless you are applying for a course which requires an interview.
For all applicants holding an unconditional offer, we send out accommodation information from Easter onwards. Joining instructions, giving details of enrolment, term dates and other useful information will be sent in August.
No. It’s really important to understand how the application process works. Once you have accepted an offer from a university as your firm choice, and if you achieve the grades that they ask for, you have three choices – either to go to that university, be released to go into clearing or to withdraw altogether and apply again the following year. You cannot change your mind and decide to go to your insurance choice university. This will only be possible if you are unsuccessful in being accepted to your firm choice and your insurance university accepts you instead. Make sure whichever university you accept as your firm choice really is the one you want to go to!
See the full list of our term dates.
Accommodation is allocated to applicants whose status is Unconditional Firm and has submitted an accommodation application before the 31 July deadline. Allocation of accommodation normally begins around the middle of August. You do not need to inform the Accommodation Office that your place has been confirmed following the release of your results as this will be automatically done by the Admissions Office. Please visit our Accommodation section for further information.
If you would like to defer your year of entry, or if you have applied for deferred entry but would now like to bring your year of entry forward, you will need to email the Admissions team at for Streatham programmes or for Penryn programmes.
The Admissions team will review all requests and will endeavour wherever possible to approval requests, however a change to your start date may not always be possible, particularly for some of our most competitive programmes or programmes with specific caps on the number of places available.
Requests for a second deferral will normally be considered only in the most exceptional of circumstances.
Please contact the Admissions office who will be able to provide advice on exactly which documentation is required and, if necessary, where evidence can be obtained.
A minority of courses require an interview, such as Medicine, Nursing, Medical Imaging, Applied Psychology and Dual LLB/JD with the Chinese University of Hong Kong. If this applies to the course for which you are applying, it will be stated clearly in the Entry Requirements section of the relevant programme page. Further details can be found in the Admissions Interview Policy.
Any contextual information which you think is relevant that may have affected your performance in respect of grades should be sent to the Admissions Office as soon as possible. For further details please go to our Extenuating Circumstances page, where you will find more information and can complete our online Applicant Extenuating Circumstances Form.
If you do not satisfy the conditions of your offer by August 31 in the year of application, we are unable to confirm your deferred entry place, it will be necessary for you to withdraw and re-apply through UCAS for entry in the following year.
Whilst we will give due consideration to students who have been affected by illness or other extenuating circumstances, it is not our policy to guarantee an identical offer for any new application.
If you are an applicant and have not yet registered on a programme with us and wish to be considered for a different programme to the one you applied for, please contact the (putting 'Request to change my programme' in the subject field), quoting your UCAS ID number and the programme you would like to study.
If you are a registered Undergraduate student wishing to transfer to another programme, you will need to complete the change of course form via SID online.
Please note: you will also need to complete this form if you are applying to re-start your first year on a new programme of study.
Change of programme requests for Year 1 should be submitted by the fourth week after the start of the term. Normally changes will not be permitted within the first year after this date.
If you are holding an offer with us on a course which is now in Clearing, we will assess your achieved grades against those advertised in Clearing and make a decision in line with that. Please note that subject requirements will still apply, and we may not be able to offer as much flexibility on those.
If your course is not in Clearing, it is possible we may be able to offer some flexibility on grades, but this will depend on your results relative to the grades achieved by other students holding offers for your chosen course.
All offer holders will be treated equally regardless of their qualification type. So, if we have already been flexible on Clearing grades for your particular programme, we will extend the same flexibility to offer holders whose places are being confirmed later in July/August. You can find out more about qualification equivalencies here.
If you are holding an insurance offer at Exeter, we will review your results to see if you meet all our conditions or not. If you do, your place will be confirmed. If you do not, we will consider your results carefully alongside of all the others who have missed their offers and alongside those looking for a Clearing place. Basically, it will depend on how strong your results are relative to the other candidates who want to come to Exeter.
It is actually more common than you might imagine for there to be entrants with a variety of grade profiles and, also, different qualification types (e.g. BTEC, Access, T-Levels, and all sorts of combinations). We also make contextual offers which are at two or three grades below our standard published requirements. We know that contextual entrants achieve broadly in line with everyone else because we provide excellent student support and focused teaching and learning. If we confirm your place, we are confident you will have an appropriate mix of support and challenge in your degree programme.
Entry requirements for all programmes differ from university to university, however you do not have to take a Law A level to do Law at university, and similarly with studying business and a whole range of other degree subjects. Some programmes do require particular A levels and you need to make sure you know what these are before you apply. To find out the entry requirements for any university or programme that you might be interested in applying to visit the UCAS site.
This is one to do some research on. Some degree programmes may require you to have achieved certain grades in subjects such as English and Maths at GCSE as well as meeting the grades through your further education. For full details on our entrance requirements please see Entry requirements.
No. Programme content and module options can vary significantly from university to university. In order to ensure that what you are applying to study is what you expect it to be you will need to do some research. Most universities will provide details of the course structure and the modules available on their websites.
Mature students who wish to study full-time should also apply through UCAS. Whilst we recognise that mature students may offer differing qualifications and experience which will be taken into account, you should normally have undertaken some recognised systematic course of study (eg, Access, Open University credits, or Advanced GCE) within the last three years. Relevant work experience may also be considered towards your application, and you should therefore supply full details with your application. If you are considering applying as a mature student, you can find further information in our Mature Students section.
Whilst we recognise that students may be taking General Studies A level as part of their academic profile, we do not include General Studies as part of any conditional offer.
We take into account all academic qualifications that students are offering but any conditional offer will be made over 3 GCE A level subjects and, where relevant, any specific A level subjects that we require.
The University also recognises a wide range of qualifications taken outside of the UK. If you are studying outside the UK, the grading system and level of qualification in your country may not be the same as in the UK. If you are unsure whether your qualification meets our entry requirements, you can find out more information from our entry requirements pages and our international entry requirements page, where you can select the country or region in which you have studied. Alternatively, you can contact us.
You can find further information about academic and English language entry requirements in our international students section.
It may be possible for you to have your learning from prior qualifications and experience accredited towards your degree programme. To be considered you will need to send information on your APL to the Admissions Office (along with information on the programme you are interested in studying) by completing either
- the Accredited Prior Certified Learning Form (for certified learning), or
- the Accredited Prior Experiential Learning Form (for experiential learning)
These should be submitted to our Undergraduate Admissions team at
The Admissions Team will liaise with the Academic College to confirm whether any of your prior learning can be accredited to your new programme of study.
Please visit our Entry requirements section for full details.
We offer an International Foundation programme for students aged 17 or over who have completed secondary education and intend to study at a University in the UK. Successful students will reach the level required in English and their subject area for entry onto undergraduate courses, and will be awarded an Exeter University Foundation Certificate.
We also offer the following foundation programmes for UK students:
- BEng Civil Engineering with Foundation Year
- BEng Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year
- BEng Engineering with Foundation Year
- BEng Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year
- BEng Renewable Energy Engineering with Foundation Year
- BSc Computer Science with Foundation Year
- BSc Data Science with Foundation Year
- BSc Mathematics with Foundation Year
- BSc Natural Sciences with Foundation Year
- BSc Physics with Foundation Year
There are two ways that you can choose to study part-time with us. Firstly, many of the undergraduate degree programmes described on our site are potentially available by part-time study. We advise you to check with the relevant College to ensure that it is possible with respect to timetabling arrangements before you make a formal application. For advice on the structure and availability of programmes in your chosen area of study you should contact the Admissions Tutor or the Head of the College/discipline concerned. Secondly, you may wish to study one of our distance learning programmes.
You should apply for part-time programmes direct to the University’s Admissions Office and not through UCAS. Application forms are available from the Admissions Office and should be returned between 1 September and 30 June immediately preceding the October entry.
We recognise a wide range of qualifications. If you are presenting 'non-standard' qualifications and the equivalencies cannot be found in our
- UK qualifications guide or EU qualifications guide (found on our Entry requirements pages)
- on our international pages or
- under the programme requirements listed on UCAS,
then please contact us, providing as much detail as possible.