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Undergraduate Study

BA/BSc Flexible Combined Honours (Cornwall) - 2025 entry

Please note: The below is for 2025 entries. Click here for 2024 entries.
UCAS code Y003
Duration 3 years
Entry year 2025
Campus Penryn Campus
Discipline Flexible Combined Honours

Web: Enquire online
Phone: +44 (0)1392 725818

Typical offer

View full entry requirements

A-Level: AAB-ABB
IB: 34/665-32/655

Contextual offers

A-Level: BBB-BBC
IB: 30/555-28/554


  • Unique and appealing degree structure combining two or three subjects where there is currently no existing Combined Honours degree and thus blend subjects across departments
  • Develop a blend of core knowledge and skills in line with your own subject interests and career objectives. The title of your degree will reflect your areas of study
  • Attend lectures and seminars in each of your subjects with like-minded Single Honours and Combined Honours students, with the added bonus of meeting people from two or three subjects, giving you a wide peer base
  • Our Penryn Campus is consistently ranked highly for satisfaction: students report having a highly personal experience that is intellectually stretching but great fun, providing plenty of opportunities to quickly get to know everyone
  • Facilities include a £12 million extension to the existing Science and Engineering Research Support Facility (SERSF), £30 million Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI), Renewable Energy Engineering Facility (REEF) and a £1.2million Masters Suite

View 2024 Entry

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How to apply


Web: Enquire online

Phone: +44 (0)1392 72 72 72

Tailor your degree to suit your interests and career aspirations

Opportunities for study abroad and / or work abroad or UK work experience

9 subjects and pathways available to choose from at our Penryn Campus

Create subject combinations not otherwise available

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at the University of Exeter Cornwall campus. The tranquil setting combined with excellent quality of teaching has made it the perfect place to study.

The lecturers are experts in their fields and help all students to achieve their potential.

My course is so different from the norm, it makes everyday different. I couldn’t pick which route I wanted to take and University of Exeter’s Flexible Combined Honours scheme thankfully gave me the opportunity to do both. It has been really exciting to bring the two departments together where they would normally be so separate and meet different groups of people. I would really recommend the programme at Cornwall as people often don’t realise they can combine subjects that wouldn’t normally go together but its actually a great skill to have.

Read more from Alice


BSc Mathematical Sciences and History

Entry requirements (typical offer)

Qualification Typical offer Required subjects
A-Level AAB-ABB Dependent on subjects chosen
IB 34/665-32/655 Dependent on subjects chosen
BTEC DDD-DDM Dependent on subjects chosen
GCSE Dependent on subjects chosen Dependent on subjects chosen
Access to HE 30 L3 Credits at Distinction Grade and 15 L3 credits at Merit Grade - 24 L3 Credits at Distinction Grade and 21 L3 credits at Merit Grade. N/A
T-Level Distinction Dependent on subjects chosen
Contextual Offer

A-Level: BBB-BBC
IB: 30/555-28/554

Specific subject requirements must still be achieved where stated above. Find out more about contextual offers.

Other accepted qualifications

View other accepted qualifications

English language requirements

International students need to show they have the required level of English language to study this course. The required test scores for this course fall under Profile B2. Please visit our English language requirements page to view the required test scores and equivalencies from your country.

NB General Studies is not included in any offer.

Grades advertised on each programme webpage are the typical level at which our offers are made and provide information on any specific subjects an applicant will need to have studied in order to be considered for a place on the programme. However, if we receive a large number of applications for the programme we may not be able to make an offer to all those who are predicted to achieve/have achieved grades which are in line with our typical offer. For more information on how applications are assessed and when decisions are released, please see: After you apply

View subject-specific entry requirements

Completing your UCAS form

When completing your UCAS form please use the Flexible Combined Honours UCAS code:
Y003 BA/BSc Flexible Combined Honours - Cornwall (3 years)
Y012 BA/BSc Flexible Combined Honours with Study Abroad - Cornwall (4 years)
Y009 BA/BSc Flexible Combined Honours with UK Work Experience - Cornwall (4 years)
Y011 BA/BSc Flexible Combined Honours with Work Abroad - Cornwall (4 years)

You do not need to enter a UCAS code for each chosen subject. Instead, please ensure you indicate your proposed subjects under ‘Further details’ in the ‘choices’ section of the application using the abbreviations given in the table below. If you wish to study more than two subjects, please contact us before completing your application form.

Subject codes - Penryn (Cornwall)

Business Bu
Chinese (Mandarin) (minor) Chin
Environmental Law (minor) EL
French (minor) Fren
History Hi
International Relations IR
Law Law
Politics Po
Spanish (minor) Span


Offers are usually made on the basis of your UCAS form without an interview. If we make you an offer, you will be invited to an Offer-Holder Visit Day.Separate personal statementIf your subject combination for Exeter is unusual compared to your other UCAS applications, you may send a separate personal statement, as a Word attachment, using our online enquiry form.
• Max 4,000 characters - i.e. same as the UCAS one.
• No need to repeat out-of-school interests etc., as the main UCAS statement is read as well as the separate one. 

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Course content

Academic experts in each subject have curated the core (compulsory) modules that FCH students must take to ensure that the content studied builds a firm knowledge base for a combined honours pathway. Optional modules within subjects or related to your subjects of study, can then be chosen to create a bespoke programme.

Combination of one or more core (compulsory) modules and optional modules which you choose from those available in that year. ​Please see the FCH module pages for more details on compulsory modules for each subject.

Continue studying your subjects, building a bespoke title. There will usually be more choice of modules allowing you to structure your degree more flexibly within your subjects.​ Please see the FCH module pages for more details on compulsory modules for each subject.

Typically any placement year will take place in year 3. If you are not taking a placement year please see the Final Year modules for year 3.

During your final year you can choose to include an Independent Study (dissertation) module involving research. ​ Please see the FCH module pages for more details on compulsory modules for each subject.

Subject areas

The following FCH subject areas are available – you can combine any two unless stated or the combination exists as an ‘established’ Combined Honours degree. Where an established Combined Honours degree exists at either campus the combination will not be available under FCH. If you are interested in combining three subjects, please contact us before applying.

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Course variants

UCAS code: Y012

Our four-year ‘with Study Abroad’ degree, offers you the possibility of spending your third year abroad, studying with one of our many partner universities.

Why Study Abroad?

Living and studying in a different country is an exciting experience that broadens your academic and cultural horizons, as well as giving you the opportunity to widen your circle of friends. Students who have studied abroad demonstrate initiative, independence, motivation and, depending on where they stay, may also have gained a working knowledge of another language – all key qualities that employers are looking for in today’s competitive employment environment.

Where can I Study Abroad?

We have partnership arrangements with many prestigious institutions across the globe. Exactly where you can apply to study will depend on the subjects you are studying at Exeter. For a full list please visit the Study Abroad website.

Does it count towards my degree?

Credit for academic work during your year abroad is arranged by agreement between the University of Exeter and the host institution. These marks are then translated back into your degree at Exeter. If you are Studying Abroad for a semester or full year, your time abroad will count toward your final degree. Please refer to your College Study Abroad co-ordinator for further details.

How does it affect my tuition fee and funding?

For the year that you spend studying abroad you will pay a significantly reduced tuition fee to Exeter, but nothing to your host university – for more information visit our fees pages. If you were previously eligible, you will continue to receive a maintenance loan whilst on your Study Abroad year.

UCAS code: Y009

Our four-year ‘with UK Work Experience’ degree, offers you the possibility of spending your third year carrying out a graduate-level work placement or placements within the UK as part of your degree. There are no limits on the number of placements available and you can swap onto this option after you start your course.

Why choose to include Employment Experience?

Undertaking graduate-level work during your degree unlocks a world of experience that allows you to develop essential employability and interpersonal skills that relate to your degree and future career. A work placement will dramatically boost your confidence, enhance your CV and develop graduate level skills and competencies that employers are looking for.

Where will I do my work placement?

The sector (and country) you choose to work within is very much your choice as you will be responsible for finding and organising your placement. We will provide plenty of guidance and support during your first and second years which will prepare you to research and apply for placements. Ultimately, the university will give final approval to your placement to make sure you have a valuable experience.

How does it affect my tuition fees and funding?

For your ‘Year In Industry’ you will pay a significantly reduced tuition fee to Exeter – for more information visit our fees pages. If you were previously eligible, you will continue to receive a maintenance loan whilst on your year of work placement/s.

Find out more

Visit our website to learn more about employment experience opportunities. 

UCAS code: Y011

Our four-year ‘with Employment Experience Abroad’ degree, offers you the possibility of spending your third year abroad, carrying out a graduate-level work placement or placements as part of your degree. There are no limits on the number of placements available and you can swap onto this option after you start your course.

Why choose to include Employment Experience Abroad?

Spending up to a year living and working in a different country is an exciting experience that broadens your academic and cultural horizons, as well as giving you the opportunity to widen your circle of friends. By carrying out a graduate-level work placement or placements abroad you can demonstrate to employers your adaptability, cultural awareness, independence and resourcefulness and, depending on where you stay, may also have gained a working knowledge of another language.

Where will I do my work placement?

The sector (and country) you choose to work within is very much your choice as you will be responsible for finding and organising your placement. We will provide plenty of guidance and support during your first and second years which will prepare you to research and apply for placements. Ultimately, the university will give final approval to your placement to make sure you have a valuable experience.

How does it affect my tuition fees and funding?

For your ‘Year In Industry’ you will pay a significantly reduced tuition fee to Exeter – for more information visit our fees pages. If you were previously eligible, you will continue to receive a maintenance loan whilst on your year of work placement/s.

Is the placement paid?

You will be paid in accordance with the rules of the country you work in and there may be visa restrictions or requirements which you need to consider when applying.


Tuition fees for 2024 entry

UK students: £9,250 per year
International students: £24,500 per year


The University of Exeter has many different scholarships available to support your education, including £5 million in scholarships for international students, such as our Global Excellence Scholarships*. Financial support is also available for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, lower income households and other under-represented groups to help them access, succeed and progress through higher education.

* Terms and conditions apply. See online for details.

Find out more about tuition fees and scholarships

Learning and teaching

How will I learn?

You’ll learn through lectures, tutorials and seminars, with a growing emphasis at each successive level on student-led learning. Science-based subjects will also include laboratory work and experiments. Our teaching emphasises the need to analyse, discuss and deploy ideas in a variety of settings and not simply on the ability to memorise. Modules are also designed to encourage you to think and write analytically about broad subjects. You’re encouraged to discuss aspects of the subject with the lecturer either individually or in groups, promoting the development of informal tutorials with the agenda set by students.

How will I be assessed?

You’ll be assessed by a variety of methods: some modules are assessed on the basis of exams only, some modules require assessed coursework that can take the form of essays and projects or presentations, while practical modules tend to be assessed by the preparation of written reports, portfolios of work, practical assignments, fieldwork notebooks and takeaway papers to allow time for research. Your first year doesn’t count towards your final degree classification, but you do have to pass it in order to progress. If you study a three-year programme, assessments in the final two years count towards your classification, and for a four-year programme the final three years.

Innovative learning

We’re actively engaged in introducing new methods of learning and teaching, including increasing use of interactive computer-based approaches to learning, such as our virtual learning environment. Students can access detailed information about modules and learning outcomes and take part in discussion forums.

Where will I study?

Our Penryn Campus supports around 6,000 students and is has a vibrant close-knit community on a modern campus. TEF Gold campuses. The campus is shared with Falmouth University and combines the latest academic research ad residential facilities with an intimacy, energy and friendliness. The diversity of students’ interests and backgrounds gives the campus a unique vibrancy.

Optional modules outside of this course

Each year, if you have optional modules available, you can take up to 30 credits in a subject outside of your course. This can increase your employability and widen your intellectual horizons.

Proficiency in a second subject

If you complete 60 credits of modules in one of the subjects below, you may have the words 'with proficiency in [e.g. Social Data Science]' added to your degree title when you graduate.

  • A Foreign Language
  • Data Science
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Innovation
  • Law
  • Leadership
  • Social Data Science

Find out more about proficiency options

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Your future

Employer-valued skills this course develops

We’re committed to enhancing and developing your key personal and transferable skills. You’ll develop a range of professional skills, for example, time management and team working. You’ll gain valuable critical, analytical and communication skills, as well as subject-specific skills. FCH graduates are highly regarded ​by employers as:

  • You show motivation in creating your own degree​,
  • You have breadth of knowledge​ and
  • You stand out from the crowd.

Employer visits

We have a dedicated, award-winning Careers Service , with offices at our Exeter and Penryn campuses, ensuring you have access to careers advisors, mentors and the tools you need to succeed in finding employment in your chosen field on graduation. We offer the Exeter Award and the Exeter Leaders Award which include employability-related workshops, skills events, volunteering and employment which will contribute to your career decision-making skills and success in the employment market. Our graduates compete very successfully in the employment market, many employers target the University when recruiting new graduates.

Career paths 

Future career pathways include:

  • Assistant Statistician
  • Digital Content Creator
  • Digital Marketing Consultant
  • Head of Engagement
  • Language Assistant
  • Project Coordinator
  • Risk Advisory Consultant
  • Teacher
  • Technology Consultant
  • Web Administrator 

Career destinations

Recent Graduates now working for*: 

  • British Airways
  • Civil Service (Fast Track)
  • Deloitte
  • Devon and Cornwall Police
  • Ernst and Young
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office
  • Lloyds Bank
  • Marie Curie
  • Mondelez International
  • RSPB 

* Please note that, due to data protection, the job titles and organisations are listed independently and do not necessarily correspond.

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