Physics and Astronomy
Top 10 in the UK for Physics and Astronomy
7th in the Guardian University Guide 2025
A strong student-led community that act as a single voice to influence the running of the department, organising networking, social and academic support events.
The opportunity to work with world-leading researchers from academia or industry. Support is provided for student placements, with local opportunities at organisations such as the Met office.
We are passionate about training new physicists and believe that is done via a supportive and inclusive student-staff environment.
Degrees at Streatham Campus, Exeter
All our degrees have options for Study Abroad or a Professional Placement year.
Study Physics and Astronomy at the University of Exeter
Discover undergraduate Physics at the University of Exeter
Physics is our chance to touch the hidden beauty of the world and its mechanism, studying physics can be compared to reading detailed description of a painting written in the universal language – math.
I really enjoy my time in Exeter. University provides great facilities and study ambience, along with a huge support in building your future career. The course material itself is nicely structured and being taught by wonderful people. I really like group tutorials, where I get to practice my skills and learn from dedicated research scientists.
Apart from main studies, physics breakfasts are amazing opportunity to gather with professors, possible supervisors, students of all years of study and have a nice chat over the cup of coffee, everybody loves physics breakfasts! The campus is very green and peaceful, it’s easy to find a great spot to take a break in between hard work. I enjoy the area a lot! I want to advise future students to make the most of being in Devon; join societies, travel, meet interesting people, have fun and, of course, master your studies.
studying BSc Physics and Astrophysics
Physics seeks to answer the biggest questions the human race has ever asked, and provides much of the knowledge and technology that underpins our civilisation – from spectroscopy used in healthcare to mapping our planet’s position in the universe.
We focus upon research-led learning, exposing you to cutting-edge ideas and encompassing a broad range of experimental, computational, and theoretical physics.
We’ll help you to thrive in our department, offering guidance throughout your degree and providing a stimulating and supportive environment for you to develop the investigative and problem-solving skills that characterise a scientific mind.
I chose Exeter because of the fantastic astrophysics department, and the university is well connected in a great location with beaches and Dartmoor nearby.
I have particularly enjoyed the astrophysics modules, and love hearing about the fascinating research the academics do. I once found a lecturer quoted in a national newspaper discussing a recently discovered exoplanet!
Having access to such knowledgeable people is very inspiring, and they are always happy to help students.
I am excited to have been given the opportunity to do a summer project investigating stellar discs after the lecturer I approached enthusiastically agreed to let me do an internship with her.
The degree is well structured and gives a broad overview of physics, allowing students to specialise more in the later years in areas such as biophysics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics.
studying MPhys Physics with Astrophysics
I chose physics because I love the subject and everyone I met when I visited Exeter were really enthusiastic, it felt like the right place for me.
After I graduate I’m going to do Teachfirst, I’ll be teaching GCSE Science (and maybe Physics A-Level) at a school in Kent and I’m really excited! The campus is really pretty and I love being within walking distance of everything, you can walk into the town centre and you’re also really close to the beach. My advice for future students would be to make the most of being in Devon; join societies, get to the beach and walk on Dartmoor. This part of the country is beautiful and this is the perfect time to enjoy it.
Studying BSc Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Exeter