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Undergraduate Study

University level study

Ways of learning


A presentation or talk on a particular topic, delivered by one or more members of staff. Lectures can be interactive, and you should expect them to form a basis for further reading, questioning and thought.

What to bring: Laptop or pen and paper to take notes, any required preparation work.


A classroom session focused on a particular topic or project. A typical seminar involves guided, tutor-led discussion in a smaller group than a lecture. Seminars can also be student-led.

What to bring: Any required preparation or research, copies of any required reading, laptop or pen and paper.


A one-to-one or small group meeting that involves supervision, feedback or detailed discussion on a topic, project or piece of assessed work. Tutorials place stronger emphasis than seminars on the role of the tutor in giving direction or feedback.

What to bring: Required preparation work such as essay drafts or notes.


A virtual lecture or online seminar.


A meeting with a supervisor to plan, discuss and monitor progress on piece of work such as a dissertation or extended project.


A session in which a practical technique or skill is demonstrated. Examples include laboratory skills, clinical skills, performance art or fieldwork techniques.

Practical class or workshop

A session involving the acquisition, through practical application, of a particular skill or technique. Examples include a laboratory class, artefact handling, language conversation or sports match.

Supervised time in studio or workshop

Time in which students work independently but under supervision, in a specialist facility such as a studio, rehearsal space or workshop. It could be timetabled or take place on an ad hoc basis.


Practical work conducted at an external site. Examples include survey work, data collection, excavations and explorations.

What to bring: Waterproof clothing, suitable durable footwear, any protective equipment you are asked to bring.

External visit

A visit to a location away from the usual learning spaces, to experience a particular environment, event, or exhibition relevant to the course of study.

Work-based and placement learning

Learning that takes place in the workplace, such as a managed placement in an organisation or business.