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Research and Innovation Committee

The newly formed Research and Innovation Committee will monitor, scrutinise and have oversight of the University's Research, Business Engagement and Innovation activities and assurance to Council on institutional progress against key elements of Strategy, including: research income growth, research power and REF.

Meeting Dates 2024/25

  • 28 November 2024
  • 11 April 2025

Membership 2024/25

Professor Malcolm Skingle, Independent Council Member (chair)
Damaris Anderson-Supple, Independent Council Member
Karime Hassan, Independent Council Member

In Attendance
Professor Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova, Vice-President and Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Impact)
Stuart Brocklehurst, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Business Engagement and Innovation)

Additional attendees may be invited to attend for specific agenda items by exception at the request of UEB leads and in prior consultation and agreement with the Chair.

Secretary: Dr Jeremy Diaper, Assistant Director, Governance