How the University is governed

The governance framework of the University is set out in the Royal Charter which was granted in 1955, and from which the University derives the power and authority to carry out its activities, including the powers of Council as the governing body and Senate as the senior academic forum, together with the senior roles, such as the Chair of Council and the Vice-Chancellor.

Our Statutes and Ordinances are the fundamental rules and principles which govern how the University is to undertake its business. Detailed Regulations cover the operation of teaching, examinations and other matters relating to students.

Also in this section

  • Our Chancellor - the ceremonial head of the University
  • Council - the University’s supreme governing authority 
  • Senate - the senior forum for academic colleagues to shape academic strategy, as well as scrutinise plans and raise issues of major strategic importance 
  • University governance documents - our internal guidance as well as that of external bodies.