Tim Weller

Tim Weller 465

Appointed Independent Member in August 2023

Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

Tim has over 20 years experience as Chief Financial Officer across a range of complex businesses and industries.

An accountant by training and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accounts in England and Wales, Tim joined KPMG in 1985 and became a partner in 1997 before joining Granada as Director of Financial Control. He subsequently went on to hold Chief Financial Officer positions in multiple listed PLC settings, including: Capita (2021-2023), G4S (2016-2021), Petrofac (2011-2016), Cable & Wireless Worldwide (2010-2011), United Utilities Group (2006 – 2010) and RWE Thames Water (2004 – 2006).

In addition to his extensive financial management experience, Tim also has gained significant experience of the energy and utilities sector, including as Group Finance Director (2002-2004) of Npower (formerly Innogy Holdings PLC) and Non-Executive Director and Deputy Chair of The Carbon Trust since 2007. He has also served on and chaired a number of Audit Committees in large and complex organisations, including G4S and BBC Worldwide.

An alumnus of the University (BSc Hons, Engineering Science, 1981-1984), Tim has a longstanding familiar connection with Exeter which is the alma mater of his mother, father, sister and daughter.


Register of Members' Interests  2024/25

Organisation in which interest exisits Nature of Interest (directorship, shareholding, membership etc.)
Capita PLC Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director