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Professional Services Representative on Council 2024

PS Rep on Council Election 2024

PS Rep on Council Election 2024

The nominations window is now closed for the election to find a member of Professional Services Staff to join the University’s Council and the voting window is now open until 9th July 2024. 

Council is the University’s governing body, which has overall responsibility for institutional strategy, financial, estates and legal matters. Council formally meets six times a year and holds one strategy planning day each year. Council activity is also supported by various Committees and the Dual Assurance structure, which focus on particular areas of the University’s activity.  

The members of Council include senior managers of the University and independent members who are able to contribute their experience working in industry, other parts of the public sector and the voluntary sector to the governance of the University. Council also includes three members of academic staff nominated by Senate, representatives from the Students Guild and Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union and a member of Professional Services Staff. 

More information about Council and the current membership of Council can all be found on our Council page.

Your Professional Services Representative on Council Candidates are:

Sam Bailey

I am delighted to introduce myself as a candidate for Professional Services Representative on the University Council. With over 12 years as a Technical Operations Manager here, I have built strong relationships across various departments and services, giving me a deep understanding of our university's unique challenges and opportunities.

As your representative, my primary goal is to ensure your voices are heard and your contributions are recognised. Here’s my commitment to you:

  • I will actively listen to your feedback and address your concerns from working conditions to career development.
  • I will ensure clear, open communication about decisions that impact you and provide regular updates on Council discussions.
  • I will push for more training programs, workshops, and resources to help you achieve your professional goals.
  • I will advocate for innovative solutions to improve our work processes and efficiency.
  • I will work to ensure our university is a welcoming place for everyone, celebrating diversity and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • I will champion initiatives promoting a healthy work-life balance and supporting mental health.

Together, we can make our university a place where professional services staff are integral, valued, and celebrated. Thank you for your support.

Peter Clack

Our Place in the world is one of the Key Pillars of Strategy 2030 – and the need to realise benefits for the University from that global engagement has never been more urgent whilst a cursory glance at the news will reveal a range of clear geopolitical challenges. Global research and education opportunities directly underpin the financial wellbeing of the institution, and they also bring vital cultural diversity to our campuses to the benefit of both home and international students and staff.

I have spent a significant part of my career living and working overseas in cities as diverse as Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.  Leading and mentoring large regionally dispersed teams I have focused both on building mutually beneficial relationships in international higher Education but also on the furthering of intercultural dialogue.  At Exeter, I have built on that experience, focussing on creating opportunities and benefits built on strong global partnerships.

With Exeter’s ambitions to significantly develop its global presence over the next few years, Council will need to interpret and correctly evaluate complex balances of risk and opportunity.  I believe that I have the knowledge, experience and expertise to inform Council’s vision of how we can fully realise the greatest benefits from finding our proper place on the global stage.

Elaine Cordy

Why choose Elaine?

Having worked at the University for 20 years I have extensive experience of Education areas, but also Research, IT, Estates, Faculty Operations, Academic Policy and HR functions. I am a graduate of Exeter having completed by MBA Degree Apprenticeship in 2022. I also have extensive experience of leading large scale transformational business change initiatives at the University and ensuring PS stakeholder engagement and feedback at the most strategic level.

With my knowledge of many different areas of PS, my extensive network of PS colleagues at the University and my engagement with wider HEI developments within the sector, I feel confident that I would be able to represent your voice at Council on some of the most strategically important future decision making for the institution.

If elected I would:

  • Ensure that I am representing you at Council on what matters the most to the PS community, through regular staff engagement with teams with an emphasis on staff wellbeing.
  • Encourage and facilitate communication initiatives between PS teams and the University Council.

Ensure that University strategic policy decision makers are aware of the impact on the needs of our PS teams and how this affects our academics, students and external stakeholders.

Karolina Galera

I would like to be a Professional Services Representative on Council, as I believe I can bring a unique perspective shaped by my diverse background. I was born and raised in Poland and lived in Scotland for 16 years. This background allows me to appreciate the nuances of different cultures.  

Having worked at both the University of Edinburgh and the University of Exeter, I have held various roles related to quality, accreditations, partnership, and strategic planning. This experience has given me insights into the importance of quality education and collaborative cross-organisational work.  I also believe in providing constructive challenges to decision-making processes and will promote the voice of common sense, embrace different viewpoints, and foster transparency.

Currently, I serve as a school governor, which provides valuable insight into educational governance. Excellent governance requires clear leadership, accountability, effective resource management, and transparency. These are the areas that I will focus on when elected.

As an international citizen, I value cultural diversity and offer a broader perspective on the daily challenges we face. I am committed to representing not only my own viewpoint but also the collective interests of colleagues.  Feel free to reach out to me, and I will be open to receiving feedback on any matter that concerns you.

I moved from Edinburgh to Exeter three years ago and absolutely love Devon. I enjoy spending time outdoors with my two children and husband. Additionally, I have two Russian Blue cats who make Teams meetings more interesting!

Poppy Harrison

If you’re reading this, thanks! I hope you weren’t misdirected by Google when you typed in ‘election’.

Why vote for me?

The university provided my first ‘job’, aged four. Since participating in a study about childhood impulse control then (obviously, they have none!), I’ve remained involved: as a citizen, a research consumer, an employer of students, and even as a provider of event catering. Now, I support academics in all faculties across the university’s Research Networks in Exeter and Penryn.

I am an advocate and I deliver change: I’ve successfully led organisational restructures, shaped government policy to improve outcomes for children, served as a trustee for a Devon charity, run my own business and represented others as a board director for InExeter. My diverse experiences are all underpinned by a nerd-like interest in how things, people and organisations work.

How I will represent you

I want decisions and strategies made at Council to be informed by our operations and expertise. I’m keen to learn, to meet and hear about your views and experiences too… I hope you’ll give me your vote and know that as your representative on Council I’d listen, and speak up, with a spirit of collaboration, aspiration and compassion. 

Jess Hurrell

I started in Research and Enterprise Services in 2006, I always say I have grown up here!   I have done many roles within RES/RKT/IIB and now Exeter Innovation; working with SME’s, policymakers, academics, funders and managing relationships like IBM, DSTL and Devon and Cornwall Police. I now manage a fantastic team in EI who face onto HASS and Secure Communities. My current role means I am part of the faculty PS leadership team. 

I have always tried to give back to Exeter and the wider community.  I am a Mental Health First Aider and Investigating Officer for the University.  I have also been trustee of many charities, my most recent CoLab which I stepped down from after the pandemic.  I am passionate about the South West, although I am also a Freeman of the City of London and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers.

I did an accounting degree at Cardiff so I can read a set of accounts and love how business operates and I have a huge amount of institutional knowledge from 18 years of trial and error which I think makes it time to throw my hat in the ring for a seat on Council.

Jess Johnson

Since joining the Exeter professional services community in 2021, I have had the opportunity to serve in two roles that have enriched my understanding of our institution’s operations and strategic ambitions. As the Business Manager to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience, I supported the delivery of education and student experience strategy and executive governance. Currently, on secondment as Head of Learning Piloting and Scaling, I manage institutional change projects, including Student Academic Support and Curriculum for Change. These roles have allowed me to collaborate extensively with the full breadth of professional services teams across the institution, giving me invaluable insight into the potential impacts of university-level decisions on our community.

As the Professional Services representative on Council, I will be open and available to hear from professional services colleagues, use my experience to advocate for the crucial role of professional services and advise on the likely impacts of decisions on the community, ensuring the voices of all university members are heard and considered. As an Exeter alumnus, it would truly be a privilege to support the ongoing success of the University by serving as the Professional Services representative on Council. Thank you for considering my manifesto.

Karen Kenny

I have worked in the University for 16 years. My main interest is in supporting under-represented students in their education. I am a foster carer, with a PhD in the Educational Experiences of Children in Care. I am the Education Development lead for Professional Services, delivering bespoke workshops to colleagues, face to face and online. As a certified Lego Serious Play facilitator I can augment these sessions with gamified content, helping to make the content more engaging.

My role currently involves supporting tutors across our campuses, by developing resources, and delivering workshops.

I am the chair of UKAT (UK Advising and Tutoring) Curriculum Management Group, and sit on their Professional Development Committee. This allows me to ensure that the support our students receive is informed by the most up to date practice in the sector.

I have a keen interest in technology, and enjoy helping colleagues, internal and external to engage in a positive way with Artificial Intelligence.

My current Education Incubator project is exploring Inspirational Learning Spaces, with a view to informing university policy.  

If elected I champion support for underrepresented students,  pedagogic practice, and interest in both technology and research-informed practice for professional services teams to the role. 

Sophie O'Callaghan

I am from Exeter and have worked for the University in various roles on and off since 2010. I would be very grateful for the opportunity to listen to and represent my fellow PS colleagues.

I’ve always worked in roles (including my current role in Exeter Innovation) that cut across the different PS teams and faculties, so I have experience of the roles and challenges of many different staff. Additionally, I am used to dealing with senior figures from all walks of life, so you can be assured that I will be confident in speaking up for PS and offering constructive challenge.

I have an MSc in Sustainability and Environmental Management and bring experience working both inside and outside of the University to help a diverse range of organisations to improve their environmental and social sustainability. My different roles at various companies have also given me an outside perspective and that helps me to see things in the round.

Finally, my team say I am ‘generally sensible’ and ‘switched on’ and that I’d be ideally suited to represent PS staff on Council.  Plus I’m a good listener, driven to help people and very diligent. 

Julia Paci

I would be honoured to be elected as the Professional Services Representative to Council. With over sixteen years’ experience of working at the University of Exeter across PS divisions, academic departments, different campuses and with external stakeholders, I possess a comprehensive understanding of Professional Services and have an appreciation of how issues affect areas of services differently.

As the potential Professional Services Representative to Council, I aspire to advocate for colleagues' concerns and uphold a "Greener, Fairer, and Healthier" ethos.

  • Looking creatively at our sustainability goals and how we can do better to reduce carbon emissions whilst also creating a pleasant and workable on-campus office experience.
  • Working with Council ensuring fair treatment and workload solutions for staff.
  • Encouraging Council to take further positive steps to enhance opportunities for staff to meet, increase activity and promote a sense of community.

If elected, I will endeavour to listen to the views of professional services colleagues and to champion the professional services voice. My previous involvement in governance groups has equipped me to navigate decision and policy-making forums resulting in progressive institutional impact.  My goal is to work innovatively to achieve positive outcomes for all.

Ben Samuels

I am Ben, a dedicated member of the events team within FICS, and I am excited to announce my candidacy for Professional Services Council Representative. With a deep commitment to our community and a passion for enhancing our work environment, I am focused on three key priorities:

  1. Equal Reward and Recognition: Every colleague deserves to feel valued and appreciated. I will advocate for transparent and fair recognition to celebrate the contributions of all staff members, regardless of their role or department. By establishing consistent reward systems, we can ensure that hard work and dedication are acknowledged and celebrated equally across the board.
  2. Streamlined Navigation of Services: Navigating the wide array of services within our professional environment should be intuitive and straightforward. I will work towards creating a user-friendly platform that consolidates all services into one accessible hub. This will save time, reduce frustration, and enhance efficiency, allowing us to focus on what we do best—providing exceptional service.
  3. Promotion of Wellbeing Services: The wellbeing of our colleagues is paramount. I will encourage both individuals and managers to engage with and promote the university’s wellbeing services. By increasing awareness and utilization of these resources, we can foster a supportive and healthy workplace culture where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Together, we can build a more inclusive, efficient, and supportive professional community. Vote for me for a representative who truly understands and champions your needs.

Thank you for your support.

Dawn Scott

I have been privileged to work at the University for 17 years as a member of professional services. Prior to this I was also a post-graduate student and researcher at the University. The University has provided me with an amazing environment in which to thrive and develop my career, and what I have valued most is the rich variety of staff, students, and partners I have had the pleasure of working with, as well as the opportunity to make a difference.

So, why does this make me a good candidate?

I have seen a lot of change, and I would love to be able to use my lived experience at the University to help inform good decisions and interventions to support University strategy going forwards at the highest level, especially at a time when the sector is facing significant challenges.

I am especially passionate about recognising the value of PS staff and acknowledging everyone's contributions to the University's success equally. If appointed I am committed to engaging with colleagues across all our campuses to make sure the PS voice is heard. I believe I would be an excellent PS advocate and would relish the opportunity to be your representative.

Nate Turner

Nate: Your Voice, Your Advocate

As a candidate for the council, I bring a wealth of experience and a commitment to positive change. Here’s why you should choose me:

Passionate about Realising Benefits: I am dedicated to turning ideas into action and can help the council implement practical solutions. I played an integral role in developing the Strategy 2030 Delivery Plan and remain committed to its successful execution.

Wellbeing and People: Your wellbeing matters. I will champion initiatives that promote healthy wellbeing, ensuring a thriving community for all. Leading the Research Division Wellbeing Group, I collaborate closely with colleagues in WICC and HR to create a safe, healthy, and thriving workplace.

Integrity and Wisdom: My values are rooted in integrity and wisdom. Drawing from my experience working with the Provost, DVC for Strategy, and UEB members, I prioritise data-driven decision-making and staff well-being.

University Expertise: With a long career spanning multiple divisions at the university, I have strong networks across PS and faculties. I’ll leverage these connections to drive positive change and amplify our collective voice.

If elected, I promise to:

  • Be your voice on the council, advocating for our community’s needs.
  • Keep an open door for anyone in PS who wants to raise concerns or learn about council activities.
  • Help prioritise and deliver initiatives that enhance the quality of work life.

The election will take place by the Single Transferrable Vote (STV) method. An explanation of this particular method of voting can be seen in the video below. 

Single Transferrable Vote (STV)