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Elections to senior governing bodies




In the last term of the 2023-24 academic year there will be a number of elections to find new members of Senate and Council, which perform particular functions in the University’s governance.


Senate is the senior representative academic forum of the University and involved in shaping academic and research strategy and providing assurance to Council on matters of academic governance.

“Being a member of Senate is a fantastic opportunity to be directly involved in the academic governance of the University and to be a part of discussions and decisions that have a real impact on the University. Recently, Senate has had critical input into proposals for the Future Structures Programme and been actively engaged and consulted on the implementation of key University strategies and policy, including the academic mitigation policies employed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, such as the No Detriment Policy. Senate also continues to have a pivotal role in providing assurance on the academic quality and standards across the University and key elements of the Education and Research strategies. Becoming a member of Senate also provides further opportunities to be involved in wider governance across the University, including as members of Education Board, Postgraduate Research Board and on Council as representatives of Senate."

- Professor Lisa Roberts, President and Vice-Chancellor and Chair of Senate


Council is the governing body of the University and has ultimate oversight and responsibility for all of the University’s activities, including its future strategy and financial, estates, legal and regulatory matters.

"What is it like to be on Council?

Having had two terms on Council, formerly as a student representative, and now as PS representative, I’ve seen first-hand what a unique experience it can be. 

Council is a great opportunity to contribute to and gain insight about how the University makes decisions and projects future plans. It is also an incredible learning opportunity as you are surrounded by Councillors with diverse sets of experiences, a real sense of purpose and they are of the brightest minds in the country. Further being on council also offers an opportunity to provide constructive challenge, and input the experiences of your fellow PS colleagues. There’s loads to learn and contribute too so if that sounds like you, give it a go!

- Shades Chaudhary, Assistant Director (Culture and Inclusion), outgoing Professional Services Representative on Council

The University encourages nominations from groups currently underrepresented within our senior leadership and other leadership roles.  We are committed to creating an inclusive culture where all members of our community are supported to thrive; where diverse voices are heard through our engagement with evidence-based charter frameworks for gender (Athena SWAN and Project Juno for Physics), race equality (Race Equality Charter Mark), LGBTQ+ inclusion (Stonewall Diversity Champion) and as a Disability Confident employer.


The University of Exeter Procedural Guidelines for Elections will give you further information but if you have any questions, please contact the University Committee Secretariat team.


Details for each election can be found under each heading below.

29 April Nominations window opens for Elected Members of Senate
17 May Nominations window closes for Elected Members of Senate
20 May Announcement of candidates to Faculties via email
22 May Voting window opens for Elected Members of Senate
7 June Voting window closes for Elected Members of Senate
11 June Announcement of successful candidates to Senate and Faculties
17 June Announcement of successful candidates in Weekly Bulletin

We seek four representatives from each Faculty for a term of four years, starting on 1st August 2024.

Senate Elections - Nomination Form

13 May Nominations window opens for Professional Services Representative on Council Election
7 June Nominations window closes for Professional Services Representative on Council Election
12 June Announcement of candidates via email and through webpage
21 June  Voting window opens for Professional Services Representative on Council Election
9 July Voting window closes for Professional Services Representative on Council
11 July Announcement of successful candidate to Council at Council meeting
15 July Announcement of successful candidate in Weekly Bulletin

We seek one Professional Services Representative for a term of three years, starting on 1st August 2024.

13 June Nominations window opens for Senate Representative on Council Election
25 June Nominations window closes for Senate Representative on Council Election
28 June Announcement of candidates via email and dedicated webpage
1 July Voting window opens for Senate Representative on Council Election
10 July Voting window closes for Senate Representative on Council Election
11 July Announcement of successful candidate at Council meeting

We seek one Senate Representative on Council for a term of three years, starting on 1st August 2024.

Information about each candidate and their manifesto can be found on the dedicated election webpages below once the election opens.


Elected Members of Senate - Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy


Elected Members of Senate - Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


Elected Members of Senate - Faculty of Health and Life Sciences


Professional Services Member of Council

Outgoing member - Shades Chaudhary


Senate Representative on Council

Outgoing member - Professor Barrie Cooper