Committees of the University Executive Board
There are seven committees of the University Executive Board. UEB committees meet at least twice a term. They report to UEB at least once a term via verbal reporting or written reports.
1. Strategy, Investment and Planning Committee - manages resources to achieve the aims of our strategy
2. Business Engagement and Innovation Committee - advises on business engagement, innovation, commercialisation activity, regional engagement (including the wider civic agenda) and skills.
3. Research and Impact Executive Committee - supports the research, impact and innovation agendas, including postgraduate research.
4. Education Executive Committee - decision-making relating to the delivery of the Education Strategy (and the vision for education and student experience within the University’s new 2030 Strategy), and education provision.
5. Global Engagement Committee - oversees the University’s global activities and delivery of the Global Strategy
6. Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee - seeks to embed inclusion and wellbeing throughout the University
7. Compliance Committee - responsible for development and approval of compliance and related policies and procedures, and for compliance project prioritisation and delivery
Overall purpose
The Strategic Investment Committee (SIC) is responsible for the alignment of the University institutional strategy and the associated programmes of work with the deployment and management of its resources.
This includes:
- Investment and budgetary decisions
- Performance monitoring
- Development of the five-year plan for submission to Council
- To receive prioritised institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects from other UEB Committees. This might include physical or digital infrastructure projects or complex projects involving multiple departments and directorates.
SIC has the following sub-groups to scrutinise operational matters and manage delegated budgets
where appropriate:
- Capital Management Group (to be chaired by the Registrar and Secretary)
- Digital Strategy Transformation Group (to be chaired by Registrar and Secretary)
- IT Strategy Group (to be chaired by the Registrar and Secretary)
- Enabling 2030 subgroup (to be co-chaired by Registrar and Secretary and Provost)
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Provost
Overall purpose
The Business Engagement and Innovation Committee (BEIC) supports and advises the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Business Engagement and Innovation on matters relating to the management and strategic direction of the University in relation to business engagement, innovation, commercialisation activity, regional engagement (including the wider civic agenda) and skills.
This includes:
- Developing and delivering the relevant Business Engagement and Innovation strategies and the relevant elements of the University’s 2030 Strategy.
- Overseeing, developing and managing proactively business engagement, regional engagement and innovation strategies and policies; and to advise, influence and assimilate associated strategies that have a bearing on business engagement, regional engagement and innovation activity.
- Developing and monitoring implementation plans and providing leadership with all associated activities.
- To oversee, receive and discuss reports and recommendations regarding College level business engagement, collaborative research and commercial activity, innovation and regional engagement strategies and policies.
- To provide leadership in influencing regional, national and international business, innovation and sectoral policy development, and national and regional policy on economic development and skills.
- To review and prioritise the portfolio of institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects relating to business engagement and innovation.
- Shaping strategy and policy to support researcher communities and entrepreneurship.
- Shaping strategy and policy to ensure effective and ambitious business engagement, innovation and regional engagement operations.
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Business Engagement and Innovation)
Overall purpose
The Research and Impact Committee (RIEC) supports and advises the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Impact on matters relating to the management and strategic direction of the University in relation to research, impact and innovation, including postgraduate research.
This includes:
Developing and delivering research and impact strategy and policyProviding oversight and leadership of the University’s research culture strategy and policies to support researcher communities (this captures ethics and integrity etc.,)Shaping strategy and policy to support research activity and income generation.Shaping strategy and policy to ensure effective and ambitious research, innovation and impact operations.Ensuring effective research governance and performance monitoring and managementPrioritise and oversee research-focused institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects.Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Impact
Meeting Dates:
Wednesday 25 September 2024
Tuesday 25 February 2025
Tuesday 20 May 2025
Terms of Reference can be found here- RIEC Terms of Reference
Overall purpose
The Education and Stuent Experience Executive Committee (EdSEEC) is responsible for executive management and decision-making relating to the delivery of the Education Strategy (and the vision for education and student experience within the University’s new 2030 Strategy), and education provision. Responsibility for academic governance, including overseeing the quality and standards of education provision, and approving formal education policy lies with the Board of the Faculty of Taught Programmes (on behalf of and reporting to Senate).
This includes:
- Accountable to UEB for the ongoing management of all matters relating to the delivery of education and student academic experience.
- Accountable for and the management of an institutional approach to the continuous improvement of teaching, learning and the student academic experience.
- Responsibility for effective engagement with students and ensure that the student voice is appropriately integrated into decision making and policy development.
- Promoting the advancement of Success for All Our Students, inclusion and sustainability through education, pedagogy and curriculum; and ensuring a continued focus on supporting students to enhance their employability.
- Providing a forum the sharing of best practice in relation to Education across Colleges and Professional services.
- Responsibility for education project prioritisation and delivery.
- To review and prioritise the portfolio of institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects relating to education and impact matters. This might include physical or digital infrastructure projects or complex projects involving multiple departments and directorates.
The following groups will report to EdSEEC:
I. Success for All Strategy Group
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Education)
Meeting dates:
- 8th October 2024
- 12th November 2024
- 29th January 2025
- 11th March 2025 (Penryn)
- 7th May 2025*
- 11th June 2025*
*one of these meetings may not go ahead and this is to be confirmed.
Contact: Mark Plummer
Overall purpose
The Global Engagement Committee (GEC) will oversee the University’s global activities and delivery of the Global Strategy.
This includes:
- To oversee progress in delivering the Global Strategy and to address associated opportunities, challenges and risks, ensuring alignment of regional and country activities to deliver the aims of the Global Strategy.
- To ensure a coordinated approach to global activities across Colleges and Professional Services, including delivery of College Global Plans
- To oversee global partnership development.
- To oversee international initiatives contributing to development and implementation of the University’s Global Advancement agenda, including contributions and support from overseas alumni.
- To oversee work aimed at maintaining and enhancing the University’s global reputation and rankings positions.
- To review and agree the University’s strategy for student mobility.
- To review and prioritise the portfolio of institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects relating to global engagement. This might include physical or digital infrastructure projects or complex projects involving multiple departments and directorates.
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Deputy Vice Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Meeting dates:
- 12 November 2024
- 29 January 2025
- 7 May 2025
Contact: Dr Helen Butler
Overall purpose
The Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture Committee (WIC) focuses on culture and culture change and, in doing so, seeks to embed inclusion and wellbeing throughout the University.
This includes:
- Setting the University’s culture, inclusion and wellbeing priorities.
- Empower, through the principle of strong delegation, its EDI, Wellbeing and Future Working groups to progress its culture and culture change work.
- To receive regular reports from the Provost Commission for Wellbeing, Inclusion and Culture.
- To review and prioritise the portfolio of institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects relating to wellbeing, inclusion and culture matters. This might include physical or digital infrastructure projects or complex projects involving multiple departments and directorates.
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Provost
Overall purpose
The Compliance Committee has oversight responsibility for the University’s key compliance functions, and for the oversight and development of the University Compliance Framework. It has responsibility for the development and approval of compliance and related policies and procedures, and for compliance project prioritisation and delivery.
Key compliance functions include:
- Legal and Regulation (including the Office for Students regulatory framework).
- Health and Safety.
- Information Governance and Security.
- Internal Audit.
- Business Continuity and Emergency Planning.
- Insurance.
- Relevant financial compliance (e.g. procurement, fraud, bribery).
- The University Ethics Framework.
- Research governance and compliance (joint with Research and Impact Executive Committee).
- Institutional governance (Estates and technical compliance matters, Risk management, and statutory returns).
- To review and prioritise the portfolio of institutional strategic and complex infrastructural projects relating to compliance matters. This might include physical or digital infrastructure projects or complex projects involving multiple departments and directorates.
The following committees will report to the Compliance Committee:
i. The Health and Safety Consultative Committee
ii. The Information Steering Committee
iii. The Ethics Committee (jointly reporting to Research and Impact Executive Committee)
Membership and nominated representatives
Chair: Registrar and Secretary