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Codes and Policies

Find out more about University of Exeter's work on promoting research integrity in our current Annual Research Integity Statement

Annual RI Statement 2022 23

Please see below previous Annual Research Integrity Statements

Annual RI Statement 2021 22

Annual RI Statement 2020_21

Annual RI statement 2019_20

Annual RI Statement 2018_19

Annual RI Statement 2017_18

Our Ethics Policy (pdf) sets out the institution’s intention to promote the highest standards of scientific, scholarly and professional integrity.

The Procedure for investigating allegations of misconduct in research (The Procedure) outlines the process to be followed when allegations of misconduct in research are raised in relation to researchers and research that has occurred under the auspices of the University. It recognises that the investigation of allegations of research misconduct can involve complex issues and seeks to discharge the University of Exeter’s responsibilities to uphold the highest standards of research integrity sensitively and fairly in accordance with the standards of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

We support researchers to work in accordance with the University’s Code of Good Practice in the Conduct of Research.  The Code sets out the expectations for all those conducting research on University premises or under the auspices of the University of Exeter.

The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) is an independent charity, offering advice and support to the public, individual researchers and research organisations. They can be contacted in confidence via their website

The Russell Group has published a statement of cooperation in cross-institutional research misconduct allegations.

The University of Exeter seeks to promote the highest standards of scientific, scholarly and professional integrity and to give due consideration to the ethical, social and environmental issues arising from its activities. We support researchers to work within the Code of Good Practice in Research.

The University recognises the ethical imperative to publish results and also that poor allocation of resources or sub-optimal regulatory and public health recommendations may occur when decisions are based on only a subset of completed clinical trials.

The University of Exeter Clinical Trials Transparency Policy applies to all researchers affiliated with the University of Exeter who are conducting clinical trials.

UoE Research_Generic Privacy Notice  is to tell you how the University will process personal data gathered by researchers and processed for the purposes of carrying out research in the public interest.

The University is committed to maintaining the highest standards and conducts its business in accordance with best practice in Higher Education corporate governance, and with the seven principles identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership). Everyone associated with the University should conduct themselves with integrity, impartiality and honesty at all times and should maintain high standards of propriety and professionalism. They should avoid situations where they, or the University, could be open to suspicion of dishonesty, and not put themselves in a position of conflict between their various activities.

The Conflict of Interest Policy explains what the University views as a Conflict of Interest and the procedure to follow where the possibility of a Conflict of Interest arising exists.

The University of Exeter Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) Policy exists to ensure that research is free from bias resulting from investigator’s commercial conflicts of interest. This FCOI policy aims to ensure research integrity by establishing standards to promote objectivity and provide a reasonable expectation that the design, conduct, and reporting of research funded by the NIH is not jeopardised by a FCOI.

The University seeks to promote the highest standards of scholarly and professional integrity and to give due consideration to the ethical, social and environmental issues arising from its activities. The University must maintain public trust in its activities and protect the institution and its staff from reputational damage and legal action.

We need to manage funding and contractual and commercial relationships in a transparent, and open manner, with appropriate due diligence informing ongoing decisions about whether to accept funding or pursue relationships.

Due Diligence  is intended to assist with the development and acceptance of funding for research projects, studentships or consultancy, corporate partnerships or relationships and education contracts but will also be relevant to other proposed contractual relationships. It sets out the due diligence considerations and processes that should inform decisions. It also provides a link to guidance and resources for due diligence checks and refers to the overlapping concerns of bribery, fraud and money laundering.

The policy is relevant to all staff in the University, but is particularly important for academic and professional services staff who are involved in seeking funding and in developing relationships and projects with external organisations or individuals.’

This document aims to define the University of Exeter’s expectations around ensuring appropriate and fair attributions are given to all contributors to research, regardless of their relative status or position. It also aims to provide examples as to what contributions to the work constitute authorship or acknowledgement in the publication of research outputs.

University Attribution Policy

The University of Exeter Policy on working with animals can be ‌found on our Animals in Research Page


Other related internal Policies are available on our REG & C sharepoint site