
The University is committed to achieving the highest standards in the protection and safeguarding of children, young persons (i.e. those aged under 18) and adults in a vulnerable situation and endeavours to provide a safe environment for staff, students and all those impacted by its activities.‌

Who we are

Designated Safeguarding Officer - Kate Lindsell


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer – Chrysten Cole


The work of the Designated Safeguarding Officer is supported by a network of Local Safeguarding Officers:

If you are unable to find a name linked to your department, please either contact the designated safeguarding officer / Deputy via or contact any of the LSO’s listed below.


Degree Apprenticeship

Dedicated inbox:

  • Paul Laver
  • Jim Boyne
  • Victoria Walton

Estate Patrol/Security

Cornwall campus link

David Dickinson

Students’ Guild

Report directly to Student Guild Safeguarding Officer

Student Accommodation

Sarah Snow
01392 725209 

Family Centre

Alison Davidson
01392 723595

Regulated courses - Fitness to Practise: as specified under Regulation E

Chrysten Cole


Abbie Sproats

Occupational Health / Staff Wellbeing

Toni Searl

Student Access, Recruitment and Admissions

Karl Devincenzi 


Please contact the Safeguarding Officer to discuss your concerns. It may be helpful for to complete a Referral Form and email it to: If there is an immediate risk of harm, please call 999.

Please contact the Safeguarding Officer or relevant Local Safeguarding Officer to discuss your concerns. It may be helpful for to complete a Referral Form and email it to the Safeguarding Officer or relevant Local Safeguarding Officer. Remember that you can seek support from Wellbeing Services. If there is an immediate risk of harm, please call 999.

Please contact the Safeguarding Officer or relevant Local Safeguarding Officer to discuss your concerns. It may be helpful for to complete a Referral Form and email it to the Safeguarding Officer or relevant Local Safeguarding Officer. Remember that you can seek support from the Employee Assistance Programme, Spectrum Life. If there is an immediate risk of harm, please call 999.

Please refer to the University of Exeter Prevent duty webpage for further information.

If there is an immediate risk of harm, please call 999.

Alternatively, please contact Estate Patrol on 01392 722222

If you are concerned that a child is at risk:

0808 800 5000

Can offer advice and support or take action on your behalf if a child is in danger.

If you are concerned that an adult is at risk:

Devon Safeguarding Adults Board – Care Direct 

0345 155 1007 (8.00am and 8.00pm Monday to Friday and from 9.00am to 1.00pm on Saturdays)
0845 6000 388 (outside the above hours and on Sundays and Bank Holidays, in emergencies only)

0800 1111