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Mitigating Impact & Manging Risk - How to Plan, Manage and Deliver Work on Campus

Working on Campus

Within the Directorate of Estates Services, our aim is to undertake all work and activity across our estate, in a manner that ensures students, staff, members of the public and contractors stay safe, while on our estate.

Our aim is for everyone to go home healthy, nothing is so urgent, or important, that we cannot take time to do it safely.

To help us achieve this, we are asking all contractors who work on the University of Exeter’s estates, to take a number of basic steps:

  • If you are working on a project, please ensure you have had the project induction and Site Managers have had a Site Managers Induction and follow the designated procedures and safe systems of work.
  • If you are carrying out planned or reactive maintenance work, you must:
    • Always ensure, that all members of your team, have received the relevant estates contractors’ site induction prior to starting work.
    • Always undertake and provide for review in advance, a risk assessment (and method statements where applicable) and ensure all members of your team, are properly briefed, prior to starting work.
    • Always sign in and out at the appropriate and approved site location.
    • Always obtain a permit prior to undertaking permitted activities.
    • All permits must be signed off and handed back, as specified by our permit system.
    • Always report any hazard, or near miss to our estates team, so they can take the appropriate action and assist in the prevention of accidents.
    • In the event of spills, the contractor is expected to deploy a suitable spills kit and response. For support, the Spills response plan is adopted by Estate Service in the event of spills and we would encourage our contractors to operate within similar guidelines.

A copy of our Mitigating Impact and Managing Risk- How to Plan, Manage & Deliver Work on Campus which explains in detail, how those who work on our site are to operate, can be downloaded or viewed here