Race Policies and Resources

The University will not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying and is committed to ensuring that colleagues and students are able to work and study without fear of harassment, bullying or victimisation. We recognise our duty of care to colleagues, students and visitors under health and safety, equality and employment legislation and have robust policies and procedures in place to deal with any form of discrimination that takes place.

Dignity and Respect Policy

The University undertakes to communicate this policy fully to ensure that staff and students understand their rights and responsibilities. The University will also monitor incidents of harassment and bullying and the effectiveness of this policy and procedures.

Staff and students have an important role to play in creating an environment where everyone is enabled to achieve their full potential and mutual respect is the norm where harassment is unacceptable.

Please click here to access the Dignity and Respect Policy


Below are a list of resources

The Diversifying Leadership programme is designed to support early-career academics and professional services staff from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds who are about to take their first steps into a leadership role. It explores themes of power and influence, demystifying leadership, cultural identity and cultural capital, increasing your visibility and authentic leadership and features leadership stories from high-profile HE leaders.

Who is this for? The Diversifying Leadership programme is designed to support early-career academics, professional services staff, Lecturers and Senior Lecturers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

Location: The course takes place over an orientation webinar, and four modules, over a number of months, in London.

Dates:  Dates for the 2020 sessions are:

This programme is run over 4 full days plus an orientation webinar.  The day usually starts with registration at approximately 8:45am and run till 16:30pm.  Please note that these times are subject to change.  There are pre-work set after each session, which would require some more time outside of the face-to-face days.  Participants must to attend all sessions. 

Cost: The costs, including course fees (£1,650), plus travel and expenses, must be funded entirely by the College/Service. 

Process:  Please complete your application form and forward to your line manager for their approval and supporting statement. Confirmed places will be funded by Colleges/Services, we therefore require approval from the relevant budget holder and confirmation of the cost code.


  • Oct 19 - University Wide Applications Open.
  • 28 Nov 19 - Applications deadline for University staff.
  • 14 Jan 20 - Diversifying Leadership cohort 10 Application deadline with Advance HE.
  • 19 Mar 20 - Diversifying Leadership cohort 11 Application deadline with Advance HE.

How to Apply

  1. Complete the University of Exeter Diversifying Leadership Nomination Form.
  2. The nomination form will be reviewed and you will be informed by People Development if your nomination will progress to the next stage.
  3. Successful applicants will be sent to programmes@advance-he.ac.uk for review.  However, given the limited numbers in cohorts Advance HE will make the final selection of delegates.
  4. Applicants will be informed of the outcome.


As part of the Diversifying Leadership programme, participants are asked to seek out a sponsor from within their institution who will support them throughout (and potentially beyond) the duration of the programme. The time commitment will be negotiated between the sponsor and the participant.

The Sponsor Toolkit is an additional resource for sponsors, consisting of web-based materials and interactive support. It has been made available to ensure sponsors have a better understanding of the specific issues facing BME early-career leaders and are confident to carry out their role in championing them. The toolkit is informed by relevant academic literature and best practice on sponsorship and the experience and development of aspiring BME leaders.

Wider stakeholder groups such as mentors, line managers, EDI professionals and senior leaders who play a complementary role in leadership development will also find the toolkit informative and are welcome and encouraged to access this resource as appropriate.

Supporting the programme

Once delegates have had their place confirmed by Advance HE, they will need to find a Mentor.  They should apply to either the One Step Beyond scheme (for academic staff) or the Professional Services mentoring scheme.  Sign up to the mentoring scheme here.

Find out more

Find out more about Diversifying Leadership on the Advance HE website.

The University of Leicester Centre for Hate Studies

A suite of free digital training modules which will equip you with evidence of ‘what works’ in challenging hate and extremism and in supporting those affected by it.


If you or someone close to you has been a victim of hate crime, Victim Support has free, confidential, support which is tailored to your needs. Victim Support is an independent charity that works towards a world where people affected by crime or traumatic events get the support they need and the respect they deserve. They help people feel safer and find the strength to move beyond crime.

Find out more: https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/

UBUNTU Counselling Services offers Multicultural Counselling, support and education. They are a unique not-for-profit Health and Wellbeing Social Care Social Enterprise based in Devon that works across the South West of England and further afield.

Find out more here: http://ubuntucounsellingservices.org.uk/

  1. The Politics department on our Penryn campus have undertaken a departmental review to understand scope and actions for decolonising curricula and practice within Politics. Please see the full reports from the review below: 

Scope of Review

Report of findings

Departmental response to the review and recommendations

The University has submitted a number of case studies to UUK's directory on how universities are responding to racism and racial harassment. The submissions from UoE are featured amongst contributions from a diverse range of institutions with regards to best-practice in moving toward race-equity. 


The directory will be shared within the UUK membership and sector networks interested in tackling racism and racial harassment. You can view the directory HERE.  

The College of Medicine and Health has produced guidelines for clinical placement providers to support students who wish to wear a hijab or head covering or head scarf.

Click here for the guidelines.

As an institution that is striving to be actively anti-racist, we must make it very clear once more that we stand against racism and bigotry in any form.  The UK has seen the number of attacks against East and Southeast Asian people rise during the pandemic and we want to ensure that our Asian community know that we stand with them in solidarity and support and that no incidents of racial harassment towards them, or any other members of the community, will be tolerated and will always be acted upon.

We take an active stand against this, as we do against all forms of racism and prejudice and we expect our entire community to uphold our values around equality, diversity and inclusion and strive to be part of the most compassionate institution possible.

We have been proactively working with our partners in the city and the Chinese Lantern Project who offer helpline service for the Chinese Community in Southwest England, offering confidential and non-judgemental support, including referral services or signposting to other partner organisations. Together we urge anyone who is a bystander to, or a victim of, racial harassment to report and seek support in confidence through our EDI team or our Speak Out Guardians. Further support for students is also available through the Students’ Guild Advice Unit and the Advice Service at the Students’ Union.