I like to work with individuals and teams and through a combination of coaching, facilitating and challenge draw out and enhance people’s natural abilities.

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David Marshall

David Marshall

Email: djmfhr@aol.com



Prior to becoming an independent consultant David enjoyed a long career in The Post Office where he held a number of senior Director roles including Finance Director for ParcelForce Worldwide (93-98) and Group HR Director (98-03). During this time David also held a number of non-executive directorships including the US arm of Royal Mail, an engineering subsidiary of Balfour Beatty and the Learning and Skills Development Agency. Alongside his current consultancy work David is Chairman of the Centre for Excellence in Leadership and an Independent member of the National Policing Improvement Agency.

Consulting Credentials

Consulting career:

On leaving The Post Office, David joined as a Director of AM Consulting, developing its Leadership and Organisational Development capability to complement its existing focus on financial consulting and performance management. A particular focus here is working with individual senior leaders and teams to enhance personal and business performance.

David became a Fellow at the CLS in 2004 where in addition to pursuing his interests in Leadership, Management development and OD he has joint lead of the Centre’s business Partners scheme which brings together a wide range of public and private sector organisations who have a particular interest in developing leadership and related topics. These include Honda, Sainsbury’s, The RAF, Barclays and ROK.

David also works with the Windsor Leadership Trust and is an associate with Kiddy and Partners, a personal assessment and development organisation operating across a wide range of sectors at Board and senior management level.

Main types of role/activities with clients:

David is an experienced individual and team performance coach and facilitator operating at Board and senior management level but with a keen interest too in working with, and developing, high potentials. He has considerable experience in recruiting to senior and board positions across all functions and in addition to his work in leadership management development and OD provides financial management advice to organisations in the public. private and third sectors. His experience as a non executive director, alongside his Exeter Business Partners responsibilities allows David to maintain a healthy connection with the issues businesses are facing today. His time is evenly spread between non executive work, performance coaching and designing and delivering experiential development programmes for senior teams.

David works across all sectors and with a wide range of clients. Recent assignments include:

  • Team development with over 40 Partners and Directors in one of the ‘Big 5’ accountancy firms
  • Research into leadership development within Finance for one of the major accountancy bodies.
  • Running an OD workshop for a European Postal organisation.
  • Individual Coaching as part of a senior leadership programme for a major Private Equity company.
  • Team development for a partnership of public sector organisations focussed on increasing sports participation amongst the general public.
  • A financial and business performance review for a regional public sector body.
  • A series of culture change workshops involving over 200 people within a national Further Education organisation.

Tools: Accredited to use Myers-Briggs step 1, Hogan Assessment system, Facet 5

Geographical spread of clients: National and International

Relevant Professional Training/Qualifications/Memberships                                                                                                                                               

  • Fellow of the Exeter Centre for Leadership at the University of Exeter
  • Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting (FCMA)
  • Trained Executive Coach (Oxford School)
  • BSc(Hons) Royal Holloway College, University of London
  • Member of the Institute of Directors

Personal Statement

‘My line experience in Operations,  Finance and HR, creating, leading and developing sizeable teams (of over 2000 at one time) have, alongside my board directorships given me a real opportunity to see what good leadership can mean to individuals and organisations – and the opposite. This led naturally to an interest in helping organisations equip themselves strategically, structurally and operationally and with the right resources to deliver value to their customers and other stakeholders. I like to work with individuals and teams and through a combination of coaching, facilitating and challenge draw out and enhance people’s natural abilities.’

Research Interests / Specialisms

  • Coaching
  • Facilitation and team development
  • Leading through organisational change