Links to online articles and programmes


Chester Chronicle Logo

25 April 2016

University of Chester awarded white ribbon status

The University of Chester has become the first university in the north west to gain White Ribbon Status. The institution is only the second university in the UK to win the White Ribbon Award, which recognises its commitment to support the aims of the White Ribbon campaign: Never to commit, condone, or remain silent about violence against women...

The Guardian logo

5 January 2016

At Soas, we will act to stop sexual violence on campus

We at Soas University of London want to be at the forefront of the drive to eliminate these crimes from our school, which is why we launched new guidance on preventing and responding to gender-based violence...

Times Higher Education logo

19 November 2015

We can’t run away from rape

A shocking film about the extent of sexual assault at US colleges has just toured UK universities. It is high time we took this problem seriously in Britain, says Nicole Westmarland, while US academic Jennifer Doyle warns that a paranoid overreaction poisons campus culture...

PHE Logo

21 September 2015

Relationships, consent and university

How can we promote a situation where students can work together to prevent sexual harassment, sexual coercion, rape and domestic abuse? ...

BBC Radio Woman's hour

29 May 2015 - 36:20 mins in

Students and Sexual Harassment

Jenni speaks to Dr Rachel Fenton, Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of the West of England and the creator of the Bystander Intervention Initiative...

Voice logo

March 2015

Taking a strong stand against sexual violence

When it comes to cases of sexual violence or abuse among students, UWE takes a very clear line: we won’t tolerate it and we will take tough action if we need to...

huffington post logo

4 March 2015

How to Empower Men and Women to Say No to Rape Culture

Layla met Will on a night out. He seemed nice and mentioned they had lots of friends in common...

Bristol Woman Logo

1 March 2015

The Intervention Initiative: changing the culture of a generation

Layla met Will on a night out. He seemed nice and mentioned they had lots of friends in common...

the telegraph logo

6 February 2015

Sexual assault at university: Politicians must take a stand. Urgently

Following The Telegraph’s articles revealing the scale of sexual assault at university, women’s groups and students are writing to Government to demand a satisfactory response and clear national guidelines for tackling incidents on campus...

Guardian Logo

2 February 2015

Universities are reluctant to tackle sexual violence for fear of PR fallout

We have heard a lot lately about how UK universities have a problem with sexual violence. Nicole Westmarland, writing in the Telegraph, cited a YouthSight poll which found that one in three female students had experienced sexual assault or unwanted advances, and described institutional inaction as a “national embarrassment”...

western eye logo

30 January 2015

Intervention Initiative pilots at UWE

UWE is piloting a new programme which attempts to raise awareness regarding the prevalence of sexual abuse on university campuses.....

healthy universities logo

January 2015 - p.10

Tackling Domestic Abuse in University Settings

In response to the growing research around domestic violence and sexual abuse in university and workplace settings, Public Health England (PHE) has launched a set of toolkits to empower bystander action and increase awareness....

EVAW logo

January 2015 - p.9

Spotted: Obligations to Protect Women Students’ Safety and Equality

Using the Public Sector Equality Duty & the Human Rights Act in Higher and Further Education Institutions to Improve Policies and Practices on Violence Against Women and Girls.

Safe studies network

3 December 2014

The Intervention Initiative at UWE

Public Health England has commissioned and partnered with UWE, Bristol, to produce an educational resource to be used by universities and colleges for the prevention of sexual coercion and domestic abuse in student populations....

Bristol Woman Logo

Autumn 2014 - p.18

A student’s perspective on witnessing gender based violence

When you are walking through the halls of university and you see promotions for wild nights out involving crowed clubs and discount alcohol, the thought does occur that this is not what university is about...

on medica logo

26 November 2014

DH calls on GPs to help end violence against women

General practitioners are ideally placed to support women facing domestic violence, according to the Department of Health, Public Health England and the Royal College of GPs...

PHE logo

25 November 2014

Domestic violence: What action are you taking?

The 25 November is the first day of ‘16 Days’ of action against domestic violence – an international campaign that runs each year from International Day Against Violence Against Women until International Human Rights Day on 10th December......

Mail Online Logo

14 November 2014

Would YOU intervene if you saw domestic abuse happening in public? Shocking secret experiment shows just how few of us would

A social experiment carried out in Sweden has shockingly revealed only two per cent of people would speak out if they were witness to violence between a couple....

Bristol Life logo

13 November 2014

UWE-led campaign tackles university sexual abuse

The University of the West of England (UWE) has been commissioned by Public Health England to encourage students around the country to challenge sexual abuse.....

NICE logo

7 November 2014

Bystander interventions: a new approach to reduce domestic violence in universities

At least 1.2 million women and 784,000 men in England and Wales are thought to suffer domestic violence and abuse each year....

PHE logo

6 November 2014

Evidence into practice: tackling domestic violence in universities and the workplace

Today (6 November 2014), Public Health England (PHE) is holding an Evidence into Practice event, bringing together evidence-based research and exploring the issue of domestic violence...

The Times logo

6 November 2014

Students get lessons on sexual consent

The growing number of sexual assaults and cases of harassment on university campuses are to be targeted by the public health watchdog with a programme that encourages students to intervene when they witness abuse (Rosemary Bennett writes)...  

Stowe logo

9 November 2014

Government launches two domestic violence initiatives

The government has announced the launch of two new initiatives to combat domestic violence and sexual harassment. Commissioned by a branch of the Department for Health called Public Health England, the first of these will be run by the University of the West of England (UWE)....

Guardian Logo

15 October 2014

Lad culture thrives in our neoliberal universities

Laddism is at home in the callous environment of market-driven higher education, argues, Alison Phipps, who offers advice to universities on how to root it out...