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Social Sciences

Ethno-Politics in a Globalised World

1 September 2007 - 31 August 2012

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Gareth Stansfield

Funding awarded: £ 739,351

Sponsor(s): The Leverhulme Trust

About the research

A five year project to consolidate research activities and build a Centre of excellence in the field of Ethno-Political Studies.

The Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies (EXCEPS) is an interdisciplinary research centre which brings together the expertise of political scientists, historians and geographers, among others. The focus is on the role of ethnic groups in political developments and the manner in which ethnicity is presented in political and social life.

The Centre seeks to expand the field of study of contemporary ethno-political concerns through the inclusion of the activities of related disciplines and to embrace an explicitly multidisciplinary approach. A key aim of the Centre is to bridge the gap between a diverse group of academics and an even more diverse grouping of practitioners.

Further information is available on the EXCEPS website.