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Social Sciences

Demonstration test catchment Project - LM0304 (Phase 2 - Extension)

1 October 2017 - 31 December 2017

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Michael Winter

Research partners:

Funding awarded: £ 9,154

Sponsor(s): DEFRA

About the research

Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) is a UK government-funded project designed to provide robust evidence regarding how diffuse pollution from agriculture can be cost-effectively controlled to improve and maintain water quality in rural river catchment areas.

The CRPR has been involved in DTC for nearly ten years, working in the Hampshire Avon Catchment. During the final phase of the project, now completed, we produced three Science, Policy & Practice notes covering:

1.            Cost-effective ‘basic’ on-farm measures to reduce water pollution

2.            Holistic monitoring needed to underpin effective pollution mitigation

3.            Assessing the impacts of pollutants on freshwater ecology

At the request of the Hampshire Avon Catchment Partnership we have also reproduced the contents of the notes in Power-Point slide decks. These may be used, with attribution, for purposes of knowledge exchange by stakeholders within the Avon and other DTC catchment partnerships.

DTC PPN1 (PowerPoint) and  Policy and Practice Note 1: Cost-effective 'basic' on-farm measures to reduce water pollution

DTC PPN 2 (PowerPoint) and Policy and Practice Note 2: Holistic monitoring needed to underpin effective pollution mitigation

DTC PPN 3 (PowerPoint) and Policy and Practice Note 3: Assessing the impacts of pollutants on freshwater ecology