Mapping Connections: China and Contemporary Development in the Middle East

30 June 2022 - 30 June 2024

PI/s in Exeter: Professor Adam Hanieh

Research partners: Arab Council for Social Sciences and InterAsia Partnership

Funding awarded: (total funding of US$ 600000)

Sponsor(s): Carnegie Corporation New York

Project webpage(s)

Mapping Connections: China and Contemporary Development in the Middle East

About the research

Mapping Connections: China and Contemporary Development in the Middle East is a three-year research project based at the University of Exeter’s Institute for Arab and Islamic Studies. Funded by Carnegie Corporation of New York and in collaboration with the Arab Council of Social Sciences (ACSS) and the InterAsia Partnership, the project supports and mentors Early Career scholars working on various aspects of the Middle East’s evolving relationship with China. In addition to creating new knowledge about China and the Middle East, the project seeks to strengthen academic collaboration between scholars working in (and on) the Middle East and China. The project is led by Professor Adam Hanieh and supported by an Advisory Board of prominent scholars.