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Leadership Academy

 Continuing professional development for leaders

Further development, CPD and qualifications

As an institution grounded in the importance of lifelong learning, we have curated opportunities for most levels of leadership experience.

The Leadership Academy


Information about the next Academy will be published in the new Academic Year 2024/25.

Further CPD Opportunities


You can gain formal qualifications through our leadership and managment apprenticeships:

Academic Engage series

The Engage forums provide a space for colleagues in particular roles to meet and share expertise and insights, focused on strategic topics and themes. Chaired by Senior University leaders they are also a chance to discuss concerns, visualise opportunities and raise awareness, feeding directly back to the University's Executive Board.

If you hold one of the relevant roles you will be automatically invited to the relevant forum.

Currently there are five Engage Forums:

DPVC Engage. Chaired by the Provost. Organised by the Provost's Office.

HoD Engage. Chaired by the Provost. Organised by the Provost's Office.

DoE Engage. Chaired by DVC (Education). Organised by Jess Johnson.

DoRI Forum. Chaired by DVC (Research and Impact). Organised by Sarah Warren.

DoGE Engage. Chaired by DVC (Global Engagement). Organised by Helen Butler.